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In this article we will summarize the numbers we have encountered along this journey.



Numbers Describe Patterns in Space & Time


This results in the Teleological Question – Is it designed?

The esoteric stream of knowledge and Perennial Philosophy says yes, it is.  We painstakingly go through the evidence for this intelligent design coupled with free will evolution throughout the full catalog of courses in Cosmic Core.  We see the same number and geometry forming life on all scales.  The source of this ‘intelligent design’ is Cosmic Consciousness and it is beyond any one religion, philosophy, gender or belief system.  It is, in fact, beyond words.

These repeating patterns reflect an extreme intelligence throughout the universe – a universe, as we said, that is formed and guided by consciousness.

Number gives us glimpses of the matrix upon which the whole of creation is sustained.

John Michell writes in The Dimensions of Paradise, “The philosophy of number is subtle and easily misunderstood…A number on its own has no inherent meaning; its symbolism arises purely from its relationships to other numbers.  It has no moral qualities, nor can it be an absolute symbol of any created thing.

The laws that fashioned the universe are said to be the laws of number, established by the Creator’s original act of thought.  Every numerical formula obviously involves two or more numbers, which in their various interactions can be seen a positive or negative.  Thus the traditional image of the world is a magnetic field, a paradoxical structure in which the particles are illusory but their relationships real and constant.

The philosopher who acquires this view of things cultivates the habit of distinguishing and qualifying the opposite elements in any situation, and applying his knowledge of proportion to locating their point of balance.  To achieve this he may take sides and adopt causes, but he is incapable of fanaticism or moral self-righteousness, seeing in everything the operations of two rival but interdependent forces, neither of which can entirely vanquish the other nor long prevail over it without producing reaction.”

We will now review the quality and associations of numbers beyond 10.


Numbers in Poetry

  • triplets – three (3) lines of verse
  • quatrains – four (4) lines of verse
  • pentameters – lines with 5 stressed syllables
  • hexameters – lines with 6 stressed syllables
  • haiku – 3 lines; 17 syllables
    • 5, 7, 5 syllables



7, 9, 12, 28 – Shamanistic numbers

  • 7 planets
  • 9 spheres of heavens
  • 12 constellations (12 Ages of Precession)
  • 28 lunar mansions




  • 11 is a mysterious, under worldly number.
  • 11 is a prime number.
  • It is called ‘Elf’ in German.
  • It is the first number that allows us to begin to comprehend the measure of a circle.
    • A circle measuring 7 across will measure 11 halfway around.
  • The 7:11 conversion between square and curve is demonstrated numerous ways in the Great Pyramid.
  • The size of the Earth: size of the Moon = 3:11.
  • Halfway between 3 and 11 is 7.
  • The diagonal of a rectangle 3 wide and 7 high equals the Earth’s tilt.
  • 3, 7, 11 are Lucas numbers, sisters of the Fibonacci numbers.
  • 11/7 is the ancient Egyptian value for ½ of pi.
  • Jupiter draws an 11-fold pattern around Earth.

  • 11 signifies first contact with another dimension.
  • 22 represents first access to information from another dimension.
  • 33 indicates preliminary ability to use such information.
  • This sequence develops through multiples of 11, with progressing symbolic meaning until it culminates at 77. (Michael Glickman – crop circles)




