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In this article we continue our discussion of the holographic universe, this time focusing on the concept of the holographic brain within a holographic universe.

We will now examine the work of Karl Pribram and several other scientists.

“Our brains mathematically construct objective reality by interpreting frequencies that are ultimately projections from another dimension, a deeper order of existence that is beyond both space and time:  The brain is a hologram enfolded in a holographic universe.”1


The Holographic Brain

Robert Lawlor writes, “The content of our experience results from an immaterial, abstract, geometric architecture which is composed of harmonic waves of energy, nodes of relationality, melodic forms springing forth from the eternal realm of geometric proportion….Holographic concepts of mind propose that mind, nature and light all share the same ideal or abstract analogue.  This common analogue consists of the characteristic of wave phenomena: frequency, amplitude and phase.”

Lawlor then states: “All light is invisible until it has encountered a substance.  All substances to some varying degree absorb and re-emit light.  This interaction is color, and it is the signature of the inner form of the substance.  Holographic brain theory proposes that the phenomenon of mind can be seen as a similar process.  Mind and memory function through the absorption of light where the phase-interference patterns of light are encoded as spatial transforms stored within the living substance of the brain or other tissues of the body.  All the forms of the world can be holographically projected from encoded phase-patterns of light.  We can generalize this theory and say that substance itself may be a holographic memory process in which the consciousness of living substance – and perhaps of all substance – (its geometry) builds itself from the stored transforms of living experience.  And experience, in view of the holographic theory, can be designated as the absorption and re-emission of light.”



Brain Facts2

The brain is faster and more powerful than a supercomputer.  The brain storage capacity is considered virtually unlimited.  It does not get “used up”.  The latest research shows that the brain’s memory capacity is a quadrillion or 1015 bytes. This is about the same amount needed to store the entire internet!

The brain generates enough electricity to power an LED light bulb (12-25 watts).  The brain contains about 86-100 billion microscopic neurons that send information to the brain at more than 268 miles per hour.  This is 1016 impulses per second, 30 times more powerful than IBM Sequoia one of the world’s fastest supercomputers.

The brain comprises about 2% of total body weight but uses 20% of its total energy and oxygen uptake.  The brain needs a constant supply of oxygen to prevent brain damage.

The brain is 73% water and weighs about three pounds yet chronic stress and depression can cause measurable brain shrinkage.

Furthermore, there is no such thing as a left-brain or right-brain personality/skill type.  We are not left-brained or right-brained; we are ‘whole-brained’.

Also, until recently, it was a “fact” that you were born with a set level of intelligence and number of brain cells. But it has since been discovered that your brain has the capacity to change throughout your lifetime due to a property known as brain plasticity. The brain can continue to form new brain cells via a process known as neurogenesis.

The average brain is believed to generate up to 50,000 thoughts a day.  There are almost 200 known cognitive biases and distortions that cause us to think and act irrationally and unfortunately, of the thousands of thoughts a person has every day, it’s estimated that 70% of this mental chatter is negative — self-critical, pessimistic, and fearful.

Ninety-five percent of your decisions take place in your subconscious mind.

The brain in your head isn’t your only brain. There’s a “second brain” in your intestines that contains 100 million neurons. Gut bacteria are responsible for making over 30 neurotransmitters including the “happy molecule” serotonin.


Karl Pribram

Karl Pribram (1919-2015) was a neurophysiologist at Stanford University who later worked with Dr. David Bohm.

Pribram questioned where memories were stored in the brain.

He was originally puzzled by a paradox: cognitive processing had very precise locations in the brain, but within these locations, the processing itself seemed to be determined by ‘masses of excitations…without regard to particular nerve cells.’

He knew that certain parts of the brain performed specific functions, yet the actual processing of the information seemed to be carried out by something that was not particular to any group of cells.

Pribram thought memories were not localized at specific brain sites but distributed throughout the brain as a whole.

He also thought vision, like memory was also distributed throughout the brain.

One of Pribram’s considerations was as follows: because neurons are packed so densely together the expanding ripples of electricity – a wavelike phenomenon – are constantly crisscrossing one another – these might be giving the brain its holographic properties.


Pribram, unfortunately, experimented on monkeys and cats.  His studies showed evidence that brain response was distributed in patches across the cortex.  He discovered single neurons in the motor cortex respond selectively to a limited bandwidth of frequencies.  He then thought the brain must somehow “read information by transforming ordinary images into wave interference patterns, and then transform them again into virtual images, just as a laser hologram is able to”.3

“Was it possible, he wondered, that what the mystics had been saying for centuries was true, reality was maya, an illusion, and what was out there was really a vast, resonating symphony of wave forms, a ‘frequency domain’ that was transformed into the world as we know it only after it entered our senses?”4

“David Bohm had suggested that were we to view the cosmos without the lenses that outfit our telescope, the universe would appear to us as a hologram.  Pribram extended this insight by noting that were we deprived of the lenses of our eyes and the lens-like processes of our other sensory receptors, we would be immersed in holographic experiences.”5



Memories stored in the brain – Where did this idea come from?

