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American physician and author Edwin D. Babbit writes, “Light reveals the glories of the external world and yet is the most glorious of them all.  It gives beauty, reveals beauty and is itself most beautiful.  It is the analyzer, the truth-teller and the exposer of shams, for it shows things as they are.

We shall do well, then, to consider this potential and beautiful principle of light and its component colors, for the more deeply we penetrate into its inner laws, the more will it present itself as a marvelous storehouse of power to vitalize, heal, refine, and delight mankind.”



The Photon is a Star Tetrahedral Process of moving Geometry

The core of the photon’s identity is geometric, just as the nature of all vibration in the Aether is geometric.

Freddy Silva states, “The tetrahedron is a guide to understanding the universal mechanics of light, sound, and magnetism, and how an understanding of such transforms the base metal (physical human) into gold (spiritually enlightened human).”


Free photons are two tetrahedra back-to-back with a conjoined base.  This is also called a triangular dipyramid.  These fly through space at the speed of light and are not visible.

Credit: Rod Johnson


Confined photons are a star tetrahedron – this is where the two tetrahedra slide together to form the star tetrahedron.  When this occurs the photons are visible (a flash of light is released).


The seed of universe has been found to be the Amplitudehedron.  This is the single geometric form from which all space and time emanates from.

Furthermore, the Amplitudehedron is identical to ¼ of a star tetrahedron.

Credit: David Wilcock



Further Information that the Photon is Tetrahedral in Nature

Max Planck (1858-1947) was a German theoretical physicist and the originator of quantum theory.

He studied the problem of black body radiation in his lifetime.

A black body is an idealized body that absorbs all electromagnetic radiation.  The theory of black bodies existed before the discovery of black holes.

A problem emerged in his work known as the ultraviolet catastrophe.  The problem was that the spectrum of EM radiation of a given black body emits infinite energy into the ultraviolet region of the spectrum.

Shortly after, Planck solved the problem.


This resulted in Planck’s law.  Planck’s law states that electromagnetic (EM) energy can only be emitted in discrete energy packages proportional to frequency.  (E = hv)

Planck found that energy is quantized.  This is an incredibly key concept!!!


Quantized energy describes the fact that electromagnetic radiation of frequency (v) can only come in “packets” of energy (hv).  The packets are called photons.  The energy transmitted by electromagnetic radiation of frequency (v) is quantized.

“Light consists of individual packages of energy, called photons.  Although they could hardly be smaller or lighter, photons are nonetheless discrete events, countable in theory, even if there are always too many, jumping around too fast, to make that enumeration possible in practice.”6



Free Photons

Free photons refer to ones which are not confined to a limited space.

They have a continuous energy spectrum (continuous spectrum of allowed frequencies).


These are structured as two tetrahedra back to back with a shared base.

Credit: Rod Johnson



Confined Photons

Confined photons are confined to a certain compact region of space.  They have a discrete energy spectrum (energy levels).

These are structured as a star tetrahedron, where the two tetrahedra slide together.

Max Planck writes, “As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much; There is no matter as such.  All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together.  We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.”



The Planck Scale

The Planck scale is the smallest that physical theory recognizes.  It “expresses the region in which the predictions of the Standard Model of quantum field theory and of general relativity are no longer reconcilable, and quantum effects of gravity are expected to dominate.”7

But remember:  Reality should not be cut off at the Planck length.  Reddit commentor oldcoot88 explains, “The great bulk of ‘What Is’ in terms of energy-density, resides on the ‘other side’ of the Planck length – the subPlanckian Energy Domain [a.k.a. Aether] – with ever-finer scales of pixelization – each ‘sub-pixel’ of ever-higher energy density, ad infinitum.

And get this – the mainstream’s own math has shown the energy-density of the perceived “vacuum” to be enormously high, functionally infinite. Yet they won’t accept what their own math tells them, and resort to “renormalization” to sidestep the catastrophe. You might like to Google “vacuum catastrophe” just for chuckles.”

He then goes on to explain, “Think of the octaves on a piano keyboard, with each octave representing a “dimension”. Then picture the keyboard extending infinitely in both directions. In the upward(/inward) direction, it’s a vibrational continuum of higher and higher frequencies, shorter and shorter wavelengths beyond the Planck threshold, encompassing the mental, emotional and spiritual realms. It’s a nestedness-of-scale, a fractalization of octaves, each “dimension” interlocking with the next… on the Keyboard of Infinity.”

Yet due to renormalization we are forced to view reality through the narrow-minded boundaries of the Planck scale.  But even this Planck scale can point us to certain truths, such as the photon being tetrahedral in nature.


Planck density = Planck mass/Planck volume

Planck volume = Planck length cubed = 4 x 10-105 m3

Planck density = 5.16 x 1093 g/cm3


Planck mass

Planck mass is the maximum allowed mass capable of holding a single elementary charge.  It is believed to be the smallest black hole possible.

