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In this article we will go deeper into the mechanism of gravity as explained by Conrad Ranzan’s Dynamic Steady State Universe (DSSU).

In Aether physics, gravity is the inward spiraling centripetal flow of Aether towards the center of mass (and inwards through the center of the torus to the metaphysical realm of time/space).  Gravity is Aether contracting.

Radiation is the outward spiraling centrifugal flow of Aether.  Radiation is Aether expanding.

The following information is sourced in Conrad Ranzan’s papers entitled The Process of Gravitation: The Cause and Mechanism of Gravitation1 and The Dynamic Steady State Universe.2



The Expansion and Contraction of the Dynamic Aether – “The Divine Breath”

The dynamic quality of space has a dual aspect:  the equations permit both expansion and contraction.

These are the two measurable properties of the Aether – the ability to dynamically expand and contract.  It is a harmony of opposites.

The Aether is, therefore, dynamic.  It expands and contracts.

Space expands in the absence or near absence of mass.

Space undergoes a contraction in the vicinity of mass and energy (matter).

For example, the Sun is contracting space.  The Earth is falling tangentially away from the Sun so we don’t notice the shrinkage.  The Earth’s outward motion is balanced by the inward motion of space and our distance from the Sun remains more or less constant.


Space contraction is also called “self-dissipation of space”.  Space shrinks and disappears.  By ‘disappear’ it enters the invisible metaphysical realm of time/space – the ‘realm of non-existence’.



Hubble’s Space Medium Expansion

Review Articles 93-94 for information about the non-expanding universe and redshift.


The work of Edwin Hubble (pictured below), among others, led to the idea that the farther a galaxy is from Earth, the larger is its redshift.

His cosmic redshift became linked with what appeared to be a receding motion.

Redshift is interpreted to mean that galaxies, in every direction, are all receding and the greater the redshift distance the faster they are racing away.

Does this make our universe an exploding universe?  No.

Ranzan tells us, “It simply meant that the greater the distance of a galaxy the greater it’s apparent recession speed.”

This recession speed is not a motion through space.  Distant galaxies are more or less at rest within their own region of space.  They move slowly, and stay bounded within their individual cosmic cell.

Space (Aether) is divided into invisible tessellating cosmic geometric cells, such as pictured here with tessellating rhombic dodecahedra.  Galaxies and galactic clusters remain bounded within their individual cell.  Gravity acts within each local cell.  The cells do not change size.  The galaxies, stars, planets and so forth, move through their cell as the cell remains stable and stationary.  The cells are invisible and are not solid ‘things’ or walls.  They are more like force fields (Aether flow fields).


Hubble himself did not advocate the expanding model.  He stated, “Expanding models are a forced interpretation of the observational results.”

Ranazan writes, “Academics took the concept of expansion of aether, and extrapolated it into the fanciful expansion of the entire universe!”


General relativity, a localized theory of gravity, has been extrapolated into the highly speculative Big Bang hypothesis.

Astronomer Dr. Halton Arp (1927-2013; pictured below) has collected the evidence over many years and maintains that extragalactic redshifts are not caused by an expanding universe.  His accumulated evidence is incompatible with an interpretation of universal expansion, and undermines the very foundation of all Big Bang models.  This is discussed in detail in Articles 93 and 94.

Physicist/cosmologist and Nobel Laureate, Hannes Alfven (1908-1995) recognized the fanciful and implausible nature of universal expansion as well.

He said, “There is no rational reason to doubt that the universe has existed indefinitely, for an infinite time.  It is only myth that attempts to say how the universe came to be, either four thousand or twenty billion years ago.”

He also said, “I have never thought that you could obtain the extremely clumpy, heterogeneous universe we have today, strongly affected by plasma processes, from the smooth, homogeneous one of the Big Bang, dominated by gravitation.”

And finally, he stated, “The peer review system is satisfactory during quiescent times, but not during a revolution in a discipline such as astrophysics, when the establishment seeks to preserve the status quo.”

