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In this article we will continue our discussion of electromagnetic radiation.

We have discovered that the photon is the result of excitation of the Aether.  The photon is the result of the outward flow of radiation.  Electromagnetic radiation is carried on photons.

We have also discussed how all subatomic particles and particles are nothing more than looping waves of confined photons.

In this article we will go much deeper into how photon confinement is possible and how subatomic particles are formed.


The following information is once again sourced from Conrad Ranzan’s papers The Fundamental Process of Energy – Parts I and II(1).


Conrad Ranzan reminds us, “Particles are the interface between the ponderable and the nonponderable essence.” – Between the physical and the metaphysical.



Particle Formation – Electromagnetic (EM) loops

Mass is the consequence of aether absorption by the confined photon.

Mass and energy involve an interaction with the Aether.

The interaction is an excitation of the medium.  The excitation is a kind of looping, spinning vibrational excitation.

All particles consist of electromagnetic loops (or loops of loops).

There are two ways to increase mass:

  • use a shorter wavelength
  • increase the number of loops in the spiral configuration


Note – by adding additional loops the direction of the field vectors does not change.

All particles are confined photons.

The confinement of energy equals mass (a mass particle).

In order to achieve a stable configuration it seems certain that only a single wavelength is involved in the double-loop structure.

As for the wavelength – the electron’s key features are independent of the length of the “wave”; the wavelength does determine the electron’s energy level which is important to electron confinement within atomic structures.



How is Photon Confinement Accomplished?

In order to confine photons one needs a highly localized region of space to attain some threshold energy density.

The intensity of the localized aether excitation must be great enough to cause the bending of the EM-wave into a full circle and form a looped wave-pattern.

[Here we are reminded of the ouroboros.]

For a wave-pattern to be stable there must be an integer [whole] number of waves along the circumference of the loop.

Two separate loops are formed due to symmetry rules in quantum physics.

The requisite energy density is achieved from the collision of two gamma particles – two high-energy (ultra-high frequency) photons.

The collision of two high energy photons produces a particle-antiparticle pair – one negatron e and one positron e+.

When an electron and positron interact in an annihilation collision they produce a pair of photons.

The transformation of free state photons to confined state photons is witnessed in the production of the electron/positron pair.

Other energy particles are different assemblies of photons.



Charge & Spin

Dan Winter teaches:

Spin or rotation is the only creator and definer of matter, information, charge and time.

Time is merely a name for relative rotation.

Everything is made out of charge.

The origin of plus and minus charge (magnetism) is the relationship of compression to rarefaction (packing the Aether vs. unpacking it).

The difference between positive and negative electrical potential is related to tornadoes that suck vs. push (centripetal vs. centrifugal).


Centripetal – inward sucking spin

Centrifugal – outward pushing spin


Understanding this ‘hydrodynamic’ or flow-form of the tornado’s vorticity having a net inward or outward flux is the key to really understanding the concept of plus vs. minus charge.


Charge simply results from the direction of spin of a particle formed from a photon.


The physicist-philosopher Arto Jumai Heind conceptualized how each subtle realm of spin spawns its successor in a process of densification and physicalization:

  1. Spin the vacuum ether and create a mass field
  2. Spin a diamagnetic mass and create and electrostatic field
  3. Spin a paramagnetic mass an create a magnetic field
  4. Spin a magnetic mass and crate a polarized electric field
  5. Spin a polarized electric field and create a plasma
  6. Spin a plasma and create a non-inertial field
  7. The spinning non-inertial field manifests to the perceiver as the cosmos of spinning and orbiting bodies.


Charge & Inertia

When charge enters concentric rotation and is thereby compressed it then tends to resist change of position.

This hesitance to being pushed is labeled inertia.  This is the only definition or measurement science has ever had for matter or mass.

Matter is stored inertia.

The pattern information which is the inertia that defines matter in physics is at the same time the symmetry ingredient for waves to become self-feeding, self-referring, self-organizing and self-aware.

[Here again we are reminded of the ouroboros.]



Particle Formation from Photons

How does a massless particle transform into a particle with mass and charge?


Returning once again to the Dynamic Steady-State View:

Start with a linear EM-wave as is usually shown in textbooks.

Linear polarization means all the electric-field vectors lie within a plane.

This shows a single wavelength of a propagating photon.


The photon has circular polarization when traced onto a flat paper strip – the magnetic field vectors are pointing in the same direction on the strip and the electric field vectors point into the plane of the strip.  (See image below.)

Apply a full twist to the strip model by connecting the ends.

Credit: Conrad Ranzan –


You now have a twisted-strip model of one wavelength of a circularly polarized photon.

The twisted strip is arranged into a spiral.

The left-handed spiral (counterclockwise self-orbiting motion) has all its electric vectors pointing inward.  This creates an electron.

The right-handed spiral (clockwise) has all the electric vectors pointing outward.  This creates a positron.



Charged Particles – Electrons and Positrons

Charge is the consequence of the particular combination of helicity (of the photon spin) and rotation-sense of the confinement orbit.


