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In Articles 116-119 we discussed one half of the opposing yet harmonious pressure forces of the Aether, that is, gravity.

This article begins a five part series focusing on the other half – that of electromagnetic radiation.


Now that we have been introduced to photons and subatomic particles, in this short series we will discuss the photon from a different perspective and learn how a photon loops to form subatomic particles.  Here we will look at more work from Conrad Ranzan and the Dynamic Steady State Universe (DSSU) model, as well as the Reciprocal System by Dewey B Larson.

Remember, all is motion.  The Universe = Processes.

“Every quantum energy event (misnomered as ‘particles’) is a fluctuation within the Unified [Aether] that spins into existence, and in so doing creates differentials in energetic polarity (electromagnetic positive/negative), spin direction (chirality), pressure density (mass) and movement through space/time (angular momentum).”1


The following information is sourced from Conrad Ranzan’s paper The Fundamental Process of Energy – Parts I and II.2

Conrad Ranzan



The Fundamental Process of Energy

Conventional definition of energy – the capacity for doing work (and work always involves some kind of force).

Common forms: radiation, thermal, kinetic, chemical, gravitational, mass

All forms of energy have one fundamental process in common!

New definition of energy – whenever there is a quantitative change in the number of essence fluctuators (Aether Units) there exists a manifestation of energy.  This change in essence fluctuators creates the very fluctuations, oscillations and pulsations themselves – which are – waves.  Hence, energy, in Cosmic Core, is defined in wave terms.  That is: frequencies, wavelengths, and harmonics.



Conventional View of the Photon & Vacuum Energy

A photon is a manifestation of quantum fluctuations of the energy of the vacuum.

These quanta of vacuum energy permeate all space.

There are harmonic oscillators at each point in space – their pulsations represent vacuum energy.

Remember:  In the standard model, if a light beam travels through space, and there are oscillators at every point, the light must travel through them since there are no gaps.

The light is being conducted!

It is these oscillators that the photon excites as it propagates through empty space.

It is conducted by the oscillators along the light ray’s path by the space medium (Aether).

The energy of the photon consists of vacuum energy.

Ranzan tells us, “With the conventional approach, one exchanges the problem of explaining the energy of the photon with the new problem of trying to explain the energy of the fluctuators.  Instead of a deeper definition of energy, one is faced with trying to define the vacuum energy.”

Conventional physics has an energy causality problem!



The Vacuum, Fluctuators and the Aether

The Aether (referred to as the Vacuum) is a region of space devoid of all matter.  It is ubiquitous.  It occurs in all the interstices of all matter, including non-singular black holes.

The Vacuum (Aether) consists of fluctuators (Aether Units) – these are not energy fluctuators – they do not have mass or energy as we know of it.  Space is permeated by a medium consisting of a super-density of fluctuators or Aether Units.

Aether units are not solid ‘things’.  They are wave structures that result from movements of consciousness that create a flow in the Aether.

Photons propagate through the medium via a conduction process.  Sounds like a luminiferous aether!

For those who do not know Wikipedia tells us that, “Luminiferous aether  was the postulated medium for the propagation of light.  It was invoked to explain the ability of the apparently wave-based light to propagate through empty space, something that waves should not be able to do. The assumption of a spatial plenum of luminiferous aether, rather than a spatial vacuum, provided the theoretical medium that was required by wave theories of light.

The aether hypothesis was the topic of considerable debate throughout its history, as it required the existence of an invisible and infinite material with no interaction with physical objects. As the nature of light was explored, especially in the 19th century, the physical qualities required of an aether became increasingly contradictory. By the late 1800s, the existence of the aether was being questioned, although there was no physical theory to replace it…”

The existence of the Aether is the crux of our scientific studies here at Cosmic Core.

Now note that conventional physics states that all waves (except electromagnetic) require a propagating medium.  In Cosmic Core we are saying that all waves, especially electromagnetic require a propagating medium, this medium being the Aether.  This is a large topic and we discuss it elsewhere.

The Aether medium is composed of countless unimaginably tiny fluctuators (Aether flow units) that have neither mass nor energy.  These fluctuators (toroidal in nature) are also continually moving, shifting, spinning and popping into and out of existence as they combine with others and break apart from others.

They are consciousness fluctuators – at a foundational level which there is no “thing” only process – essence process.  And what is this essence process but the process of consciousness – the Source of all reality.