  • 12 is the first abundant number.
  • Its factors 1, 2, 3, 4, & 6 – sum to more than itself. (1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 6 = 16)
  • 12 points on a circle can join to form 4 triangles, 3 squares, or 2 hexagons.
  • Divisors: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12
  • 3 x 4 = 12
  • 3 + 4 = 7
  • Sometimes 12 is associated with 7, particularly in regards to the musical scale.
    • The 7 note musical scale (white keys) has the 8th as the octave.
    • The 12 note musical scale (white & black keys) has the 13th as the octave.
  • 12 is the number of edges of the cube and octahedron.
  • 12 is the number of vertices of the icosahedron.
  • 12 is the number of faces of the dodecahedron.
  • 12 spheres fit perfectly around 1 to define a cuboctahedron (vector equilibrium).
  • 12 circles arrange around 1 to create the “Fruit of Life” from which Metatron’s Cube and the Platonic solids emerge.
  • There are 12 signs of the Zodiac and 12 Ages of the Precession of the Equinox.
  • There are 12 hours on a clock face.
  • 12 x 2 hours in a day
  • The 2nd most simple Pythagorean triangle involves 12 (5:12:13)
  • There are many traditional 12 tribe (or district) nations.
    • 12 Tribes of Israel
    • Solon’s Athenian society
    • Ancient Ireland – its center at Tara, the High King’s celestial court
    • Chinese courts
    • European courts
    • Ancient Egyptian society was divided into 12 nomes or provinces
    • Native American tribal structure
  • We use a 12 person jury to decide matters of ‘justice’.
  • There are 12 houses of the Zodiac.
  • There are 12 Olympians of ancient Greece.
  • There were 12 sons of Odin, the chief Norse god.
  • The King Arthur Legend involves 12
    • 12 subdued rebel princes
    • He won 12 great battles.
    • There were 12 knights of the Round Table.
  • There were 12 sons of biblical Jacob.
  • 12 disciples of Jesus
  • 12 disciplines of Buddha
  • 12 retainers of Osiris
  • 12 ordeals of Gilgamesh
  • 12 labors of Hercules
  • Vedic kings surrounded by 12 nobles
  • Dalai Lama’s Round Council of 12 great Namshans
  • 12 powers of Apollo – Greek sun god
  • 12 ships sailed by Odysseus, commanded by 12 followers
  • 12 rowers in the ship with Ra
  • 12 stones chosen by Joshua
  • 12 harvesters in the Egyptian field of Amenti
  • 12 vultures appearing to Romulus indicating the exact site of Rome in Roman myth
  • 12 bronze tablets in ancient Rome bearing Roman law
  • 12 petals in the Anahata (heart chakra)
  • There are 12 chemical steps in every spiraling turn of the DNA helix.
  • There are 12 cranial nerves in the head.
  • 12,000 people were ‘sealed’ from each of the 12 tribes of Israel making 144,000 total.
  • “Even the proportions of everyday weights and measures were based on the natural twelveness evident in mathematics, which makes subdivision and multiples easier (since 12 & 60 have so many divisors). This supreme structure-function-order of archetypal twelveness allowed ancient societies to move in harmony with the heavens and to cooperate with nature around them.”  Michael Schneider
    • 12 inches = 1 foot
    • 12 x 3 = 36 inches = 1 yard
    • 12 x 6 = 72 inches = 6 feet = 1 fathom
    • 12 x 55 = 660 feet = 1 furlong
  • 12 = 1 dozen
  • 12 dozen = 1 gross
  • 12 months = 1 year




  • 13 is the number of the coven.
  • 13 was loved by the ancient Maya.
  • 13 is a prime number.
  • 13 is central to a deck of cards. There are 52 cards with 13 of each of the four suits (Hearts, Spades, Diamonds, Clubs).
  • 13 is the Fibonacci number expressed in the motions of Venus: 13 Venus years = 8 Earth years.
    • In those 8 years there are almost exactly 99 full moons.
    • 99 is the number of pronounceable names of Allah in Islam.
  • The teacher of 12 disciples (Jesus, Buddha…etc.) is the 13th
  • The 13th tone in the chromatic scale completes the octave.
  • 13 spheres create a 3D Fruit of Life. The central 13th is the seed.
  • 13 spheres create the cuboctahedron. The central 13th is the seed.
  • We reach sexual maturity at 13 years, on average.
  • Women have approx. 13 menstrual cycles a year.
  • There are approximately 13 full moons each year.
  • There exists an irrational cultural fear of the number 13. This is called triskaidekaphobia.  It relates to the unlucky 13th day, which hearkens back to the day the Knights Templar were purged – Friday the 13th, October 1307.