Conrad Ranzan explains, “The photon spins so that the peak electric-field vectors are always in a radial direction.  Yet at the same time the magnetic-field vectors tend towards a single direction and thereby account for the electron’s magnetic dipole property.  The double-looped structure also models the electron’s property of spin.”


This model effectively conceptualizes all the essential properties of the electron such as spin, charge, magnetic moment, and spin momentum.

It also accounts for the mass of the electron.

Electrons and positrons are single-wavelength resonant EM waves.

The electron charge and mass are the result of a specific pattern of photon confinement.

The confined photon is the electron.

Ranzan writes, “The electron is a purely electromagnetic vortex.  With each wave cycle – with each resonance – the electron re-creates itself from itself.”

[Once again, we are reminded of the ouroboros.]

An electron’s ½ spin property is the consequence of the 4π periodicity of the photon’s self-orbit.

½ spin means it takes two rotations to return to the original configuration.

That is, the ½ spin of the electron is tied to the fact that the 1-spin photon requires two confinement orbits before returning to the original orientation.

The spin of the photon and the spin of the electron fit together in a harmonious match.


Radius:  The photon in terms of the double-loop radius (λ= 4πr):

Mass: melectron=h/4πrc


Note the inverse relationship between mass and radius.

This reflects a fact of particle physics that the smaller the structure the greater is its mass (and the greater its contained energy).


The photon-confinement theory, whereby the electron and positron are single wavelength photon vortices, can be extended to other particles.

When loops are complete, resonant and harmonic they represent independent particles.

When loops are not complete, they can combine with other incomplete loops to form a complete and stable combination.


Quarks – non-closing loops

For a photon to be confined as a quark it must find a way to close its path; it must join with others seeking closure.


Baryons – a set of three non-closing loops bolted together in sets of three (trefoil configuration)

These are manifestations of a triple photon confinement.


Mesons – loop-anti-loop (quark-antiquark) pairs formed into a figure eight configuration

These are a manifestation of a twin photon confinement.


Ranzan tells us, “The identity of a particle, as Williamson explains, rests with the confinement configuration.  The simplest of these, a simple electromagnetic vortex, corresponds to the electron or positron, with more strongly looped configurations corresponding to the muon and tauon.”


Particles are simply patterns [geometry!] of excitation of the essence medium.

All is Motion!



Localized Matter Formation

Localized matter formation leads to matter accumulation which comes with gravitational aggregation.

Ranzan writes, “The aggregation process is driven by the primary and secondary processes of gravitation and leads variously to the formation of gas and dust clouds, planets and stars, star clusters and dwarf galaxies and full-size galaxies.”

Major clusters do not move apart; they remain stationary due to primary and secondary gravitation processes continuously consuming all the new aether.

It is a perfectly natural harmony of opposites.



Suppression-Annihilation Process (SU-AN)

Every gravitating body has an enveloping inflow of Aether.

Aether is necessary to sustain the very existence of the mass and energy contained within matter.  [Poetically speaking the flow of Aether is the life-force.]

The inflow speed becomes ZERO before the Aether reaches the center of the gravitating body or region!

This region becomes the zone of Aether deprivation.

At the core there is a spherical surface of zero aether flow.

Since matter deprived of aether cannot exist, the matter literally disappears [into the invisible metaphysical realm].

The zone of deprivation shrinks to nothing.

The surface of zero aether flow becomes a mere point.


“In the real world, the core material terminates before any spherical zone of aether deprivation has a chance to develop.”

There are locations within all galaxies and some stars where mass and energy undergoes total SU-AN destruction.

The actual matter density has no bearing.

The density may be of a neutron star, or gaseous sphere, both can undergo aether deprivation and associated collapse.


Ranzan tells us, “The physical reason for the presence of energy is that in a gravitation flow-field there is a process of the self-dissipation of aether.  Individual units of aether, those essence fluctuators in the flow-field, are literally disappearing – being absorbed into the domain of non-existence – in a process which agrees with our very definition of energy.”




In this article we have once again recapitulated the idea that all matter is simply looping photons.  Photons are wave packets released outward as a result of the inward contraction of Aether units.  These wave packets loop and spin due to excitations in the Aether.  The type of excitation of the Aether determines which particles or subatomic particles will form.

Photons form subatomic particles.  Subatomic particles form atoms.  Atoms form molecules.  Molecules form matter.

All is light!  This is a scientific and spiritual truth!

The looping and combinations of the subatomic particles also form according to the crystalline nature of the Aether.  That is, there are geometric constraints to determine subatomic particle interactions.


Remember the amplitudehedron (Article 124A)


Subatomic particles can move along tetrahedral tracks.  If the photon is a star tetrahedron, then subatomic particles can move in any way within that photon, as long as it stays bounded by the star tetrahedron shape itself.


  1. Ranzan, Conrad, The Fundamental Process of Energy – Parts I and II, Infinite Energy Magazine, #113-114, Jan/Feb and Mar/Apr 2014


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