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In the previous article we began to take a look at the broad idea of cosmology through the lens of mainstream science and religion.  This article is a continuation of those ideas.

Here we will delve deeper into what we will call the ‘cult of science’ and the ‘cult of religion’ and from there we will investigate the unification of science and religion.  Many of the following ideas are gleaned from the work of Jane Roberts.  Up until I discovered those texts I had never seen these ideas elucidated with such clarity, compassion and understanding.


Dewey Larson writes in Beyond Space and Time, “There are aspects of existence which, so far as we can tell, are altogether irreconcilable with the well-disciplined universal mechanism that the scientist visualizes…Of course, the scientist who thinks seriously about these problems is not satisfied with the religious answers either, particularly because religion furnishes none of the logical and mathematical proof that is so dear to his heart, but demands that its assertions be accepted on faith.”


However, Larson continues, “The scientist, or the college student, or the man-in-the-street who finds much of the religious doctrine with which he comes in contact unbelievable, distasteful, or even absurd, is making a serious mistake if he concludes that this invalidates all religious doctrine.”


“He or she is willing to go along with the scientists’ basic premise that the universe is orderly and rational, and is sympathetic with their reluctance to concede the reality of anything of which there is no reliable physical evidence, but, at the same time, [they have] a strong conviction that there is an underlying purpose in man’s existence. [They] agree with Fred Hoyle that ‘the emergence of intelligent life is not a meaningless accident.’”1



The Cults of Science and Religion

In investigating the extremes of the doctrines of science and religion, we come up against a nearly impenetrable wall of dogma that neither side wants to concede.


We use the term cult because it reflects the idea of grasping onto a particular set of beliefs and vehemently defending those beliefs in spite of evidence that proves otherwise.

The dictionary defines a cult as “a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object” and “a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing.”  It can also mean “a person or thing that is popular or fashionable, especially among a particular section of society.”

The idea here is that the object of worship in a cult is fashionable or popular, not necessarily true.

All cults are based on dogma.  Dogma is “a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true.”

I have met many a person who angrily derides the cult of religion and all of its attached dogmas without realizing once that they are members of a cult of science, worshiping and venerating the ideas fed to them from the opposite end of the spectrum – ideas they whole-heartedly believe without ever attempting to determine if those ideas are actually true.

Scientists and religious believers are equally guilty of grasping onto false ideologies and destructive dogmas.  This is not to say that either side is wrong about everything.  To the contrary, each side is correct in a number of ways.  Yet each side is not 100% correct.  A blending and unification of science and religion is absolutely necessary in order for this world to move forward in a positive way.

“Science and religion must ultimately be reconciled if we are to progress.”2



The Cult of Science (Scientism)

This outlook has roots that stretch back to Aristotle (384-322 BC).  Aristotle was a student of Plato, but upon Plato’s death Aristotle turned from Platonism towards empiricism.  He believed, as Wikipedia states “all peoples’ concepts and all of their knowledge was ultimately based on perception.”


Keith Critchlow writes, “’Whole’ became ‘things made up of parts’ as Aristotle chose to neglect Plato’s idea of the constitutional triad of the universe [sameness, otherness, essence].  This harmonic idea of balance was systematically ignored by Aristotle until it became lost altogether, in the over-zealous quest to become ‘scientifically’ precise and satisfy human insatiability for novelty and difference.  We are, even metaphorically, in an atomic age, having fractured all so-called materiality and thereby experience – and as a consequence have ‘fractured’ the balance of the human mind as well as our powers of evaluation.

The respect for Essence, which is clearly analogous to Life, was fundamental to the traditional perspective and this was steadily being pushed aside by the schoolmen in favor of human speculation (literalism) and verbal argumentation (logic).”