  • 16 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2: the square of 4.
  • Divisors: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16
  • 16 ounces = 1 pound
  • 16 is a traditional ‘coming of age’ year in many cultures (driving, marriage, sexual consent, sweet 16 birthdays, leaving school…etc.)
  • There are 16 bar stanzas in the traditional hip-hop song.




  • A Japanese haiku has 17 syllables.
  • Greek hexameter has 17 syllables.
  • 17 is a beautiful number to Islamic mystics.
  • 17 is a prime number.




  • 18 = 9 x 9
  • 18 = 3 x 6
  • Divisors: 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18
  • 18 is a significant ‘coming of age’ year in many cultures. (voting, drinking, military service, marriage)
  • Eclipses repeat after 18 years (Saros eclipse cycle).
  • 618 years = the revolution of the moon’s nodes.
    • This is the two places where the slightly offset circles of the sun and moon’s orbits cross.
  • 618 x 18.618 = the eclipse year.
    • This is the time it takes for the sun to return to the same one of the moons nodes.
    • It is 18.618 days short of a solar year.
  • 12 full moons = 18.618 x 19 days
  • 12 full moons comprise the Lunar or Islamic Year.
  • 618 x 19.618 days = the solar year.
    • This is the commonly known 365.242 day year.
  • 13 full moons = 18.618 x 20.618
    • This is 18.618 days after the solar year.
  • 18 is significant in Judaism.
    • Chai (life in Hebrew) has a numerical value of 18.
    • It is customary to give donations and monetary gifts in multiples of 18 as a blessing for long life.
  • There are 18 chapters in the Bhagavad Gita, which is contained in the Mahabharata, which has 18 books.
    • The war which the epic depicts is between 18 armies and lasts for 18 days.
  • In the Ramayana, a different epic, the war also lasted for 18 days.
  • 18 is lucky in Chinese tradition as it sounds similar to ‘definitely get rich’ or ‘to get rich for sure’.




  • 18:19 is the ratio used to define the semitone in music.
  • It is the ratio that determines the lunar and solar year in the eclipse cycle.
  • The Ancient Egyptian canon used this ratio for the height of man.
    • 18 units from bottom of foot to brow (6th chakra; 3rd eye)
    • 19 to the top of the head




  • 19 is a prime number.
  • Full moon dates repeat after 19 years (Metonic cycle).
  • This means 19 years is very close to 235 lunations.
  • Stonehenge displays 19 stones in its inner horseshoe.
  • In Islam there are 19 angles guarding Hell according to the Qur’an.
  • 19 is also significant in the Bahai’ faith.
    • Their calander has 19 months of 19 days each per year.
    • They also have a 19 year cycle and 361 (19 x 19) supercycle.
    • The Bab (founder) and his disciples formed a group of 19.
    • There were 19 Apostles of Baha’u’llah.




  • Divisors: 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20
  • There are 20 to a score.
  • 20 is the sum of fingers and toes.
  • The Mayans used a base-20 system.
  • There are 20 faces to an icosahedron.
  • There are 20 vertices to a dodecahedron.
  • There are 20 amino acids encoded by the standard genetic code. (Remember, these fit together as a dodecahedron – see the work of Dr. Mark White.)




  • 30 is the sum of the first four squares (1 + 4 + 9 + 16).
  • Divisors: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 20, 15, 30
  • There are 30 edges of the Icosahedron & Dodecahedron.
  • There are 30 vertices in the Icosidodecahedron (Archimedean solid).
  • A Triagontagon is a polygon with 30 sides.
  • There are 30 total number of major and minor keys in Western tonal music.
  • There are 30 days in April, June, September, and November.
  • There were 30 uprights that form the Sarsen Circle at Stonehenge.




