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In this article we will take a look at one more aspect used by scientists to back up the Big Bang theory – Olber’s Paradox.  Once again we will show how the mainstream Big Bang expanding universe hypothesis does not stand up to scrutiny.



Olber’s Paradox & a Non-Expanding Universe

This information is from the Dynamic Steady State Universe (DSSU) model laid out by Conrad Ranzan that we have been discussing in Cosmic Core.  We will return to the DSSU in more detail in later articles.

Conrad Ranzan developer of the DSSU


We are specifically citing Ranzan’s paper, Olbers’ Paradox Resolved for the Infinite Nonexpanding Universe. American Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics.  Vol. 4, No. 1, 2016, pp. 1-14. doi: 10.11648/j.ajaa.20160401.11


Olber’s Paradox is synonymous with the Dark-night-sky Paradox.  That is, in an infinite universe, with an infinite number of stars, it all adds up to an infinite amount of light, yet the sky is dark.

The mainstream consensus of this paradox is that the expanding universe is currently still too young and there has not been enough time for the light from distant stars to reach us.  In other words, the lifetimes of stars are just too short.

In mainstream circles it is said there is a region outside our time zone – forever outside, forever invisible.  This is the region outside the event horizon of the universe.  An expanding universe must have an event horizon, and it must have something to expand into.

This is the way it is conventionally explained.


So, how can an Infinite, Non-Expanding, Perpetually Regenerating Universe predict a dark night sky?


The DSSU Consensus takes two factors into account:

  • Energy Loss by Velocity-Differential Redshift
  • Photon Capture Probability


The first Factor, Energy Loss by Velocity-Differential Redshift is explained as follows.

Light requires a conducting medium.  The Aether is a medium of discrete non-material entities that conducts light.  [We know that sound and heat and shock waves – in fact ALL waves need a propagating medium.  Mainstream science tells us that all waves need this medium, except light!  This is absolutely ridiculous.  Nature is constant in her laws.  All waves need a propagating medium including light.  This medium is the Aether.]

A particle of light is a wave-like packet of excitation of the Aether space medium.

Starlight is a stream of photons.

Light particles travel through gravity wells, often repeatedly, one gravity sink after another, unless captured.

A gravity well is “the pull of gravity that a large body in space exerts.  The larger the body (the more mass) the more of a gravity well it has.”1

So, as a photon moves through space it runs into these gravity wells as it gets close to various bodies and gets pulled into them.

Remember, the Aether space medium is always, everywhere, flowing.  It is a dynamic flow.  The inflow is toward the center of gravity.

The Expansion zone is where aether expands and the exponential growth in aether causes an acceleration of the aether toward the galaxy cluster.

Simultaneously the central regions’ contractile zone is where aether contracts and as it contracts the remaining aether accelerates toward the core of the galaxy cluster.

Because a particle of light has a longitudinal dimension – its measurable wavelength – a velocity differential exists between its two extremities.

This means, the velocity of the photon is different at the back end than the front end as it moves through space.

Source: Illusterati

Within a region of expanding vacuum, photons always lose energy.

The photon passing through the contraction zone on its journey ever deeper into the gravity domain undergoes wavelength elongation.

This is because there is a propagation velocity difference between the photon’s two ends.

The front end of the inbound photon has a greater speed in the direction of propagation than does the tail end.

The amount of wavelength elongation equals the degree of weakening light.

The light weakening effect occurs in the expansion zone and contraction zone.

Whenever light traverses any gravity well, it acquires a velocity-differential redshift.

The wavelength will increase, therefore the z-index will increase.

The light grows weaker.

This effect of weakening light happening throughout the universe results in the dark night sky.


The second factor, Photon Capture Probability is related to the quantized shells around galaxies, suns and planets and is explained as follows:

The particles of light (photons) of the universe are subject to extinction.

Extinction in this case refers to the photon being reabsorbed into the metaphysical source reality – time/space – the realm of “non-existence”.

Extinction is the second phenomenon that affects a photon and ultimately the measurable flux.