The Cult of Science claims a great idealism.  They treat their beliefs as truth, just as religious believers do.  They believe truth is found by studying the objective world of objects – animals, stars, galaxies, mice, human bodies…etc.  They view them as if they are without intrinsic value and their existence has no meaning.  Sadly, this often leads to horrific medical experimentation on both animals and human beings.  They believe torture, suffering, murder and pain are all acceptable results of scientific experimentation and evolution.  There is no compassion within hard-line science.  Animals are seen as objects and humans as little more than machines.


The Cult of Science is a cult of reason without faith.  They pay little attention to the philosophical questions about the deeper meaning in life – why are we here?  Where are we going?  What is the purpose of existence?  All the while they tell us what most definitely is true and not true, encouraging us, essentially, not to ask those questions ourselves.

Furthermore, the scientific method has been programmed to perceive only information that fits into preconceived patterns, and overall, science is not able to offer even a hypothetical comprehensive idea of reality.


The Cult of Science postulates that life is basically meaningless and goal-less.  It fights ruthlessly to convince everyone it is right – “thus attaching the most rigid kind of meaning or direction to its professional views!”3


The Cult of Science asserts that all creatures, except humanity, operate by blind instinct, encouraging the gulf between man and animals, intellect and nature, to deepen – effectively cutting off humanity from its important connection and interdependence with nature.  Each person becomes a stranger in their environment – an isolated victim given a certain amount of unspecified energy to run the body’s machinery, struggling to survive against the ‘uncaring’ forces of nature and genetic determinism.  Each person must fight against their own body and fear disease, susceptibility to defects, and finally, death.  Intent, purpose and desire do not factor into the equation at all.  Nature becomes an adversary that must be conquered and destroyed, instead of a companion to nurture.


The Cult of Science is equated with ‘rational thinking’ to such an extent that any other perspective seems irrational and worthy of insult and abuse.  This has led to its thought becoming too specialized, prejudiced and inflexible.

This extreme rational approach supports the idea that life is surrounded by chaos and life is nothing more than a struggle for survival in an uncaring universe.  Just as humans are cut off from nature in this way, they are also cut off from their own bodies.  Thoughts seem separate from the body.  Consciousness and subjectivity seem like a throw-away effect, accidentally formed by mindless matter.


The Cult of Science views nature mechanistically and relegates the world of nature as the realm of exterior natural events.  It does not stress the cooperative forces of nature, but glories in distinctions, specifications, categories and separations.  Scientific disciplines are separated – biology, physics, psychology, mathematics – each with its own facts jealously guarded, providing its own world view, blind to the uniting forces that are equally valid.


The Cult of Science declares that what cannot be proven in a laboratory does not exist and anyone who experiences something ‘that cannot exist’ must be deranged.

A scientist probing the brain of an idiot or genius will find only brain tissue.  No ideas will be found.  “Only a fool would say that ideas were nonexistent, however, or deny their importance.”4


Yet modern psychology attempts to force humanity to conform to these ridiculous ideas – that individuals are ancestors of unsavory primitives whose genetic heritage leads them nowhere but to the grave, and upon death, existence is extinguished.  Life after death suddenly becomes the most unreasonable and unintellectual of speculations worthy of no one’s time.

“Psychology of the past 50 years,” says Seth in The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, “has helped create insanities by trying to reduce the great individual thrust of life that lies within each person, to a generalized mass of chaotic impulses and chemicals.”

The meaning of life has been effectively reduced to the accidental nature of genes and existence is a dangerous and confusing enterprise.


The Cult of Science sees man as “the one erratic, half-insane member of an otherwise orderly realm of nature.”5  This generates highly destructive feelings of unworthiness and can lead to insanity.  Human beings can easily become deranged if they believe life has no meaning, and yet, here we have a very powerful cultural institution effectively forcing that belief system down people’s throats and ridiculing them if they do not accept it.


As Seth says, “If you believe life has no meaning, you will do anything to provide meaning – all the while acting like a mouse in a science maze – for your prime directive has been tampered with.”