  • Divisors: 1, 3, 11, 33
  • The sun takes 33 years for a perfect repeat sunrise on the horizon.
  • The Sun’s core rotates once every 33 days.
  • Jesus performed 33 miracles and died and is resurrected at age 33.
  • Ramadan occurs every 12 moons and takes 33 years to move around the calendar.
  • The total number of vertebrae of the spinal column of the human body is 33 when the bones that form the coccyx are counted individually.
    • Through these 33 vertebrae pass 33 pairs of nervous groups.
  • The Sun is roughly 333,000x the mass of earth.
  • The Earth’s equator bulges by .33%.
  • The Earth’s orbit bulges by 3.3%.
  • Light travels 3.3 m per nanosecond.
  • Mach 33 is the escape velocity (the speed you need to leave Earth’s gravity well).
  • Sound travels 333.3 m/sec at 3.3ºC in Earth’s atmosphere.
  • The sine of 19.47º = .3333.
    • Recall how 19.47 marks a tetrahedron in a sphere.
  • The Schumann Resonance is the frequency at which the earth resonates.
    • It is 7.83 Hz peak with a wavelength equal to the circumference of the Earth. This causes the Earth to ring like a bell.
    • Middle C (258.39) is 33 harmonics or 32 overtones above the Schumann Resonance (33/32).
    • Our bodies resonate 33 octaves above the Earth’s fundamental vibration (As above, so below).
  • There are 33 phyla in the Animal Kingdom.
  • 33 percent of the earth’s land mass is desert.
  • The average temperature of mercury is 333 degrees.
  • 33 is, according to the Newton scale, the temperature at which water melts.
    • Temperature, where 32 and below is frozen (not knowing or spiritually unaware) and at 33 it thaws (knowing or spiritually awake).
  • The human foot has 33 muscles.
  • Dante’s Divine Comedy is divided into 3 sections:
    • 34 Cantos of Inferno, 33 Cantos of Purgatorio, and 33 Cantos of Paradiso.
  • Freemasons are obsessed with the number 33.
    • There are 33 ranks (or degrees of initiation) of the Freemason’s Masonic hierarchy, divisible in 3 series of 11.
  • 33 members compose the Council of the Order of the Great Orient of France.
  • In astronomy the sunspot cycle is 11 years in duration, times three, making 33.
  • Every 33 years the Leonid meteor shower is brightest in mid-November.
  • In astrology, the sun officially transitions into a new sign of the zodiac at the 33rd degree (a concept well-known long before Christianity).
  • After 33 years, 12,053 days or sunrises, one can observe an exact repeat of the original equinoctial rising behind the marker stone at the ancient megalithic observatories.
  • According to numerology, 33 is the ‘Master Teacher’. It is regarded as a representation of spiritual progress and the spread of positive energy.
  • The 33rd year of a person is the perfect age, that of the full development, according to Mary Agreda.
  • According to Al-Ghazali the dwellers of Heaven will exist eternally in a state of being age 33.
  • At the Vatican there are 32 archways on each side of the courtyard with a giant obelisk in the middle to make 33.
    • The Pope’s cassock has 32 buttons and his head represents the 33rd.
    • The Basilica of Saint Peter in Rome counts 33 chapels: 29 in the Basilica itself and 4 more in the crypt.
  • There are multiple references to 33 in the bible:
    • 33 days of purification (Leviticus 12:4)
    • 33 sons and daughters of Israel (Genesis 46:15)
    • 3300 officers of King Solomon (1 Kings 5:16)
    • King David reigned in Jerusalem for 33 years (1 Kings 2:11)
    • The divine name Elohim appears 33 times in the story of creation in the opening chapters of Genesis.
  • The Star of David is two triangles, meaning two 3s – 33.
  • The numerical value of “AMEN” also equals 33 (1+13+5+14=33).