Remember what Einstein said in 1920, “Recapitulating, we may say that according to the general theory of relativity space is endowed with physical qualities; in this sense, therefore, there exists an aether.  According to the general theory of relativity space without aether is unthinkable; for in such space there not only would be no propagation of light, but also no possibility of existence for standards of space and time (measuring-rods and clocks), nor therefore any space-time intervals in the physical sense.  But this aether may not be thought of as endowed with the quality characteristic of ponderable media…”3

“Matter may be, and likely is, a structure in the aether but certainly aether is not a structure made of matter.”  Physicist and mathematician Joseph Larmor, 1900



“For within the secret of Light is vast knowledge not yet revealed to man.  Light is all there is.” Walter Russell, 1947


“For modern science,” writes Robert Lawlor, “all of matter in its essence and origin is light, beginning in the thermonuclear heat, deep in the burning hearts of massive stars, where the vital elements of life, as well as the heavy metals, are cosmically manufactured.

Plants, through photosynthesis, transmute minerals and sunlight into hydrocarbons, and when we burn wood or oil, or when internally we burn food, we release the light locked upon in the form of heat in the chemical bonds of these organic compounds.

The transformation occurring in the eyes of and brains of humans –here the raw photons of physical light are transmuted into the light of the intelligence.

The enclosed tract of the brain and spinal cord uses the energies assimilated by the lower as support for the further transformation of Light into the subtle expression of mind and psyche.”


The Aether

To review, the Aether is defined as the essence medium.

It is a fluid-like and crystalline medium consisting of pulsating toroidal essence entities.

It is compressible.  Its compressibility creates waves.

Aether units fluctuate between the two states of existence and non-existence (or space/time and time/space, the physical seen reality and the metaphysical unseen reality).

Aether units may be created (formed) or destroyed (suppressed) without any fear of violation of the conservation of energy law.  The source of their ‘energy’ is consciousness.  This energy of consciousness lies outside the measurable electromagnetic spectrum.

The nature of the aether excitation in its basic perceptible form is the photon.

This means the Aether becomes excited (due to movements of consciousness).  This causes photons, and thus matter, to form.

The photon is tetrahedral in nature.  (See Article 124B.)




Oscillation – Periodic Reversal of Direction between Two States of Existence

Dewey B Larson teaches the reciprocal system of the universe.  He teaches there is one universe with two reciprocal aspects: space/time and time/space.  We have extensively discussed these two natures of reality and how space/time relates to the physical aspect of the universe and time/space relates to the metaphysical aspect of the universe.

He teaches there is continual oscillation between the two reciprocal realms.  All is motion.

The Photon is the oscillating system.

Radiation is the process of emission and movement of these photons.

Frequency is the space-time ratio of the oscillation.



The Photon – The Fundamental Particle of Radiation

The discovery of the discontinuous spectrum lines indicated that energy, in the form of light, was being emitted in discrete (quantized) amounts.

These were named photons by Gilbert Lewis in 1926.

Photons carry energy, measurable energy, in a proportional relationship to their frequency.    This means the higher the frequency, the greater the energy and shorter the wavelength.  The lower the frequency, the lower the energy and longer the wavelength.

The Photon is an excitation of non-energy essence fluctuators (Aether Units).

Photons travel through Aether at about 300,000 km/s.  This is light-speed: 299,792 km/s or 186,282 miles/sec.

Photons have electric and magnetic properties.

Recall the Maltese cross shape of the photon and the 90° axes of the Vesica Piscis from the previous article (shown below).

Credit: Radoslaw Chrapkiewicz; University of Warsaw


The cross is fundamental to light.  One axis represents the electric, the other represents the magnetic.

Credit: Drunvalo Melchizadek – The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life



Photon Excitation

Photon excitation involves a longitudinal surge with lateral components; then a forward surge that diminishes as the lateral surge grows; then, as the lateral surges diminish there occurs a renewed forward surge.

As a photon proceeds through its cyclical excitations it simultaneously advances through the aether.

There is no delay between the forward surge – the instant one forward surge is completed the next surge begins.

One photon may be the excitation of trillions of fluctuators (Aether Units)!



Properties of the Photon Explained by the New Model – DSSU

A Photon/EM wave has longitudinal and lateral components.

Longitudinal excitation (forward surge) – associated with the speed at which light propagates.

The speed is determined by the excitation conduction rate which in turn is related to the oscillating rate of the aether fluctuators.