A case in point from Conrad Ranzan:  “Astrophysical Journal (ApJ) refuses to comment on the major discovery/proof that the Universe is cellular and not expanding.  The Journal is simply not interested.  Furthermore, it seems oblivious of the biggest anomaly in astrophysics!”

When Ranzan attempted to get his paper, DSSU Validated by Redshift Theory and Structural Evidence published, ApJ’s response was this:

“We have now completed our review of your manuscript, and I regret to tell you that we are not able to undertake further consideration of your submission for publication in The Astrophysical Journal.

The standard model of cosmology is based on General Relativity, a theory which is internally self-consistent and has passed all available experimental tests.  Naturally, it could still be wrong.  However, we are not interested in exploring alternative theories.”

This was written by Ethan T. Vishniac, Editor-in-Chief of the Astrophysical Journal, from May 13, 2015.


As Lee Smolin, physicist at the Perimeter Institute in Canada, wrote, “The problems are rooted in the way the career and funding structure of the academy reward me-too science, lack of courage, entrenchment of failed research programs, legacy building, empire building, narrowness, defensive strategies and groupthink.”

Nevertheless science evolves dragging along the protestations of status-quo bootlickers as it has done for centuries.

As George Orwell wrote, “The further a society has drifted from the truth the more it will hate those who speak it.”



Our Universe Does Not Expand!

Conrad Ranzan tells us “The universe is not something that issued from some genesis event; rather, the universe is something that simply is.”

Refutation of Big Bang cosmology is presented in Articles 80-81, 88-95 and 98-99.



Regional Expansion and Regional Contraction

Everything is in perpetual flux.

Expansion and contraction happen on regional levels – not the entire universe.

Regional expansion and contraction results in naturally ordered regions of space expansion (the voids) separated by enveloping regions of space contraction (the galaxy clusters).  These are the geometric cosmic cells discussed in Article 103.

Tessellating octahedra and tetrahedra as cosmic gravitational cells. 


Two Cosmic Octahedral Cells.  The voids are empty regions of space.  The galaxies and galactic clusters concentrates at the edges and vertexes of geometry, just as colloids collect along the edges and vertexes of geometry in Cymatics.  The same process is at work, just on a vastly larger scale.  Credit: Battaner & Florido


As we see, the voids are empty regions of the Universe.  They are vast regions virtually empty of ponderable material.

This results in a universe in stable equilibrium and a new geometric cellular cosmology.

The cosmic cell structure will be more or less regular. (Regular = geometric)

This accounts for the deviation from homogeneity of galaxy count distribution. And predicts a pattern with an orderly distribution of mass.  (Pattern with an orderly distribution of mass = tessellating Platonic solid geometry).


As shown, mass concentrates at the interface bordering – and surrounding – the individual cosmic cells with their space expanding interiors.

In other words, mass would concentrate on the edges and vertexes of the geometry.

This model solves the homogeneity problem.

It is within this structure of the cosmic cells that the nature of the relationship between Lambda (outward expansion) and gravity (inward contraction) is revealed.


This is a key concept.  Gravity (contraction) and Lambda (expansion) do not act on the universe as a whole.  Gravity and Lambda act locally within each cosmic cell.  Based on astronomical observations, each cosmic cell is approximately 350 million light-years in diameter.

Picture a single cosmic cell, as shown below:

There is an invisible toroidal flow around each cosmic cell.  Pictured above is the cuboctahedron, dual of the rhombic dodecahedron.  This toroidal flow allows for a constant exchange to and from time/space and space/time.  It allows for the steady-state balance of gravity (the inward flowing contraction of Aether) and Lambda/radiation (the outward flowing expansion of Aether.)  This two-way flow holds the cellular structure in place and keeps it at a constant size as galaxies move through it.  Credit:


Read Article 103 for more information on the cosmic cellular structure.



Tensegrity – R. Buckminster Fuller

The Regional Expansion and Contraction of the Universe relates to Fuller’s idea of Tensegrity.