Planck mass = 2.176 x 10-8 kg


Planck length/Distance

Planck distance is believed to be the smallest meaningful length of the EM field, or the supposed smallest possible wavelength of energy in the universe.

It is the scale at which classical ideas about gravity and space-time cease to be valid and quantum effects dominate.

Planck length = 1.6 x 10-35 m

This is very close to phi ratio (1.618).


Planck time

Planck time is the time it would take a photon traveling at the speed of light (186,000 miles/second) to cross a distance equal to the Planck length.

Planck time = 5.391 x 10-44 seconds


Planck’s Constant

Planck’s constant links the amount of energy a photon carries with the frequency of its electromagnetic wave.

energy * time; or momentum * distance

Planck’s constant = 6.626 x 10-34 m2 kg/s or Joule seconds (J/s)


Planck’s constant is used to calculate Planck length and Planck time.



The Geometry of Light:  The Photon

Remember, photons are quantized pulses of electromagnetic energy.

Heat radiation and light are both caused by photons.

When atoms absorb or release energy, the energy is transmitted in the form of photons.

Dr. Milo Wolff states, “A photon is an impulse that travels through the aether/zero-point energy field.”


Before this discovery of quantized energy, light and heat were thought to move in a smooth, flowing, unbroken fashion.

Max Planck found photons pulses were about 10-32 cm (extremely tiny).

Faster oscillations = bigger packets.

Slower oscillations = smaller packets.



Wein’s Displacement Law

Wein’s displacement law states that the speed of oscillation and the size of the packet will always remain constant, regardless of how you measure it.


Planck’s Constant

Planck’s constant expresses this relationship of Wein’s Displacement law.

Planck’s constant is expressed as 6.626 x 10-34.

It is a dimensionless constant.  It expresses a pure ratio between two values and does not need a measurement value.

Planck painstakingly derived this constant by studying heat radiation of many different sorts.


Caroline Hartmann in the December 2001 issue of 21st Century Science and Technology wrote:

“[Planck] knew that whenever you come upon an apparently insoluble problem in Nature, a higher, more complex lawfulness must lie behind it; or, in other words, there must be a different ‘geometry of the universe’ than one had assumed before.”



The Core of Planck’s work:

E = hv

E is the energy you end up measuring

v is the vibrating frequency of the radiation that releases energy

h is Planck’s Constant which regulates the flow between v and E


In order to measure Planck’s Constant, the Cartesian system of coordinates is used.

This means a matrix of cubes are used to measure 3D space (length, width, height).

Planck used the volume of the cube as 10; therefore his constant was 6.626.

Depending on the size of the packet released, you will need to measure it with a different sized cube – however, the relationship or ratio will stay the same.


Planck’s Constant & 2/3

6.626 is extremely close to 6.666.

6.666 = 2/3 of 10.

Also, The 2:3 = 0.666 proportion of diapente (the musical fifth) is a close approximation of the golden section’s 0.618 ratio.  Thus we have Planck’s constant (6.626) and the gravitational constant (6.674) as extremely close approximations of the musical fifth (6.666).  If the universe is a symphony of waveforms based on the proportions of musical harmonies then we cannot overlook the importance of the 2:3 or 3:2 ratio that has a hand in the creation of light itself.


Furthermore, “Light, color and sound also share the same wave patterns.  What is more, they share the same vibration rates, as J. Dauven proved in 1970.  Diagram A is a composite of both vibrations; sound frequencies (the number of vibrations per second) are shown with a dash-dotted line, and color frequencies are shown with a solid line.  The closeness of the two lines indicates that the experience of harmonious rhythms is shared by the eye and the ear, even though one registers it as color, the other as sound.”

Correspondence between musical sounds and colors.  Sound vibrations of one octave of the keyboard from G to F are tabulated in diagrams A together with the seven spectral colors to show the basic unity in these diverse patterns.  Credit: Gyorgy Doczi – The Power of Limits, 1981

This is something to contemplate more deeply.


“What is so important about 2/3?”

Other than the fact that 2/3 is the exact proportion of the musical fifth (3:2), when we fit a tetrahedron inside a sphere, it will fill exactly 1/3 of its total volume (3.333 out of 10).

When we fit a star tetrahedron inside a sphere, it will fill exactly 2/3 of its total volume (6.666 out of 10).  Below is an image of a star tetrahedron in a cube.