Lateral excitation – frequency and intensity are not affected by the rate of forward progression of excitation.

Polarization of light – requires the photon to be a planar interacting system.  It must have some regularity in its planar excitation (i.e. planar among the direction of propagation).

Lateral excitation fulfills this requirement.



Photons and Unit Velocity

Returning to the work of Dewey B Larson, the actual direction in which any photon will be emitted is indeterminate.

Where a large number of photons originate at the same location they will be distributed equally in all directions.

Radiation consists of photons traveling outward in all directions from various points of emission at a constant velocity of one unit of space per unit of time; that is at unit velocity.

The velocity of radiation in free space is independent of the reference system.  This is necessary due to unity equal to true physical zero.



Wave-particle Nature of the Photon

Dewey Larson tells us the photon acts as a particle in emission or absorption because it is a single independent entity.

It travels as a wave because the resultant of its own inherent motion and that of the space-time progression has the form of a wave.

The photon remains at the same space-time location permanently but is carried along by the progression of space-time itself.  (This means the photon itself does not move on its own.  It is carried along by the progression of space/time, or the local expansion flow of the Aether.  Geometric aether will contract and absorb into time/space as other Aether expands filling the holes.  This expansion flow of Aether is radiation itself.  Photons are the expansion component of Aether.)

It acts only upon objects which do not participate in the progression and are encountered in the path of motion.



Dewey Larson tells us:

Atoms are rotating photons.


Matter is a collection of atoms.


Chemical Elements are rotational combinations.

Many different rotational combinations can exist. The various rotational combinations can be distinguished by differences in their physical behavior – by differences in their properties.

Below is an image of Walter Russell’s Periodic Table of Elements.


Gravitation is the inward motion resulting from the rotational velocity.


Mass is the reciprocal of three-dimensional velocity.

Energy is the reciprocal of velocity.


When one-dimensional motion is not restrained by opposing motion (force) it manifests itself as velocity; when it is so restrained it manifests itself as potential energy.




Atoms appear to exert attraction forces on each other because they are in constant motion toward each other.

There is an inherent motion of the rotating units in the direction opposite to the expansion of the Aether.

The basic rotation of the atom is two-dimensional.  It is possible to have two coexisting rotating systems of this kind.

The two rotations can take place simultaneously without interference and the atoms of matter therefore include two separate rotating systems.


Electric rotation – one-dimensional rotation of the photon.

Electric axis – corresponding axis of electric rotation.

Magnetic rotation – two-dimensional rotation.

Magnetic axis – corresponding axes of magnetic rotation.



Photon spin

Photons have a spin number of 1.

Spin-1 involves a full axis rotation to return a particle to the original configuration.  It is attributed to a spiral action of the forward surge of the propagating excitation.


Antiparticle of the photon

Fundamental particles of EM radiation are their own antiparticles.

A photon antiparticle is another photon of opposite spin.

Both kinds are equally abundant and may be emitted by luminous bodies of either matter or antimatter.



Photon Confinement

Photon confinement is the essential role in all mass-particle formation.



Free Photons & Confined Photons

When confined it carries a clearly defined amount of energy:

Ephoton = mrc2 = h(c/λ)

Recall from Article 124B, when confined, the photon structure is star tetrahedral.


When unconfined it has zero mass, but it has mass equivalence:

Mphoton = h/cλ

Recall, when free, the photon structure is two tetrahedra back to back.

Source: Rod Johnson


Part of a photon’s mass equivalence manifests as intertial mass; another part as electromagnetic energy.




In this article we have begun to take a look at the properties of the photon from the perspective of Conrad Ranzan’s Dynamic Steady State Universe (DSSU) model and from the work of Dewey B Larson and his Reciprocal System.

Both models accept that photons are a result of the outflow of Aether (Aether excitation by fluctuators or oscillators), and that photons loop to become subatomic particles.  These in turn form atoms, elements, molecules, matter and life.

All is motion.  All is consciousness.  All is light.  All is geometry.


  1. Lefferts, Marshall, Unified Field and Quantum Field,
  2. Ranzan, Conrad, The Fundamental Process of Energy – Parts I and II, Infinite Energy Magazine, #113-114, Jan/Feb and Mar/Apr 2014,
  3. Einsten, Albert, Ether and the Theory of Relativity, Leyden University, 5 May 1920,


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