The idea that memories are stored in the brain started with American-Canadian neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield (1891- 1976) in the 1920’s.

As Wikipedia states, “Penfield devoted much of his thinking to mental processes, including contemplation of whether there was any scientific basis for the existence of the human soul.”

It is to be noted that the brain itself does not sense pain directly.  If the skull and scalp are anesthetized, the brain can be operated on with no pain when the person is fully conscious.

Penfield electrically stimulated various areas of epileptic brains.  In so doing, the patients relived various memories of their past in vivid detail.  He concluded everything we have ever experienced is recorded in our brain.

Please note: these findings were never able to be duplicated in non-epileptic patients.

It has been shown that higher brain functions, such as memory and other forms of intelligence, are not housed or located in any particular section or component of the brain.


Pribram’s Theory

“When you first notice something, certain frequencies resonate in the neurons in your brain.  These neurons send information about these frequencies to another set of neurons.

The second set of neurons makes a Fourier translation of these resonances and sends the resulting information to a third set of neurons which then begin to construct a pattern that eventually will make up the virtual image you create of the object you see in space.

When we look at something, we don’t ‘see’ the image of it in the back of our heads or on the back of our retinas, but in three dimensions and out in the world.

It must be that we are creating and projecting a virtual image of the object out in space, in the same place as the actual object, so that the object and our perception of the object coincide.

This would mean that the art of seeing is one of transforming.

In a sense, in the act of observation, we are transforming the timeless, spaceless world of interference patterns into the concrete and discrete world of space and time.”6

Pribram also showed the brain is a highly discriminating frequency analyzer.

He demonstrated the brain contains a certain mechanism which limits the otherwise infinite wave information available to it, so we are not bombarded with limitless wave information.


“Karl Pribram discovered that the visual information a monkey receives via its optic nerves does not travel directly into its visual cortex, but is first filtered through other areas of its brain. Numerous studies have shown that the same is true of human vision. Visual information entering our brains is edited and modified by our temporal lobes before it is passed on to our visual cortices. Some studies suggest that less than 50 percent of what we “see” is actually based on information entering our eyes. The remaining 50 percent plus is pieced together out of our expectations of what the world should look like (and perhaps out of other sources such as reality fields). The eyes may be visual organs, but it is the brain that sees.”7

“When we look at the world around us we are totally unaware that there are gaping holes in our vision.  It doesn’t matter whether we are gazing at a blank piece of paper or an ornate Persian carpet. The brain artfully fills in the gaps like a skilled tailor reweaving a hole in a piece of fabric. What is all the more remarkable is that it reweaves the tapestry of our visual reality so masterfully we aren’t even aware that it is doing so.”8



Karl Lashley

Karl Lashley (1890-1958) was a neuropsychologist at Yerkes Laboratory of Primate Biology, in Florida.

Sadly, Lashley experimented on rats, yet he learned much from this unethical animal experimentation.

He trained the rats to run a maze.  He then surgically removed parts of their brains and retested.

No matter what portion he cut or burnt out, he could not eradicate their memories.

Even with massive portions of their brain removed, and motor skills impaired, the memories remained.

His experiments were extremely cruel to the rats – nevertheless he showed every part of a rat’s brain, memories and perception, must somehow be distributed throughout the brain.

He discovered vision is holographic.

Vision was originally believed to work like a photographic image being projected onto the cortical surface.

With 90% of the rat’s visual cortex removed, it could still perform tasks requiring complex visual skills.

“As much as 98% of a cat’s optic nerves can be severed without seriously impairing its ability to perform complex visual tasks.”9



Paul Pietsch

Paul Pietsch (1929-2009) “worked as a research physiologist and senior research molecular biologist at Dow Chemical from 1964-1970.  He was a Professor in the School of Optometry and an Adjunct Professor of Anatomy at Indiana University from 1970 until his retirement in 1994.

His research concentrated on the connections between the brain, mind, and memory, as well as limb regeneration.  His article “Shuffle Brain”, which explores amphibian brain transplants to determine the connections between the brain and memory, was published in Harper’s in 1972. It was awarded the 1972 Medical Journalism Award by the American Medical Association.  Pietsch’s research for “Shuffle Brain” was also featured on the television program “60 Minutes” in August of 1973.”10

He refused to believe Pribram’s theory and set out to prove him wrong.  In the 1960s he experimented on salamanders over 700 times.11

He discovered he could remove the brain of a salamander without killing it – it remained in a stupor.

The behavior returned to normal when the brain was restored.

Unfortunately he even flip-flopped the left and right hemispheres, turned the brain upside down, sliced, shuffled and minced the brains.  The behavior of the salamanders always returned to normal when he replaced what was left of their brains.