The Photon & the Tetrahedron

“The photon is actually composed of two tetrahedra that are joined together, as we see below, and they then pass together through a cube that is only big enough to measure one of them at a time.”8

Figure by Rod Johnson – Two tetrahedra joined at a common face to form the “photon”
measured by Planck‘s constant


“The total amount of volume (energy) that moved through the cube will be two thirds (6.666) of the cube‘s total volume, to which Planck had assigned the number 10.”9



Buckminster Fuller

Buckminster Fuller was the first to posit that the photon was composed of two tetrahedra back-to-back (joined at a common face).

He announced it at his Planet Planning address in 1969 – however, it was soon forgotten.



Permittivity of the Vacuum

“The aetheric energy of the “physical vacuum” will absorb a small amount of whatever energy passes through it.”10

The vacuum will permit slightly less energy to pass through that what was originally released.

This can be precisely calculated using Coulomb’s equation.

This accounts for the 0.040 difference between the 6.666 (2/3rds) ratio and Planck’s constant of 6.626.


“Furthermore, if we measure space using tetrahedral coordinates instead of cubical coordinates, then the need for Planck‘s equation E=hv is removed.

The energy will now be measured to be the same on both sides of the equation.  Thus E (energy) will equal v (frequency) with no need for a “constant” between them.”11



Free Photons vs. Confined Photons

As has been mentioned, there is a difference between free photons and confined photons.


Free Photons – The photon shape is two tetrahedra back-to-back while traveling at the speed of light.  While traveling the photons are invisible.

Confined Photons – When confined or observed the two tetrahedra compress into one another to become a star tetrahedron.  When this occurs they give off light.  These confined yet still-spinning photons then loop in various ways to form specific subatomic particles.

Credit: The Playful Geometer –


Freddy Silva writes, “The Universe is an expression of visible and invisible frequencies of light.  When this light energy interacts with gravity the rate of spin of its molecules slows down, the myriad frequencies express themselves as matter, and the form and the color of every organism and every object is thereby determined.”



Verified Shape of the Photon

In 2016 the shape of the photon was independently verified by Polish physicist Dr. Radoslaw Chrapkiewicz.

On July 20, 2016 an article was published entitled, What shape are photons?  Quantum holography sheds light by Cathal O’Connell in Cosmos Magazine.12

The following information is sourced from that article.


Physicists Chrapkiewicz and Banaszek created a hologram of a single light particle (photon).

“The image – which is called a hologram because it holds information on both the photon’s shape and phase – was created by firing two light beams at a beamsplitter, made of calcite crystal, at the same time.”

Each photon could either go straight or turn, depending on the shape of their wave function.

“It’s a little like firing two bullets to glance off one another mid-air and using the deflected trajectories to figure our shape of each projectile.”

After over 2000 repetitions a pattern of flashes built up.

They discovered the shape of the photon appeared to be a star tetrahedron looked at from its ‘cubic’ angle.  It looks exactly like a Maltese cross.

The star tetrahedron and the star tetrahedron turned at an angle to reveal its cubic nature and cross.


The photon shape they found (on left below) was predicted by Schrodinger’s equation for the quantum wave function (on right below.)

In the arms of the cross where the photons were in step, the image is bright.  Where they weren’t, we see darkness.

Therefore, the photon is most definitely tetrahedral in nature and appears to be a star tetrahedron.

The other Platonic solid in which this cross can be seen is with the octahedron.  Always remember, however, that a star tetrahedron is the same as a stellated octahedron.  That means if you put eight appropriately sized tetrahedra onto each of the octahedron’s faces you will get a star tetrahedron. (See below.)

Inside of every star tetrahedron is an octahedron.  The octahedron acts as the seed.  The octahedron is the contracted form and the star tetrahedron is the expanded form.

In either case, the photon is based off the Platonic solids and is tetrahedral in nature.



Further Info: The Geometry of Light as Tetrahedral in Nature

Now we will take another look at the geometry of light from a different perspective.  This comes to us from The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, vol. 2 by Drunvalo Melchizadek.

Recall from Articles 86 & 87 how constructing the six-around-one Seed of Life mimics the Creation Story of the Universe.


First Movement of Creation

From one circle the original circle reflects itself, creating the Vesica Piscis.

These two overlapping circles and the Vesica contain knowledge about proportion, the square roots of 2, 3, and 5, and geometric information about light. Right away notice the cross in the vesica below.  Also note the two equilateral triangles that are back-to-back.

The Vesica is discussed in great detail in Articles 21-26.


It was said: “Let there be light” and so there was.  Sound (or vibration) created light.

“Love/light is the enabler, the power, the energy giver. Light/love is the manifestation which occurs when light has been impressed with love.”13



The Geometry of Light

The Vesica Piscis represents light.

Notice how the shape resembles an eye, the organ of light perception.

“If you want to study something in nature, you get to the components – in this case, the light wave and the instrument that receives the light wave, the organic eye – because one will reflect the other in its geometrical makeup.  There should be a similarity between the eye and the light wave, and in their movements as well.”14


The eye we see is Vesica shaped, however the eyeball is actually a sphere.