The Cult of Science makes people believe that adulthood has little purpose except the reproduction of the species.  The heroic qualities of life are stripped away.  Generalized fear and suspicion is generated.  One’s greatest dreams and most powerful fears become the result of glandular imbalance or neuroses from childhood trauma.  Genius is seen as a mistake of chromosomes and individual consciousness is alive by chance alone.  Moods, thoughts, and feelings become the result of chemicals and hormones swirling in the brain.  They become insignificant and unfortunate aspects of life to be feared, devaluing humanity’s vastly important subjective world.  The power of using one’s Will becomes severely eroded.


The Cult of Science divides the mind of humanity into “a conscious figurehead resting uneasily above the mighty haunches of beastliness.”6  The devil went underground; God went out the window; and humanity was taught to fear the mischievous unconscious and ignore or distrust intuition.  Life becomes an accident in a cosmic game of chance.

The Cult of Science encourages contempt of life.  Most do not want disaster, but more than a few feel it would serve people right.  They feel humanity is stupid and ‘bad’ at its core and deserves destruction.  They are a victim of their own belief system.  This leads to scientists being less careful than they should be.  The sacrifice of a few here or there, or a few thousand here or there – whether in a technological accident such as an oil spill or nuclear accident, or in gruesome experimentation – seems justified if it means getting closer to humanity triumphing over nature.  Their purpose becomes man’s triumph over both the planet and nature – laying low any who stand in their way.


The pursuit of ‘inner meaning’ has been disastrously confused with the mechanical analysis of living beings being cut into smaller and smaller parts.

Keith Critchlow tells us, “We are only at the edge of understanding the deeper meaning of life, as we have almost completely invested our time in scientific laboratories analyzing the minutiae of microscopic details at cellular, genetic and atomic levels.  How life works is not what life is, nor is such an inquiry even concerned with natural ways to enhance it.”


“No matter what information or data you receive as the result of animal experimentation or dissections for scientific purposes, and no matter how valuable the results appear to be, the consequences of such methods are so distorted that you comprehend less of life than you did before.”7

As Chief Luther Standing Bear from the Lakota Sioux said, “The elders were wise.  They knew that man’s heart, away from nature, becomes hard; they knew that lack of respect for growing, living things soon led to lack of respect for humans too.”


The Cult of Science trains people to be unemotional; to stand solely on the side of logic, intelligence and reason; to stand apart from their experience – separate from nature; to rigorously oppose telepathy and clairvoyance or any philosophy that brings these into focus; and to view any emotional characteristics of their own with irony and even disgust.


The Cult of Science claims to have triumphed over religion.  Many feel religion has failed them, and understandably so.  Unfortunately they look to science to achieve ‘heaven on earth’, which to them means the mass production of goods, two cars in every garage, fancy houses, potions for every ailment, solutions for every problem.

“It seemed in the beginning that science delivered, for the world was changed from candlelight to electric light to neon in the flicker of an eye and man could travel in hours distances that to his father or grandfather took days.

“And while science provided newer and newer comforts and conveniences, few questions were asked…Exterior conditions had improved, yet the individual seemed no happier.  By this time it was apparent that the discoveries of science could also have a darker side.  Life’s exterior conveniences would hardly matter if science’s knowledge was used to undermine the very foundations of life itself.”8

Unfortunate side effects were revealed: chemicals used to protect agriculture or create food products had harmful effects on people, and medicines caused more problems than they could ever solve.


The Cult of Science vehemently divorces knowledge from emotion, stressing sexuality over personhood.  It activates the false dichotomy of male/female, ignoring the fact that these are limiting labels that have nothing to do with specific genders.

Hard-line scientists (male and female), being intellectually oriented, believe in reason above intuition.  They are unable to imagine life’s initial ‘creative source’ because it would remind them of creativity’s feminine basis and that makes them feel uncomfortable.  To them the universe is a male universe because the ‘male intellect’ alone can discern meaning.  The creative aspects must be ignored and the universe must be divorced from feeling and emotion.  To be ‘illogical’ is a scientific crime.  Not necessarily because it is unscientific, but because it is feminine.