  • There are exactly 33 titles in the Old Testament for the antichrist and 13 in the New Testament.
  • Jesus performed 33 recorded miracles.
  • Most importantly, Jesus was baptized at age 30, began his 3 year ministry, then died and was resurrected at age 33 (Luke 3:23).
  • Alexander the Great also died at 33.
  • It is at this age that not only Jesus-Christ was crucified but that Krishna, the god with the 16000 wives and the 180000 sons, died to repurchase the Karma of humanity.
  • After a fast of 40 days, Buddha left the desert to go to exert his apostolate and he was followed by 33 princes of spirits to which he gave the sacred instruments that are used by the musicians in the pagodas.
    • A legend says also that 33 “Arhats” spread Buddhism.
  • Saint Joseph was also 33 years old when he took for wife the Virgin Mary, according to visions of Mary Agreda.
  • The Hebraic tradition distinguishes 32 ways of Wisdom to which it adds “Ain Soph” or the unknowable 33rd This is symbolized by the Tree of Life.
  • Lag Ba’omer is a minor Jewish holiday which falls on the 33rd day of the Omer.
  • The 33 divinities, divided into three classes, are invoked in the songs of the Rig-Veda.
  • The Zen books represent to us the genius solar surrounded by 33 atmospheric gods.
  • The very ancient stories from the Bronze Age of the Tuatha de Danaan in Ireland tell us that the first battle of Mag Tuired was fought by their saviour-hero Lug and thirty-two other leaders.
    • Alongside this, we may also read of the company of thirty-three men, all apparently thirty-two years of age who sit at the tables in the otherworld island castle in Perlesvaus.
    • In the same vein, Nemed, another hero, reached Ireland with only one ship, thirty-three were lost on the way.
    • Cuchulainn slays thirty-three of the Labriads in the Bru battle whilst a late account of the second battle of Mag Tuired names thirty-three leaders of the Fomore, thirty-two plus their highest king.
  • Pope John Paul I was murdered after being in power for only 33 days.
  • David Koresh, leader of the Branch Davidians at Waco Texas was killed by the US government at 33 years old near the 33rd parallel.
  • Oklahoma City bombing suspect Timothy McVeigh was also murdered by the government at 33.
  • There were 33 victims in the suspicious Virginia Tech shootings in April, 2007.
  • Many significant events in modern history have taken place on the 33rd parallel. For example 33rd degree Freemason and 33rd president of the US, Harry Truman, entered us into the Nuclear age with the A-Bomb test at the 33rd Parallel Trinity Test Site in White Sands, New Mexico.  He later authorized two more to be dropped near the 33rd parallel at Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
    • About 3 years later at the 33rd parallel in Roswell, New Mexico was the famous UFO sighting and subsequent AREA-51 base.
  • JFK was murdered at Dealey Plaza in Dallas, Texas near the 33rd Parallel on 11/22/63 (11 + 22 = 33).
  • The Olympic Park bombing in Atlanta, Georgia was also on the 33rd parallel.
  • The symbol for the Soviet Union has 32 rays emanating from the sun which makes 33.
  • The United Nations flag shows the globe divided into 33 sections encircled by olive branches.
  • 33 is the number of days of the “intellectual” cycle in the biorhythm.
  • The number 33 was discovered to lead to the essential meaning of life in Dan Brown’s 2009 novel “The Lost Symbol”.
  • Then there’s also the lonely little game of solitaire, where the aim is to remove 32 marbles and place the last one in the 33rd hole. In French solitaire is sol and taire, words well worth looking up in a dictionary.