Pietsch found that the brain seems to exhibit both specificity and generality yet it seemed information can be coded in waveforms that can be combined or canceled according to how their wave cycles reinforce or interfere with each other.

These sad experiments on animals need not occur.  It is not necessary to torture and kill living creatures to understand life.

Tragically, cruel animal experimentation continues to be the norm in modern day science.

Let us learn what we can from past experiments and not repeat these cruel and unethical methods.

The means must match the ends.  If we are attempting to understand life, we cannot kill in order to do so.  It defeats the purpose and creates more unnecessary pain and trauma in the world.

It is very telling that the scientific community at the time had absolutely no problems with cruel animal experimentation.  They did, however, have problems with the accepting the idea that the brain (and reality) might be holographic.  These concepts were essentially pushed under the rug instead of investigated further.



Dr. Eileen Vining

Dr. Eileen Vining is a neurologist and pediatrician in Baltimore, Maryland who received her medical degree from Johns Hopkins University.

She studied 54 different children who had the entire hemisphere of their brain removed that was damaged.

They did not lose half their memories or abilities to function, but actually improved their level of intelligence and physical coordination.

This was first reported entitled Removing Half of Brain Improves Young Epileptics’ Lives in 1997 in the New York Times.12

The article discusses hemi-spherectomy, the surgical procedure that removes half the brain, “Its success in children with damage confined to half the brain astonishes even seasoned scientists and suggests that until now, they may have greatly underestimated the brain’s flexibility, particularly in older children.”

A newer study in 2003 at Johns Hopkins looked at 111 children who had the operation between 1975 and 2001.  86% of them became completely seizure free, or at least no longer needed to take medication.13



Dr. John Lorber

Dr. John Lorber (1915-1996) was a professor of pediatrics at the University of Sheffield from 1979 to 1981.  He was a top expert on hydrocephalus – that is, “water on the brain”.

He studied 253 hydrocephalus sufferers at the University of Sheffield in London.

Nine of them had only 5% of their brain tissue left.  Four of these nine had IQs greater than 100; two had IQs greater than 126.


Roger Lewin published an article discussing his work in 1980 titled “Is Your Brain Really Necessary?” in ‘Science’ journal.14

Lewin wrote, “’There’s a young student at this university,’ says Lorber, ‘who has an IQ of 126, had gained a first-class honors degree in mathematics, and is socially completely normal.  And yet the boy has virtually no brain…When we did a brain scan on him,’ Lorber recalls, ‘we saw that instead of the normal 4.5 cm thickness of brain tissue between the ventricles and cortical surface, there was just a thin layer of mantle measuring a millimeter or so.  His cranium is filled mainly with cerebrospinal fluid.’”


“In 2006, Veterinary Pathology journal published a study showing that even the hamsters with the most severe forms of hydrocephalus – where their brains are almost completely nonexistent – still appear to be just fine.  They do not show any strange behaviors or difficulties – and can act, think, remember, move their bodies and breed in all the normal ways.”15



Other Properties of the Holographic Brain

Pieter van Heerden (1970) proposed ‘recognition holography’.  This is the ability to recognize familiar things, especially a face in a large crowd.  It is caused by extremely fast and reliable information processing only possible with a holographic brain.

‘Interference holography’ refers to how we can recognize both familiar and unfamiliar features of someone or something we haven’t seen in a while, such as a face.

Daniel Pollen and Michael Tractenberg (1972) proposed the holographic brain may explain photographic memory.

John von Neumann calculated over the course of a human lifetime the brain stores around 2.8 x 1020 bits of information.




This article details how information is not stored in the chemical constituents of physical matter, such as the brain.  Information is stored in an energetic or Aetheric holographic template of each species, and the whole is present in each of the parts.

Just as the whole of a person is stored in each DNA strand, the whole of a person, including their personality and memories, is stored in each photon of a human’s energetic system.

In a universe composed of a fractal-holographic Aether, this makes perfect sense.


In the next article we will go deeper into these ideas.



  1. Talbot, Michael, The Holographic Universe, Harper Perennial, 1991
  2. Alban, Deane, 72 Amazing Human Brain Facts (Based on the Latest Science),
  3. Talbot, Michael, The Holographic Universe, Harper Perennial, 1991
  4. ibid.
  6. McTaggart, Lynn, The Field, HarperCollins Publishers, 2001
  7. Talbot, Michael, The Holographic Universe, Harper Perennial, 1991
  8. ibid.
  9. ibid.
  11. Walonick, David S. A Holographic View of Reality, 1993,
  12. Zuger, Abigail, Removing Half of Brain Improves Young Epileptics’ Lives, The New York Times, 19 August 1997,
  13. Johns Hopkins Medicine, Study confirms benefits of hemispherectomy surgery, 13 October 2003,
  15. Wilcock, David, The Source Field Investigations, Dutton by Penguin Group Inc. 2011

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