Freddy Silva comments, “By the time Newton and the scientific secularism of the seventeenth century prevailed, rational logic had gained such dominance that all esoteric knowledge was condemned as occult…The more disconnected we become from the Universal order, the more dysfunctional we become as a society.  And the longer our umbilical connection remains severed, the more we rely on rationalism to explain our reason for being and the further we stray from spirituality.”


Human history speaks of a male god of power and vengeance, not a god of creativity.  The male-oriented scientific community uses its power in the same way the masculine Jehovah did – to protect friends and destroy enemies.  The rocket, missile and gun became the male scientist’s private symbol of sexual power.  He feels he has the right to use it in any way he chooses.


Furthermore, in our modern culture, the Cult of Science has joined with technology and moneyed interests.  The U.S. military budget was $824.7 billion in 2017-2018.  Compare that to the Education Department’s budget in the same time frame: $69.4 billion.


Not only does this lead to condemnation or even imprisonment of anyone not towing the party line or following the mainstream belief system, but it also leads to human beings losing sight of life’s sacredness and treating life with contempt, not even blinking an eye when they hear of the thousands of soldiers and civilians destroyed in war or the millions upon millions of animals tortured and killed in factory farming every single year.



This Cult of Science we have been discussing is sometimes called ‘Scientism’.  On the interesting blog “Questions for the Lion Tamer” the author has come up with The Ten Commandments of Scientism.9  They are amusing and poignant.  It would be well to remember these as we move through Cosmic Core.  We will come against entrenched dogmas and unwavering ideologies again and again.  They are as follows:



  1. Science is the Lord thy God that can explain the mechanisms behind every occurrence in the universe made possible by the force known as “Nature.”
  2. Though shalt disavow any scientific studies outside of mainstream scientific circles that have not been approved and distributed by mainstream media.
  3. Do not use “Bad” science in “Bad” Journals as sources of information. The definition of “Bad” can be adjusted according to one’s emotions.
  4. Thou shalt equate staunch skepticism with deep intellectualism.
  5. Though shalt move “goal posts” when necessary to support one’s own current belief system based on potentially antiquated, outdated, and incomplete knowledge.
  6. Thou shalt rely on mass consensus of a belief in order to support one’s own belief. It would be absurd to presume that large groups of heavily educated scholars could ever be incorrect.
  7. Thou shalt not speculate on the physiological mechanisms of supernatural occurrences such as the placebo effect, spontaneous remission, xenoglossy, endogenously induced analgesia, and any other super-normal claims.
  8. Thou shalt discard the evidence that altered states of consciousness and changes in brain activity occur in synchronous fashion with altered levels of biochemical compounds, bio-electrical activity, systemic fluid composition, biomagnetic properties, gene expression, and cellular processes.
  9. Honour thy priests of science which are famous, mainstream scientific figures that protect the status quo of mainstream academia. It shall be considered blasphemous to question the words of these academic sages.
  10. Thou shalt discard one’s own observations as inherent falsities unless supported by rigorous experiments in multiple universities published in multiple well known peer-reviewed journals of the utmost integrity that verify the accuracy of one’s own senses. Then and only then will it be acceptable to discuss our observations in the public domain.



Current mainstream science “is no longer based on logical notions of truth shared across all fields a in the approach of the ‘uni-versity = one-version or truth’.  Instead each field is supervised by a group of experts in order to police the borders of that field with politically determined criteria for inclusion or exclusion.  Each field of study defines its own unique criteria for truth and meaning.  Thus each field has become a somewhat independent silo of knowledge and truth.”10

Now let’s take a look at the Cult of Religion.


The Cult of Religion

The Cult of Religion is a cult of faith without reason.  Like the Cult of Science, it treats their beliefs as truths, saddling anyone who doesn’t believe with the threat of eternal damnation in the fiery and tortuous pits of Hell.