  • 36 is the square of the first perfect number (6 x 6).
  • It is the smallest number with exactly 9 divisors.
  • Divisors: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, 36
  • There are 36 degrees in the interior angle of a regular pentagram.
  • There are 36 edges in the truncated cube and truncated octahedron (Archimedean solids).
  • The sum of the integers from 1 to 36 = 666.
  • 36 multiplied by any other number always produces an answer whose individual digits, in decimal, add up to a multiple of nine.
  • There are 36 inches in a yard.
  • 36 has a special significance in Jewish tradition:
    • For 36 hours, the light shone on the first day of Creation.
    • The Torah commands 36 times to love, respect and protect the stranger.
    • There are 36 righteous people in each generation.
    • There are 36 candles lit for Hanukkah over 8 days, not including the shamash candle.




  • 37 is a Prime number – the 12th prime number.
  • 37 generates the numbers in the series 111, 222, 333…etc.:
    • 37 x 3 = 111
    • 37 x 6 = 222
    • 37 x 9 = 333
    • 37 x 12 = 444
    • 37 x 15 = 555
    • 37 x 18 = 666
    • 37 x 21 = 777
    • 37 x 24 = 888
    • 37 x 27 = 999
  • 37º C is the normal human body temperature.




  • 40 = 4 x 10
  • Divisors: 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 20, 40
  • 40 is used in classic myth and religion to designate a passing beyond a worldly or fourfold material phase.
  • There was Noah’s rain of 40 days and 40 nights.
  • Moses’s lifespan was 120 years or 3 40-year phases.
  • Moses spent 40 days on Mt. Sinai.
  • The Israelites spent 40 years wandering in the desert.
  • Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness.
  • Several Jewish leaders ruled for 40 years: Eli, Saul, David and Solomon.
  • Goliath challenged the Israelites twice a day for 40 days before David defeated him.
  • Elijah had to walk 40 days and 40 nights before arriving to Mount Horeb.
  • 40 years of age is the prerequisite to study Kabbalah.
  • There are 40 days of Lent.
  • Muhammad was 40 years old when he first received the revelation from Archangel Gabriel.
  • Muhammad prayed and fasted in the cave for 40 days.
  • Ali Baba had his 40 thieves.
  • On the 40th day of human pregnancy the embryo becomes a fetus.
  • There are many “Top 40” countdowns in modern culture.




  • 54 can be written as the sum of three squares in three different ways:
    • 72 +22 + 12
    • 62 + 32 + 32
    • 52 + 52 + 22
  • The sine of a 54 degree angle is half the golden ratio.
  • Divisors: 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18, 27, 54
  • There are 54 cards in a deck of playing cards, with 2 jokers included.
  • There are 54 colored squares on a Rubik’s cube.
  • 540 = the sum of angles of a pentagon.
  • The megaliths of Baalbeck in Lebanon include a temple surrounded by 54 columns of immense size and height.
  • The Temple of Angkor has 5 gates with 5 roads. Each road is bordered by 108 gigantic stone figures, 54 on each side (540 in all).




  • 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 = 64
  • Sixty-four is a square cubed: 22 x 22 x 22 = 64.
  • Paradoxically, sixty-four is also a cube squared: 23 x 23 = 64.
  • Divisors of 64: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64
  • 64 represents an octave of octaves.
  • It is the smallest number with exactly 7 divisors.
  • It is the first perfect square and perfect cube.
  • There is the 64 Tetrahedral Grid, the Isometric Vector Matrix.
  • There are 64 6-part codons specify amino acids in DNA.
  • There are 64 Transformations in the I-Ching.
  • There are 64 Arts of the Kama Sutra.
  • There are 64 Squares on a Chess board.
  • There are 64 pathways of transformation in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.  These are the 32 ascending paths and 32 descending paths.
  • The number 64 is the symbol of the self-reproductive power of mankind, as well as the abstract universal reproductive power of number to bring forth the principle of three-dimensional form necessary for a physical manifestation.
  • 64 represents the world of the body reaching its transcendence in the two-dimensional world of thought.




  • The Sun moves through 1 degree of Precession every 72 years.
    • That is, 72 years equals 1 ‘Day’ in the Precession of the Equinoxes.
    • 72 is in fact the preeminent Precessional number.
  • Every Platonic solid, Archimedean solid and Catalan solid is a factor of 72.
  • 72 degrees F is considered ‘room temperature’.
  • 72 bpm is the average human resting heartbeat.
  • Divisors: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 72
  • 72 is the sum of 4 consecutive primes: 13 + 17 + 19 + 23.
  • 72 = The exterior angles of a regular pentagon
  • 720 = sum of the angles of a tetrahedron
  • 720 = sum of angles of a hexagon
  • 2160/3 = 720
  • There are 72 Orders of the Angels.
  • There are 72 Hebrew Names of God in the Kabbalistic tradition.
  • Java’s temple of Borobudur has 72 bell-shaped stupas.
  • There were 72 major temples found at Angkor, the seat of the ancient Khmer Empire.
  • There are 72 houri (virgins) each Muslim martyr shall receive according to Islamic belief.
  • Osiris was enclosed in a coffin by 72 evil disciples and accomplices of Set.
  • In the Rigveda 1:164 we read of the 12-spoked wheel in which 720 sons of Agni are established.
  • There are 72,000 fine, subtle energy channels or nadis that run throughout the body in the human spiritual energetic system.