Tensegrity is the continuous-tension/discontinuous-compression structuring principle of the Universe.

It results in the structure of matter on all scales from galaxies to atoms.  This structure, on all scales, is based upon Platonic solid geometry.

It is what maintains the space between stars and planets, electrons and protons…etc.

The two-way balanced flow process creates and maintains the geometry of space.  Shape has shape.



Dewey B Larson & the Balance of the Universe

The work of Larson also aligns with the Ranzan’s DSSU model.

Space expansion carries all of matter outward to infinite space.

There is a co-existing system, likewise expanding and carrying all of its constituent parts outward toward infinite time.

The net effect of the system as a whole is zero.


Local Space Expansion

Every location in the universe is moving outward from every other location at unit velocity because of the space-time progression resulting from the equivalence of the basic units of space and time. (This is radiation).)


Local Space Contraction

Simultaneously all material atoms are moving in the opposite direction, inward toward each other, because of their rotational motion. (This is gravitation.)

These motions control the large-scale aspects of the material universe.  These ‘large-scale aspects’ are the cosmic cellular structure we have been discussing.

As Walter Russell states, “Bear in mind, all living, growing bodies must radiate in order to grow. Your own body, radiates in many ways every single day, while at the same time your body grows, accumulating heat and potential.

Every chemical engineer knows that if they wish to heat a vessel to 120°C they must use super heated steam. The flow of steam must be maintained in order to achieve this elevated temperature. If condensate builds up in the vessel jacket then the flow of steam will stop and the temperature will fall. In other words, getting the high pressure steam into the jacket is important but so too is getting the condensate out fast enough to maintain the steam flow.”


They key aspect here is the two-way flow of the universe (called by many names).  This two-way flow maintains the structure of all bodies in physical reality, from the smallest of atoms to the largest of galaxies.



Regional Expansion – DSSU

Postulate #1 of the DSSU: Space, when subjected to a cosmic tension effect, expands; it expands in the sense that there is a quantitative increase in the number of fundamental fluctuators. In the absence of tension and pressure, space expands axiomatically.


Each cosmic cellular region expands its own space – its own Aether medium.

It expands in its natural undisturbed state or when subjected to cosmic tension.

Regional expansion occurs in the central region of the cosmic voids.  It is strictly confined within the geometric cosmic cells.

Image credit: Conrad Ranzan


Ranzan tells us, “The central region of each of the Universe’s countless voids is dominated by an expansion process.”

Galaxy clusters that oppose each other across a void are gravitationally “pulling” on each other.  This imposes a tension on the in-between space.

A space medium under tension-stress expands.

This regional space expansion is called the essence process II.

 This process is whereby additional fundamental fluctuators (Aether units) come into existence from the invisible source Universe.


The cyclic activity of the fluctuators (Aether units) themselves is called essence process I.

 Essence process I is the manifestation or creation of the fluctuators (in the invisible realm).

Essence process II brings the fluctuators into being (from the invisible into the visible realm).

Even in the absence of tension, the medium would expand – it would increase in the number of fluctuators.


***Note – the count density of the Aether units is constant – new fluctuators will always come into being as others go out of being.

[This ‘coming into being’ and ‘going out of being’ refers to entering the physical realm from the invisible and then returning again to the invisible – like the constant toroidal flow process.]


Regional Contraction

Postulate #2 of the DSSU: Space contracts within mass bodies, mass objects, and all particles. Furthermore, it contracts within a space-contraction field surrounding gravitating mass bodies and particles.  It contracts in the sense that there is a quantitative decrease in the number of fundamental fluctuators.


Space contracts in the presence of matter, or when under pressure as within a gravitation region.

Space contraction is the steady state process that counters the steady state process of space expansion. By this process the medium flowing from the Voids is consumed; that is, it is contracted out of existence by the gravitating bodies of the interface regions.

A cell’s equilibrium is thereby maintained; and the equilibrium state, in turn, determines the cell’s size.



Gravity is Local Space Contraction

The model gives meaning to the gravitational distortion of space and defines it as the absorption and contraction of the space medium by matter.