The Cult of Religion stresses sin in all its aspects.  It considers man a sinful creature flawed by original sin, forced to work by the sweat of his brow.  “Life is seen as a ‘valley of tears’ – almost a low-grade infection from which the soul can be cured only by death.”11


The Cult of Religion condemns certain psychological and mystical experiences, but unlike the Cult of Science, they do consider them a reality.  They do not think those having these experiences are insane but they do fear them because they recognize the disruptive influences that revelatory experiences can have upon a world based on a strict and uniform dogma.

For instance, witches were not considered insane but they were considered evil and they had to be destroyed so they would not threaten the deeply ingrained and obscenely powerful control structure.


The Cult of Religion believes that God exists in a larger dimension of reality and the creation is outside of that reality.  God is separate from his creations.  He set the universe in motion and then remained on the outside, mainly to judge.


This God of the Cult of Religion is a masculine, anthropomorphic God, and a capricious one at that.  God granted man a soul but denied it to all other species, giving humanity carte blanche to use, abuse, control, enslave, and destroy animals, and the environment, at will.

Illness became a punishment from God, or a trial sent by God, a test of faith, to be born stoically.  Natural disasters were also punishment from God.  God is vengeful, and to be deeply feared.

The Cult of Religion asks people to love this vengeful God who will one day destroy the world and will condemn them to eternal hell if they do not adore him.

Just as we saw in the Cult of Science, most do not want disaster, but more than a few feel it would serve people right.  They feel humanity is sinful and evil and needs to be destroyed.  Once again, they are a victim of their own belief systems, destined to doom.


The Cult of Religion believes bodies are sinful and a cause and punishment for man’s ‘fall’.  The body cannot be trusted.  The senses will lead you astray – straight to the Devil’s open arms.  This generates feelings of guilt and unworthiness.  It also generates fear and suspicion.  Once again, like in the Cult of Science, life is stripped of its heroic qualities, and humanity is separated from nature.

The belief in the sinful nature of the body and mankind in general led to a contemptuous view of life.  This resulted in the long list of horrors and atrocities attributed to religious factions: holy wars, the Inquisition, witch-burning, torture, sectarian fighting…and on and on.


The Cult of Religion divides nature and spirit.  It believes humanity has a purpose but often believes that purpose must be achieved by denying the physical body or rising above beastly earthly characteristics.  It provides a cosmic drama in which even the life of the sinner has value, even if only to show the other side of vengeful God: his compassion.


The Cult of Religion teaches that revelation is dangerous and intellectual and psychic obedience is the safer road.  Some beliefs of religion were founded upon valid precepts, but these precepts were distorted, excluding anything that did not fit the dogma.

The Cult of Religion, in modern times, became more of a social entity than a spiritual one.  As the Cult of Religion evolved it felt more and more threatened by science.  It could not prove man had a soul, so it abandoned many of the more noble and mystical principles that could have added to its strength, and instead settled for a social club where like-minded people could join in fellowship, bolstering each other’s dogmatic views, shunning non-believers, and funneling profits into tax-free coffers, used for reasons both ethical and unethical.

The Cult of Religion, like the Cult of Science, treats women as inferiors.  ‘Feminine’ creativity could be too disruptive to the strictly controlled dogmatic status quo.  Women are considered hysterics – aliens to intellectual and rational thought and swayed by absurd emotions.  The church handled women by wearing down their energies through childbirth and child-rearing.  A woman’s role was in the family, subordinate to the husband.  Women were certainly not taken seriously as profound thinkers or innovators in philosophical, scientific or spiritual matters.


Over the course of history religion has made so many atrocious, unjust, horrific, disgusting errors, it beggars the mind to even think of them.  These things should never be excused, though they do need to be forgiven.  Forgiveness is the only way to heal from past traumas and raise humanity’s consciousness enough to make sure these horrific crimes are never committed again.


However, it is important to remember that at least religion encouraged a belief in an afterlife, hope of salvation, a deeper purpose for existence, and the tradition of the heroic journey of the soul.