  • 9 x 9 = 81 = 3 x 3 x 3 x 3
  • 1/81 = 0.0123456790123456790123456790123456790…(number 8 missing)
  • 1/891 = 0.001122334455667789001122…
  • 1/8991 = 0.000111222333444555666777889000111222…
  • 9 x 9 = 81 = number of stable elements. This excludes chemical elements that can only be artificially synthesized.
  • The Mayans worked out 81 full moons (3 x 3 x 3 x 3) that occur exactly every 2,392 days (8 x 13 x 23).
  • The relationship between the mass of Earth and the moon = 1:81.




  • 11 x 22 x 33 = 108
  • Divisors: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 18, 27, 36, 54, 108
  • 108 = degrees in interior angles of a regular pentagon.
  • 1080 is sum of angles of an octagon.
  • The equation 2sin(108/2) = the golden ratio.
  • 108 degrees F is the temperature at which organ failure begins in the human body.
  • 360 x 3 = 1080 = radius of the Moon in miles.
  • The distance of the Earth from the Sun is approx. 108 times the diameter of the Sun (105.7 to 109.3).
  • 108 suns fit between the Earth and Sun.
  • 108 Moons fits between the Earth and Moon.
  • 108 Earths fit in the sun (diameter-wise).
  • 108 is a sacred number in Hinduism, Buddhism & Jainism.
  • 108 is the atomic weight of silver.
  • 2160/2 = 1080
  • There are 108 Mukhya Shivaganas in Hinduism.
  • There are 108 prayer beads for japa in Hinduism.
  • Hidus recite Lord Shiva’s names 108 times.
  • There are 108 gopis of Vrindavan.
  • There are 108 beads on the Buddhist rosaries.
  • There are 108 volumes of the Buddha’s words – Kangyur.
  • Zen priests have 108 prayer beads on their juzu.
  • In Japan, at the end of the year, a bell is chimed 108 times in Buddhist temples.
  • Rosicrucian tradition speaks of cycles of 108 years (72 + 36).
  • There are 10,800 bricks in the Agnicayana, the Indian fire altar.
  • There are 10,800 stanzas in the Rigveda. Each stanza has 40 syllables; the entire composition has 432,000 syllables.
  • 1080 is the traditional number of breaths one takes in 1 hour.
  • 10,800 is the average number of years between successive ice ages.




  • Divisors: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 24, 30, 40, 60, 120
  • 120 is the sum of a twin prime pair (59 + 61).
  • 120 is the sum of four consecutive prime numbers (23 + 29 + 31 + 37).
  • 120 equals the internal angles of a regular hexagon.




  • 137 is the 33rd
  • 137 is the largest prime factor of 123456787654321.
  • 5 is the golden angle (phi ratio).
  • 333…^3 = 37037.037037037…
  • The Fine-structure constant approximates 1/137.




  • Divisors: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 16, 18, 24, 36, 48, 72, 144
  • 144 is the 12th Fibonacci number.
  • The star tetrahedron = 2 x 720 = 1440 degrees.
  • 1440 is sum of angles of an octahedron.
  • 1440 is the sum of angles of a decagon (10 sides).
  • 144 cubits = 216 feet (x 10)
  • The diameter of the Moon is 2160 miles
  • 1 Great Month is 2160 years.
  • The sum of the angles of cube is 2160.
  • There are 1440 Minutes in a day.
  • 144 square inches = 1 square foot
  • 122 = 12 x 12 = 144
  • 12 Disciples of Jesus & Buddha
  • 12 circles clustering around 1 (Fruit of Life)
  • 12 Constellations or Houses of the Zodiac
  • 12 Ages of the Precession of the Equinoxes
  • 12 Hours on a clock face
  • 144,000 will be saved in the Rapture prior to the Apocalypse according to the Christian Bible.
  • The Wall surrounding the Holy City in Revelations was 144 cubits.
  • There were 144,000 smooth white casing stones covering the Great Pyramid.
  • 144,000 days = 1 Mayan baktun (394.26 years).
  • The Earth turns on its axis 24 hours:
    • 24 hours x 60 minutes = 1440 minutes/day
    • 1440 x 60 seconds = 86400 seconds/day
    • 86400 (x 10) = 864000 = diameter of the Sun