Gravity is local space contraction.

Gravity is literally Aether (or the movement of Aether), behaving as a fluid, flowing into matter.

The actual effect of gravity is not attributed to the flow itself, but to the rate of change of flow.

The boundaries of the Voids contain accumulations of mass – gravitational mass.  And gravitational mass acts as the sink for the space medium.

The space medium does not circulate; it flows in a one-way pattern.  It flows radially, then “sinks” – that is, it flows into the center of mass.

When it comes in contact with mass and energy, Aether disappears.  It absorbs back into the invisible metaphysical realm of ‘non-existence’.

Cosmic voids supply Aether from time/space.  Aether streams into matter.  The voids are the source.  Matter is the sink.  There is no escape from such flow.



Gravity & the Compressibility of Aether

“It can be shown,” Ranzan tells us, “by applying the fluid-flow continuity equation to a spherical inflow situation, that if the aether did not contract, then gravity (and gravitational acceleration) would be determined by an inverse 5th power law —meaning that it would be an incredibly weak effect!”

Gravity is an inverse-square effect.  This means the “intensity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source of that physical quantity.”

The stronger form of gravitation is only possible if aether undergoes contraction during its inflow into matter.

Therefore, Aether is compressible in an unusual way.

When it is compressed, it maintains a constant-count density.

The key point Ranzan tells us is, “Aether compressibility means that there is a disappearance of fundamental fluctuators within any converging flow of aether. In this secondary contraction process a proportion of the aether units simply stop oscillating — thereby terminating their very existence. The bulk inflow surrounding a gravitating body may be thought of as predominantly a flow of aether into a domain of non-existence. It disappears from the [visible] Universe.”

Ranzan does not tell us so, but in Cosmic Core we understand this domain of non-existence as time/space, the invisible metaphysical reality of consciousness that is the source of all reality.  It does not disappear – it loses its physical qualities and becomes solely the source energy of consciousness – a type of energy undetectable to us as of yet.



Aether-Based Gravity Theory – Conrad Ranzan

“When selecting a gravity theory for a natural universe, three considerations are important,” Ranzan tells us.

  1. It must have a causal mechanism.
  2. It should not be dependent on hypothetical force carriers (such as gravitons).
    • Wikipedia tells us, “In theories of quantum gravity, the graviton is the hypothetical elementary particle that mediates the force of gravity. There is no complete quantum field theory of gravitons due to an outstanding mathematical problem with renormalization in general relativity.”
    • Hint: Gravitons do not exist.  We do not need them for the universe to work.
  3. It must somehow incorporate a mass-bestowing process.


The DSSU Aether-based gravity theory employs the processes of primary and secondary contraction.

It exploits the property of aether contraction without a change in ‘density’.

It has a clear causal mechanism.

It combines mass acquisition and primary gravity into a single process.  See Article 127 to understand ‘mass’.



Direct Cause of Gravitation

The cause of gravitation is the direct assimilation of aether by the central mass.  This produces an acceleration of the surrounding aether inflow.

It involves the absorption and annihilation of aether: tiny parts on the particle scale and vast amounts on the astronomical scale.

Annihilation is a disappearance of aether involved in the excitation into the non-physical (metaphysical) realm.

Ranzan tells us, “The direct cause of gravitation, as it relates to planets, moons, and stars, is simply the accumulated absorption effect of all the mass and mass equivalences that such bodies represent.”

Surrounding any large mass accumulation, a bulk flow of aether becomes necessary in order to feed a truly insatiable demand.

There is a relentless demand by mass for the essence medium (Aether).

This means Aether ‘feeds’ matter.  A constant inflow of Aether is needed to sustain all matter and mass equivalents (such as photons).  Without this inflow the matter would dissolve.

The process by which matter manifests itself is the same process that causes direct gravitation.

The contraction-disappearance of aether is the veritable process that gives the gravitation field its energy.



Primary Gravitation

Primary gravitation is the direct absorption or assimilation of aether by all mass and all radiation.