Unification of Science and Religion

In spite of these conflicting and demoralizing ideologies – the Cults of Religion & Science – there is a way to peace-of-mind, unity and truth.  However, this way does not have to throw these two opposing sides in the garbage.  As I’ve said before, and will say again, the only thing that needs to be thrown away are limiting dogmas that contribute to arrogance, superiority complexes, violence and oppression.


“It is the responsibility of science to unify man’s many religions by giving him full comprehension of the One God of Light and Love to replace the many ill-conceived imaginings of an impossible god of fear, which have so disastrously disunited spiritual seekers and divided the whole world into intolerant and antagonistic groups.

The human race can never become united as one harmonious whole so long as wrong conceptions of God disunite and divide the race. Chief among these wrong conceptions is the vengeful god of fear and wrath which is mainly responsible for the fear, greed, hatred, superstition and intolerance upon which our present civilization is based.”12


Both science and religion encourage the view of life as some dim, murky translation of a greater experience, rather than the unique, creative experience it should be.  The body becomes disoriented and declines into discomfort or disease.  The lines of communication from the spirit and body become clogged up or cut off.  The individual feels powerless, victimized, fearful and guilt-ridden.  Whether these results are from the fear of god and the devil and the belief in sin, or the fear of tainted genes and the belief in the survival of the fittest, violence, might-is-right, and the random meaningless of existence, the end result is the same: humans riddled with mental pathologies, unable to heal and rise to their highest potential for the greatest good.


“As long as you believe that either good events or bad ones are meted out by a personified God as the reward or punishment for your actions, or on the other hand that events are largely meaningless, chaotic, subjective knots in the tangled web of an accidental Darwinian world, then you cannot consciously understand your own creativity, or play the role in the universe that you are capable of playing as individuals or as a species. You will instead live in a world where events happen to you, in which you must do sacrifice to the gods of one kind or another, or see yourselves as victims of an uncaring nature.”13


Science and religion both teach that humanity, left alone, will be filled with lust and greed, destroying all it touches.  This was the message of Freud and Jehovah.  Darwin tried to makes sense of it all, but failed miserably.  Science denies ‘unofficial’ experience outside the norm and religion fears and demonizes it.  Science believes consciousness to be the result of a random accident – a chance combination of chemicals and elements thrown together.  Religion, once again, fears and demonizes consciousness if it ‘acts out’ in any way.

There is a middle way – the way of harmony between opposites – a way towards a cosmology and a working scientific/spiritual model of life and reality that can bring peace to this world, alienating no one, but lifting each person up, expanding their minds and ushering them towards a life of beauty, abundance and joy.


Seth says in The Nature of the Psyche, “Though caught up in a life of seeming frustration, obsessed with family problems, uneasy in sickness, defeated it seems for all practical purposes, some portion of each individual rouses against all disasters, all discouragements, and now and then at least glimpses a sense of enduring validity that cannot be denied.  It is to that knowing portion of each individual that I address myself.”

There is a profound purpose for existence.  No one’s life is insignificant.  Each and every life is important.  We are each infinite Souls.  Our bodies and minds are sacred.  All life is sacred from the most simple and minute to the most unimaginably large and complex.  Each person contains an element of greatness.  Each has a highest potential waiting to be fulfilled.

Telepathy and clairvoyance are natural effects of our true expansive nature.  They are not unnatural eccentricities of behavior.  They are natural components of consciousness.  They are a result of our connection to the metaphysical reality and they are a birthright of every human being.


Life is a cooperative venture, not a competitive one.  Nature is harmonious, not cruel.  “Creativity emerges, and cooperatively the environment of the world is known and planned by all the species.  What appears to be struggle and death to you at those levels is not, for the experience of consciousness itself is different there, as is the experience of your own cellular composition.”14

Humanity is not in competition with other species, and they are not in competition with each other.  The natural world is not the result of competition.  “If that were the case you would have no world at all.”15


The natural world is the result of cooperation among species, and this cooperation is based on love – a biological and a spiritual love.

