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In this article we will discuss the global grid around the planet Earth and discover that it is a geometric matrix of the five Platonic solids that have a profound impact on the formation of the planet, the landscape and the weather patterns.

As David Wilcock states, “Spiraling Gravity (Aether) develops a geometric pattern that forms currents of Ley lines on the earth.”

We have seen these same dynamics at work on every scale from the subatomic up to the galactic cluster level.  This occurs due to the continuous oscillation of the two forces of the universe – that is the inward centripetal flow of Aether (gravity) and the outward centrifugal flow of Aether (electromagnetic radiation).  This spiraling flow, inward and outward, creates interference patterns which in turn form standing waves of Aether that are geometric and holographic in structure.  Electromagnetic units precipitate upon these standing waves to form physical matter as we know it, from the photon, to the proton, to the atom, molecule, mineral, plant, insect, animal, human, planet, solar system, galaxy and galactic cluster.


Here we will discuss the underlying geometric standing wave of the planet, known as the global grid.



Ivan T. Sanderson

Ivan T. Sanderson (1911-1973) was a Scottish biologist and writer who founded the Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained (SITU) in 1965 in New Jersey.  “SITU was a non-profit organization that investigated claims of strange phenomena ignored by mainstream science.”1

Through SITU Sanderson searched for vortex points in the 1960s that related to locations that had a history or ‘high-profile’ of strange or paranormal experiences.  He called these “Vile Vortices”.

“By the late 1960s he clearly determined there were ten areas on earth, approximately equidistant, where ships and planes kept disappearing, strange phenomena were seen in the sea or air, or equipment malfunctioned – such as the Bermuda Triangle and the Devil’s Sea at the east of Japan.

Five of these areas were on the same northern tropical latitude and each was 72 degrees of longitude apart from the next.

Five others had the same basic layout in the southern hemisphere, but they were all shifted 20 degrees to the east of the northern ones.”2


Sanderson’s map of Vile Vortices


Pilots said in these same ten spots they were experiencing time anomalies.  That is, they arrived “much too early” or “much too late”.  This was backed up by pilot’s logs.

The North and South Poles were added, since they fit the same geometric relationships very nicely.



Nikolai Goncharov, Vyacheslav Morozov and Valery Makarov

Three Soviet researchers, Goncharov (historian), Morozov (construction engineer) and Makarov (electronics specialist), began a scientific investigation of Sanderson’s interesting work.

They realized Sanderson’s 12 vortex points created an icosahedron when you connected the dots in 3D space.

They referred to it as a “matrix of cosmic energy”.

The “Russian Grid”


They knew when you turn an icosahedron inside out, you get its dual, the dodecahedron.

They added the dodecahedron points to the icosahedron points and found a wealth of hidden resources.


Many of the greatest earthquake-prone seismic fracture lines were directly on the grid.

Undersea volcanic mountain ridges often lined up perfectly, as well as above-ground mountain ranges.

Some of these include “the bigger part of the Mid-Atlantic range, Lomonosov ridge in the Arctic Ocean, underwater ranged around Antarctica, an area of the Owen Break in the Indian Ocean, an Anchorage Pradho-Bay Break in Alaska, and a giant break from Morocco to Pakistan.”3


Higher and lower pressure zones also appeared in some of the areas where any three lines crossed – of which there were 62 places.


These vortex areas formed the center points for major ocean currents and whirlpools.

The areas of highest and lowest geomagnetic Gauss strength fit neatly within this geometry.

Significant concentrations of ores and petroleum appeared in these areas.

“Iron, nickel and copper tend to concentrate near dodecahedron ribs and nodes, while oil, uranium, and diamonds tend to concentrate near icosahedron ribs and nodes.”4


It was also noted that after the time of the last glaciers melted away in Euroasia, conifers and deciduous forests began their growth from points along the dodecahedron ribs to the centers of triangles.

Animal migrations naturally followed these paths as well.