A photon, as it travels through successive cosmic shells (the onion layers of our analogy), may become captured and not make it across the thickness of one or another of those shells.

Remember Dr. William Tiffts concentric quantized shells around galaxies as pictured here.


As a photon propagates through the universe it passes through one dodecahedral-unit after another.  These dodecahedral-units are the cosmic cellular structure we have briefly discussed, and will be discussed in far greater detail in upcoming articles.

Rhomic dodecahedral cosmic cells of the DSSU.  Source: Conrad Ranzan

Remember, these tessellate throughout space.  They are not solid.  They are invisible and act as force fields or ‘Aether flow fields’ holding matter along their edges and vertexes.


This photon propagation naturally involves crossing the interface regions that separate voids.  These interface regions are space domain boundaries between cosmic cells.

A photon may have a chance encounter, a chance interaction, with or without subsequently being re-emitted.

For instance, it may be captured by a planet or a star.

If it is captured and then re-emitted it loses its relationship with its original onion-layer shell.  It effectively becomes a new photon, a new photon with no cosmic redshift.

If it is not re-emitted then that photon, or its transformed manifestation, becomes permanently lost.

Out of every 1000 photons, an average of 5 are lost during passage between consecutive shells.

These ‘lost’ or captured photons result in less light reaching the universe from distant stars, hence explaining how the sky can be dark at night in an infinite, non-expanding universe.


As we see, the new resolution of Olber’s Paradox is dependent on autonomous gravity regions (cells) and a flowing Aether medium.




For eight articles we have been investigating various components of the Big Bang theory and finding that they do not hold up to scrutiny.

These components have been: gravitational lensing, cosmic microwave background radiation, black holes, stellar evolution, redshift, quantized redshift and now Olber’s paradox.


We have consistently seen how, when investigating all current scientific data available, that each of these components do not prove the Big Bang expanding universe myth is correct.  On the contrary, they prove just the opposite.

We have seen over and over how the universe cannot be expanding, and how the idea of a dynamic steady state universe makes much more sense.  Not only does it hold up to modern scientific scrutiny, but it also has a firm foundation in ancient esoteric wisdom.


What we have here is a unified model of the universe that has a rational scientific aspect and an intuitive spiritual aspect.  Not only does this align with scientific evidence in a clear, concise, easy to understand way, but it also aligns with human experience.  All human experience has a rational component and an intuitive component.  The human consciousness is just a smaller model of the consciousness of the universe, and rational thinking and intuition must both be included for the model to be accurate.


It is disappointing that, even in the face of so much solid scientific evidence, the mainstream scientific community still clings pathetically to the old paradigm Big Bang expanding universe myth and demands to teach these harmful inaccuracies to the children of the world.  It is time for a scientific revolution.

Remember, the new paradigm does not exclude anyone in their belief systems.  We are talking fundamentals here.  It would seem to me that people of all religions, people who are atheists, people who are non-denominational spiritual believers and even those who know nothing of science or religion, all believe in gravity!

They might not understand how gravity works, but they all believe in it.  It is a neutral thing, a foundational belief system that lays far beneath any materialist, spiritual, religious or scientific belief system.  These foundational beliefs: those of gravity; those of electromagnetism, those of stellar evolution, those of photon behavior, those of atomic structure, those of plant and animal growth, those of human biology and anatomy…these are foundational aspects of reality that should not offend someone.  They should not exclude anyone.  They should not elicit a negative emotional response.  They should not rankle people, ruffle their feathers, anger them, and incite them to violent arguments, unbelievably rude trolling comments, or worse, physical aggression and violence.


These are foundational truths that we as human beings need to understand.  We need to understand how the universe truly works and we need to understand that these beliefs are the basis of our reality.

All of our emotional and personal beliefs are built on top of these fundamental beliefs.

All of our personal religious and scientific beliefs are built upon those.


And what if in finding out how the universe really works it just so happens that we find out reality is far, far more mind-blowingly amazing than we ever could have supposed?




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