See the below drawing by Drunvalo Melchizadek.


The Vesica is delineated by two equilateral triangles – in three dimensions they are tetrahedra.


The length and width of the Vesica form a cross – the cross is the foundation of light.

Credit: Drunvalo Melchizadek


Notice how this cross reflects the shape of the Maltese cross seen above and the cross in the verified shape of the photon as found by physicists Chrapkiewicz and Banaszek.


The two equilateral triangles are in actuality edge-to-edge tetrahedra.  These tetrahedra create straight-line spirals as they fly through the air.

Credit: Rod Johnson


Look at the below Figure by Drunvalo Melchizadek:

The long axis, or length, is the electrical component.

The short axis, or width, is the magnetic component.

They are in √3 ratio to each other.

Light waves move as shown:

An electrical component is moving in a sine wave on one axis.

A magnetic component is moving at 90 degrees to it, also in a sine-wave.

Both components are simultaneously spiraling around each other – rotating in 90-degree segments.

Light spirals as it moves.  Every time the Vesica rotates 90 degrees a new cross is created.  The length of the smaller cross becomes the width of the larger cross.

This creates “a geometrical progression of relationships within the Vesica Piscis that identifies the blueprint of light based on the square root of 3.”15

Spirals of Light in a Square Root 3 ratio.  Credit: Drunvalo Melchizadek


“The fact of life is that it takes hold of organic and inorganic material and transforms it into the light-seeking impulse employing rhythms we recognize as living.  This has been called the ‘return to unity’ impulse, based on seeking light.  It sustains through continual renewal.”16

Or, in other words, “Nature manifests in spiraling motion, first as living light, swirling and thickening into energetic lines of force.  From these lines descend the four phase of matter: light, gas, liquid, and solid.  This creative process was described in somewhat cosmic terms long ago by Dionysius the Areopagite: ‘God is light…The Universe, born of an irradiance, was a downward-spiraling burst of luminosity, and the light emanating from the Primal Being established every created being in its immutable place.’  According to the Hermetic Law of Vibration, spirit descends into matter, and by the same law, matter inevitably ascends to spirit.”


The Seven Destinies of Light

  1. Radiance
  2. Refraction
  3. Reflection
  4. Absorption
  5. Energetic Transformations
  6. Substantiation
  7. Explosive re-ignition



In Part 3 of this article series we have examined the geometry of subatomic particle interactions and in Part 4 we have examined the geometry of light – that is, the photon.

We have seen the undeniable proof that at the tiniest quantum levels, geometry prevails…and not just any geometry, but Platonic solid geometry.


Both subatomic particle interactions and the photon are tetrahedral based.  It is to be remembered that the tetrahedron is dual with itself, so whenever one tetrahedron shows up, there is always another, pointing in the opposite direction to maintain symmetry.  Also remember that inside the star tetrahedron is an octahedron pointing at a 45 degree angle.

These tetrahedra and octahedra take us back to our discussion of the geometric matrix of the Aether, both on a subquantum scale and on a macrocosmic scale.


Remember the Isotropic Vector Matrix is a matrix of octahedra and tetrahedra and believed to be the ground state matrix of the Aether by Buckminster Fuller and Nassim Haramein.


Also recall the shape of the cosmic gravitational cells per the work of Conrad Ranzan.  They were also octahedra and tetrahedra that tessellated on galactic cluster scales.

Credit: Conrad Ranzan


We will continue to see these same Platonic solids show up again and again on every scale as we move through Cosmic Core.

In a fractal-holographic universe this is to be expected.  If all matter is made of light, and light is tetrahedral in nature, then we would expect to see this shape show up again and again.

However, also remember that when one Platonic solid is present, they are all present.  They are not still shapes, but flow processes, and they flow, flip, expand and contract as they change from shape to shape.



  1. Wolchover, Natalie, Scientists Discover a Jewel at the Heart of Quantum Physics, 12/11/13,
  2. ibid.
  3. ibid.
  4. ibid.
  5. Elkins, Don, The Law of One, Session 27.14,
  6. Edmondson, Amy, A Fuller Explanation
  8. Wilcock, David, Divine Cosmos, Chapter 4,
  9. ibid.
  10. ibid.
  11. ibid.
  12. O’Connell, Cathal, What shape are photons? Quantum holography sheds light, 20 July 2016, Cosmos Magazine,
  13. Elkins, Rueckert, McCarty, The Law of One, Session 15.22,
  14. Melchizadek, Drunvalo, The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Volume 2, Light Technology Publishing, 2000
  15. ibid.
  16. Critchlow, Keith, The Hidden Geometry of Flowers: Living Rhythms, Form and Number, Floris Books, 2011


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