Furthermore, fully 3,300 different sacred complexes and ancient monuments, often built out of massive stones, appeared on this grid.


Some of these include:

Great Pyramid in Egypt


The ruins of Great Zimbabwe in central Africa


Stonehenge and Avebury in England


The pyramids of China in the Xian province


The mysterious  Kunoonda Mullumbimby stone circle complex in Australia


The ruins of Nan Madol at Pohnpei


The mysterious stone heads of Easter Island


Machu Picchu in Peru


The pyramids of the Sun and Moon at Teotihuacan in Mexico


The Four Corners area of the Hopi


Sacred rock paintings in the Dragon Mountains of Southeast Africa…and many more



It is interesting to note here that many ancient oral and written sources such as India’s Mahabharata, ancient Chinese hymns, Platonic philosophy and Russian folklore mention a triangular division of the Earth’s surface.  Plato wrote that the Earth viewed from above resembles a ball sewn from twelve pieces of skin (a dodecahedron).

The spherical dodecahedron


This triangular division is related to the 20 triangles of the icosahedron in the global grid.

The triangular division of the dodecahedron



Becker-Hagens Grid: William Becker and Bethe Hagens

William Becker and Bethe Hagens created the most advanced visualization of the Global Grid.

The Becker-Hagens Grid combined the Russian research with work from Buckminster Fuller.

Becker and Hagens overlaid a complex, icosahedrally-derived, spherical polyhedron, Fuller called “Composite of Primary and Secondary Icosahedron Great Circle Sets”.

This “EarthStar Globe” as they called it, incorporated all 5 Platonic solids into the grid.

It is composed of a spherical polyhedron with 120 identical triangles.

“We have shortened [Fuller’s geometry] to Unified Vector Geometry (UVG) 120 sphere… We use the number 120 due to its easy comprehension as a spherical polyhedron with 120 identical triangles — all approximately 30, 60 and 90 in composition.”5



Bethe Hagens writes, “… the Earth [is] really a living crystal being with a geometric skeleton that could be mapped in its patterns of energy flows… in ocean currents, the winds, river systems, and distributions of precious minerals. It even seemed that ancient humans had known this sacred, hidden body of the Earth, and sited their civilizations to take advantages of her very visceral powers.”6

She goes on to say, “I found a picture of the world with a funny lattice work on it. It looked as if someone had put one of Buckminster Fuller’s domes over the planet, and the design caught my eye. As I read the accompanying article by Christopher Bird, I learned that was indeed what had been done. Three Russians (an engineer, a historian, and a linguist) had found that the dome-like geometric pattern could be aligned on the Earth in such a way that the struts of the dome mapped out major geologic features (such as mountain ranges and river systems), and the connecting points for the struts fell at the sites of important ancient civilizations. There were many other correlations, and the authors had numbered all of the corners so that information could be collected and compared among a variety of researchers all over the world.”7


“Probably the most significant discovery I made, though, involved great circles. A “great circle” is an equator. It cuts a “sphere” exactly in half. At first glance, the Earth crystal map appeared to me to be a web, like Spider Grandmother, but in fact it was a perfectly symmetrical cluster of fifteen great circles – or hoops – that created the illusion of one hundred and twenty identical triangles…It was not long after I discovered that many Sioux tribes refer to life force of Earth as “the fifteen hoops.”8


More recently, Bethe has realized the EarthStar is a reflection of the sky.
“…One night, as I sat (again) looking at a blank computer screen, I looked up at my celestial globe, and began thinking about Plato. If [the world grid] really were a universal model of all creation, there should be fifteen hoops in the sky. I found that I could use the Earth’s path around the sun (the ecliptic) as the equator of the heavens, and a fifteen-hoop structure could be anchored to important places named in the world’s sky mythologies… the star Sirius, the Crab Nebula at the tip of Orion’s club, the Bear. Most amazing was that the ring of the Milky Way (as we see it in the sky) was exactly coincident with one of the hoops.”9


The Planetary Grid System shown [here] was inspired by an original article by Christopher Bird, “Planetary Grid,” published in New Age Journal #5, May 1975, pp. 36-41. The hexakis icosahedron grid, coordinate calculations, and point classification system are the original research of Bethe Hagens and William S. Becker.