Humanity, at its core, is good.  This idea is sacrilege to many people who look about them and see all too much violence, corruption, oppression, and destruction.  “You have been taught not to trust the very fabric of your being. You cannot expect yourselves to act rationally or altruistically in any consistent manner if you believe that you are automatically degraded, or that your nature is so flawed that such performance is uncharacteristic.”16


Consciousness is within all ‘things’ – all matter, all minerals, all insects, all plants, all animals.  Consciousness creates matter, and by using our own consciousness we can co-create our reality with the Universe.  There are no closed systems.  New ‘energy’ is constantly available to us from the metaphysical Source reality through the consciousness/matter feedback loop.  All is connected and interrelated.


“Fields or planes of interrelatedness connect all kinds of life, supporting it not through just one system – a biological one or a spiritual one – but at every conceivable point of its existence.”17

Creation and evolution are both valid ideas and neither need to be shunned.  They need to be harmoniously combined, throwing out the limiting dogma and expanding the conception of creation, growth and evolution to new heights.


“There is a design and a designer, but they are so combined, the one within the other, the one within and the one without, that it is impossible to separate them.  The creator is within its creations, and the creations themselves are gifted with creativity.  The world comes to know itself, to discover itself, for the planner left room for divine surprise, and the plan was nowhere foreordained.  Nor is there anywhere within it anything that corresponds to your “survival of the fittest” theories.”18


Many people follow mainstream ideologies because they need an authority – any authority – to make their decisions for them.  This is because they have been made to feel powerless, worthless, degraded, guilty and sinful.  They are caught between science and religion and can find no meaningful way out.  They yearn for safety in a dangerous world, clinging to their dogmas as they would cling to a life raft upon the open ocean.


“The answers to the origins of the universe and of the species lie, I’m afraid, in realms that you have largely ignored – precisely in those domains that you have considered least scientific, and in those that it appeared would yield the least practical results.

Your present methods will simply bring you pat, manufactured results and answers. They will satisfy neither the intellect nor the soul.  Since your universe springs from an inner one, and since that inner one pervades each nook and cranny of your own existence, you must look where you have not before – into the reality of your own minds and emotions.  You must look to the natural universe that you know.  You must look with your intuitions and creative instincts at the creatures about you, seeing them not as other species with certain habits, not as inferior properties of the earth, to be dissected, but as living examples of the nature of the universe, in constant being and transformation.


The truth is that the answers lie in your own experience.  They are implied in your own spontaneous behavior – that is, in the wondrous activity of your bodies and minds.”19


“You must return, wiser creatures, to the nature that spawned you — not only as loving caretakers but as partners with the other species of the earth. You must discover once again the spirituality of your biological heritage.”



  1. Larson, Dewey B, Beyond Space and Time,
  2. Roberts, Jane, The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events (A Seth Book)
  3. Roberts, Jane, The “Unknown” Reality: Volume Two: A Seth Book in Two Volumes
  4. Roberts, Jane, The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events (A Seth Book)
  5. ibid.
  6. ibid.
  7. Roberts, Jane, The Nature of the Psyche: Its Human Expression (A Seth Book)
  8. Roberts, Jane, The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events (A Seth Book)
  10. Natural Philosophy Alliance, Principles of Natural Philosophy,
  11. Roberts, Jane, The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events (A Seth Book).
  12. Russell, Walter, A New Concept of the Universe, The Walter Russell Foundation, 1953
  13. Roberts, Jane, The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events (A Seth Book).
  14. Roberts, Jane, The “Unknown” Reality: Volume Two: A Seth Book in Two Volumes
  15. Roberts, Jane, The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events (A Seth Book)
  16. ibid.
  17. ibid.
  18. Roberts, Jane, The “Unknown” Reality: Volume Two: A Seth Book in Two Volumes
  19. Roberts, Jane, The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events (A Seth Book)


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