It is primary gravity acceleration that induces the aether in the ‘field’ region to contract.



Secondary Gravity

Secondary gravitation is the process of the self-excitation of the space medium; the indirect contraction of aether within contractile regions.

When it is compressed it always maintains a constant density.

A proportion of the aether units simply disappear.  (This is the disappearance through the torus into the unseen, metaphysical reality of time/space.)

Fundamental fluctuators stop oscillating thereby terminating their physical existence.

The contraction increases the inflow speed and intensifies the acceleration in the region beyond the immediate vicinity of the body.

These first two processes produce mass and inertia.



Tertiary Gravity

Tertiary Gravity is the process of self-expansion of the medium; related to the axiomatic (self-evident or unquestionable) dynamic nature of the essence medium and the cosmic tension inherent in the universe’s cellular structure.

It involves the quantitative increase of aether.



Basic Essence Process

The basic essence process occurs on the subquantum scale.

It involves the pulsation ‘activity’ of the fundamental fluctuators (activity of movements of consciousness.)



Cosmic Essence Process

The cosmic essence process also occurs on the subquantum scale.

It involves the coming into being of new fluctuators.

It is the expansion of the space medium.  It cannot just take place anywhere in the universe.  The cosmic structure determines where the expansion occurs.

A cosmic region under tension behaves much like Einstein’s lambda force or cosmological constant – they share the ability to produce expansion.

“Thus,” Ranzan tells us “initial aether-contraction (absorption-assimilation) by mass, leads to acceleration; leads to secondary contraction; leads to further acceleration.  In this way the secondary-gravitation region acts as a gravitation amplifier.”



Dynamic Aether Medium

Surrounding any gravitating body there is a bulk inflow of aether – a continuous streaming into the central mass body.  This is called the Aether flow field.

The speed of aether flow increases with proximity to the surface of the central body

The Aether contraction field is described as an actual disappearance or self-dissipation of aether.

The dynamic aether field is overwhelmingly dominated by its powerful contraction aspect.



Dynamic Aether Field vs. Force Field

Force Field – the force tells matter how to move

Dynamic Aether Field – the aether medium tells matter how to move


Anything in the dynamic aether region tends to accelerate with the acceleration of the local aether flow towards the center of mass.

Most regions of our universe consist of a patchwork of overlapping gravitational fields with smaller fields embedded within larger ones.

Fractal large-scale structure of the Universe.  Credit: David P. Rothall and Reginald T. Cahill



The Acceleration of Gravity

Acceleration of Gravity = Acceleration of the Aether space-medium.

The intensity of the gravitational effect at a particular location is a measure of the local space-flow acceleration.

Only the rate of change is important!


Cosmic inflow:  365 km/s.  The rate of change, locally, is quite negligible.

Orbital component:  30 km/s.  This is constant and contributes almost nothing to the acceleration of flow.

Earth’s inflow:  11.2 km/s and 9.8 m/s2 near Earth’s surface.




We have taken a look at the mechanism of gravity as described by Conrad Ranzan’s Dynamic Steady State Universe model.

Gravitation is the process of inflow of the Aether into the center of mass, through the center of the toroidal Aether units and into the metaphysical realm of time/space.  This is one half of the opposing yet harmonious dynamic of opposite forces that construct the universe.

Radiation is the second half and it the outflow of Aether.  This will be discussed in detail in Articles 125-129.

This idea is backed up by many brilliant scientists and thinkers such as Dr. Reginald Cahill, Dr. Paul LaViolette, Walter Russell, Nassim Haramein, Dan Winter, David Wilcock, Buckminster Fuller, Dr. Harold Aspden, and more.


  1. Ranzan, Conrad, The Process of Gravitation: The Cause and Mechanism of Gravitation, Journal of Modern Physics and Applications (JMPA) Vol. 2014:3
  2. Ranzan, Conrad, The Dynamic Steady State Universe, Physics Essays Vol. 27, No. 2, 2014


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