These materials are distributed with permission of the authors by Conservative Technology Intl. in cooperation with Governors State University, Division of Intercultural Studies, University Park, Illinois 60466 312/534-5000 x2455. This map may be reproduced if they are distributed without charge and if acknowledgment is given to Governors State University (address included) and Mr. Bird.




The following is an analysis given by David Wilcock in Chapter 12 of The Shift of the Ages.10

South America’s grid triangle forms the continent around itself. In looking at the southernmost tip of South America, you can see how the force of node number 58 pushes the land away from its due south trend and towards the east. Then, if you look at node 49, on the middle of the East Coast of South America near Rio de Janeiro, you can clearly see how the force of the node has pushed the landmass of the continent into a rounded shape.” 10

Australia forms very precisely within the stretching forces of the global grid.

Point 27 at the north and middle of Australia forms the Gulf of Carpenteria. “The nodes have shaped the land into circular “vortices”, repelling the continental mass from themselves and in this case, also shaping the outline of the island directly above Australia.”

“Africa shows the combined action of two larger triangles, one with the point facing downwards on the African continent and its neighbor pointing upwards, griding the Indian Sea.”

“The east coast of Africa and Saudi Arabia follow the eastern side of the triangle very nicely, on the grid line from point 41 to point 12.”


“Node point 22 gently pushes in on Africa’s east coast, causing it to dip inwards as it travels and forming the Somalia Basin.”

“We can also assume that the “cracks” separating Africa and Saudi Arabia were caused by the expansion of the Grid, forcefully pulling the land into alignment.

The “crack” to the immediate left of point 12 follows the grid line exactly.

The upward-pointing triangle can be clearly seen to cut its way right into the land, with Africa’s coast defining its left side and India’s coast defining its right.”


“The entire Eastern side of Hudson Bay in Canada precisely follows the line from 18 in Florida to 9 in the Bay to 61 at the North Pole.

All of England is precisely within the line created by point 20 in Africa, through point 11 in England to point 61 at the North Pole.



Sacred Sites & the Planetary Grid

“A planetary grid is an Aetheric crystalline structure that envelops the planet and holds the consciousness of any one species of life.”11

As we mentioned earlier, sacred sites are laid out on the Grid.  Drunvalo Melchizedek explains how these sites are also laid out as spirals along the grid.



In Uxmal, in the Yucatan, seven temples are laid out in a spiral corresponding to the 7 chakras:

Uxmal, Labna, Kabah, Chichen Itza, Tulum, Kohunlich, and then Palenque.

From Palenque it splits north and south.

South from Palenque to Tikal, them moving through Machu Picchu and Sacsayhuaman, then Chavin in Peru, then Lake Titicaca to half a mile off the Island of the Sun in Bolivia, then a 90 degree turn towards Easter Island, then Moorea where it anchors into the Earth.


North from Palenque to Aztec ruins to the American Indian Pyramids, then blue Lake near Taos, then a 90 degree turn at Blue Lake to go through Ute Mountain, through many mountains, then Lake Tahoe, Donner Lake and Pyramid Lake, then through underwater mountain complexes to the Hawaiian Islands, Haleakala Crater, then south all the way to Moorea.


Sacred sites in Egypt are included in another spiral, as well as those in England, the Himalayas and Asia.

This is all related to Ley Lines.



Ley Lines

Sir Alfred Watkins (1855-1935) was an English author, archaeologist and businessman who coined the term ‘ley lines’ after he had a revelation while standing on a hillside in Herefordshire, England in 1921.

He noticed on the British landscape the apparent arrangement of straight lines positioned along ancient features and called them ‘ley lines’ because the line passed through places whose names contained the syllable ‘ley’.

He found a huge number of architectural sites, from all different historical periods appeared throughout England on these straight-lined paths called ley lines.


“[Ley lines are] alignments and patterns of powerful, invisible earth energy said to connect various sacred sites, such as churches, temples, stone circles, megaliths, holy wells, burial sites, and other locations of spiritual or magical importance.”12


“It is true that more “paranormal” activity is evidenced in these areas…effects of this type of energy are said to be similar to those of static electricity: feelings of “tingling” on the skin and hairs standing on end…A phenomenon often reported during investigations is that of technical equipment behaving erratically…Major prehistoric structures of higher importance can frequently be found to occupy locations where two or more leys intersect with each other.”13


Many ancient cultures around the world were aware of these straight lines:

  • Irish – Fairy Paths
  • Germans – Holy Lines
  • Greeks – Sacred Roads of Hermes
  • Ancient Egyptians – Pathways of Min
  • Chinese – lung mei, or dragon currents – They believed that placing stones, trees, temples, houses and pagodas along these lines would directly help the earth. This is related to geomancy and Fung Shui.
  • Australian Aborigines – Dream paths
  • Ancient Polynesians – te lapa or “lines of light”. They could apparently see them as visible lines in the ocean they used for navigation across vast distances of water.
  • Easter Island and Hawaii – aka threads
  • Incas – organized their entire civilization along these lines, ceque lines
  • Mayas – built raised white roadways called Sacbes along the lines
  • Native North Americans – medicine wheels and kiva circles found straight-line arrangements
  • Moundbuilders in Midwest & East Coast – left their structures in curious alignments along these lines



Ley lines are closely related to geomancy.

“The science of geomancy demands that structures be placed within the landscape according to certain magical formulas that included the laws of mathematics and music (harmonic ratios) and used in such a way as to provide a harmonic setting for the monument.  The general belief is that prehistoric man was aware of these cosmic lines under the earth and sought to build his sacred structures along them in order to tap into their magical properties.”14



The Tetrahedron in the Sphere

We have seen how the icosahedron and dodecahedron play an important role in the global grid.  Now we will focus on a different Platonic solid – the tetrahedron – to finish up this article.

Here we will see not only the effect of the tetrahedron on planet Earth, but also on many of the other celestial bodies in the solar system.


The tetrahedron in a sphere research originally came from Tom Bearden, a retired Lt. Colonel in the US Army.  It was later popularized by Richard C. Hoagland and David Wilcock.

If you place a tetrahedron in a sphere the 3 points of the base of the tetrahedron lie on the 19.47° latitude meridian of the circumsphere.

If you transcribe a tetrahedron onto the sphere of a planet, the top point will be on the North Pole and the other three points will be at the approximate 19.5° South latitude.

Conversely, you could put an upside down tetrahedron and the three points will still be on the 19.5°, but they will be in the North.


These points are seen as major energetic points on Earth and in the solar system.


Note that the degrees are not exactly at 19.47º in physical reality due to a wide range of naturally occurring variables and variations such as crust depth, potential changes over the eons (pole shifts, meteor collisions, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions…etc.) and a wobble of the planetary and solar bodies that creates oscillations and imperfect rotations (the same wobble we see on Earth), as well as the fact that we are not dealing with perfect spheres but planets that slightly bulge in the center and have very irregular surface areas.

Also note that 33% of an hour has 19 minutes and 47 seconds (.33 x 60 = 19.8, .8 x 60 = 47).


The continual oscillation from time/space to space/time (inward centripetal flow/outward centrifugal flow) causes interference patterns which create these standing waves of geometry upon which matter precipitates.

Fluid Dynamics in a fluid-like Aether is the key.


There is evidence to show that great energy is generated at these points and this can be seen throughout the solar system.

Some examples discovered by Richard C. Hoagland & David Wilcock of the importance of the 19.47° latitude meridian include:



Big Island of Hawaii

  • Kilauea volcano – most continuously active volcano on Earth – 19.41º N


  • Mauna Kea – sacred giant shield volcano – 19.82º N


  • Mauna Loa – largest volcano on Earth (30 miles long, 60 miles wide) – 19.47ºN


Hurricanes most often spin off Africa from the 19.5º latitude.


Sacred monuments – Pyramids of the Sun & Moon (Mexico City)




  • Alta Regio 19.5º N; Beta Regio 25.0ºS – volcanic regions

  • Strange highly-oxygenated plasma gas on Venus – charged atmosphere that recently showed up (Wilcock)

  • The plasma appears along the straight-line of the tetrahedron.
  • Photo: Jeremy Bailey, ANU 2.3 cm CASPIR, Aus. Obs.
  • This shows the tetrahedral geometry in Venus’s glow.  The white point in the lower left corner of Venus aligns with the 19.5 tetrahedral corner.




  • Olympus Mons – shield volcano – largest volcano in the solar system – 19.3º N
    • It is 3x larger than Everest and looks like a giant version of Mauna Loa.


  • Mars Icecap melt from season to season (Wilcock) – a hexagonal pattern forms
  • October 1996; January 1997; March 1997
  • The geometry contains the boundary between cold and hot.

North Polar Cap, Hubble Space Telescope WFPC2




  • Great Red spot – 22º S


  • Bands of dark colors stay at 19.5 Lat. As the planet rotates the swirling vortexes at 19.5 spread out along the entire latitude.

  • “Quasi-hexagonal” temperature drop in Jupiter’s northern polar region
    • Looks like a pentagon, not a hexagon
    • It is actually a dodecahedron – it precisely defines the boundary between hot and cold.

Credit: JPL/NASA




  • North/South Equatorial Belts – regions of storms observed from Earth – +/- 20º N/S
    • These show the sharp differentiation between dark and light atmospheric conditions spreading out along the 19.5 latitude.

Natural coloration of Saturn

Infrared Hubble image of Saturn




  • Northern/Southern IR 1-2 K “Dip” – upwelling created by high-altitude clouds – +/- 20º



  • Great Dark spot – 22º S







Once again, we point out the importance of the Platonic solids on all scales of life.  In this article we have seen the fundamental role the Platonic solids, especially the icosahedron, dodecahedron and tetrahedron, play in the formation, evolution and ecology of our planet.

We have also seen how other planets in our solar system, as well as our Sun, are affected by the tetrahedron.

The fact that the same geometric patterns show up again and again in such diverse scales and structures lends extreme credibility to the idea of an Aetheric metaphysical reality, referred to as the invisible metaphysical reality of time/space in Cosmic Core.

As was noted in previous articles, this ‘Aetheric dimension’ is absolutely necessary to account for the apparent oneness in the great multitude of different inorganic and organic physical forms and for similarity of structure (geometric patterns) in the different scales of physical reality from the subquantum up to the galactic cluster and every scale in between.

Without this background Aether Source reality it would be impossible for this similarity of structure to continue to show up in such varied things as the structure of subatomic particle interactions, atoms, molecules, minerals, crystals, plants and plant parts, insects, animals, human bodies, planets, suns and galaxies.


  2. Wilcock, David, The Source Field Investigations, Dutton, 2011
  3. Kovalenko, Kostya, A Russian Theory of the Energy Grids,
  4. ibid.
  5. Wilcock, David, The Shift of the Ages,
  6. History of the World Grid Theory,
  7. ibid.
  8. ibid.
  9. ibid.
  10. Wilcock, David, The Shift of the Ages,
  11. Melchizedek, Drunvalo, The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Vol. I, Light Technology Publishing, 1998
  12. Harper’s Encyclopedia of Mystical and Paranormal Experience
  13. Gloucestershire’s ley lines, BBC, 13 November 2014,
  14. ibid.

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