  • 180 is the sum of angles of a triangle.
  • Divisors: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 30, 36, 45, 60, 90, 180
  • Half a circle has 180 degrees.




  • An Inscribed Circle in a Square:
    • Area of square =  273
    • Area of Circle
      • The four corners make up 27.32% of the total area.
    • In other words, the Area of a square = 27.32% greater than area of a circle.
      • This is reached through the formula: (4 – pi) / pi = 0.2732.
    • The ratio of Earth’s diameter to Moon’s diameter is 0.273.
      • (The moon is 27.3 % the size of the Earth).
    • When a squares perimeter equals the circumference of a circle, the circle’s diameter is 27.3% longer than the edge of the square.
    • The relationship of the Great Pyramid’s height to half its base is 1.273:1 (or 4:π) and thus ‘squares the circle’.
    • -273.2 degrees Celsius is the temperature of Absolute Zero.
      • 32 is the freezing point of water on Kelvin scale (K).
      • Water liquefies at 273°K.
    • Absolute zero of water is 273.2% colder than the temperature it takes to boil.
    • 273 days is the average length of pregnancy (10 sidereal months).
      • 3 days equals the average human menstrual cycle.
      • 32 earth days is the sidereal period of the moon (Moon’s orbital period).
      • 1/273.2 per C is the expansion/reduction of gas (Gasses expand by 1/273 of their volume with every degree on the Celsius/centigrade scale).
    • Sunspots revolve about the Sun’s surface in 27.3 days. (Sunspot rotational period)
    • 273 days from the summer solstice to the vernal equinox.
    • 2,730,000 is the circumference of the Sun in miles.
    • The triple point of water is defined to take place at 273.16 K.
    • The Cosmic Background Radiation is 2.73 K.
    • The Earth and Moon orbital periods are reciprocals. 1/27.32 = 0.0366 (366 days in a sidereal year)(1/366 =.002732) 27.32 days in one ‘moonth’.
    • 273 m/s2 = acceleration of the Sun.
    • .273 cm/s2 = acceleration of the moon along its path around the Earth.




  • There are 360 degrees in a circle.
  • 360 equals the sum of angles of a square (90 x 4).
  • 3600 is the sum of angles of an icosahedron.
  • 2160/6 = 360
  • Divisors – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 24, 30, 36, 40, 45, 60, 72, 90, 120, 180, 360 (24 total)
  • 360 is the smallest number divisible by every natural number from 1 to 10 except 7.
  • One of its divisors is 72. There are 72 primes below 360.
  • 360 is the sum of 2 twin primes (179+181).
  • There were 360 days in a year, once upon a time, according to mythology.
  • 360 feet = 4320 inches
  • Sun’s radius = 432000 miles (99.8%)
  • 360 yards = 1080 feet
  • Moon’s radius = 1080 miles (99.9%)
  • 1080 feet = 12960 inches
  • Precession = 12960 x 2 = 25920 years
  • Mayan Tun = 360 days




  • Divisors: 1, 5, 73, 365
  • There are approximately 365 days in a year.
  • 365 is the sum of a pack of playing cards plus the joker.
    • jack = 11; queen = 12; king = 13
    • 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11+12+13 = 91
    • 91 x 4 = 364
    • 364 + 1 joker = 365
  • Enoch transformed to Metatron when he was 365 years old (solar reference).
  • Earth’s true year = 365.242392
  • 242392/360 = 1.014562 (99.99% accuracy as the Comma of Pythagoras).
  • 242 x 360,000 = the number of feet in the Earth’s equatorial circumference (99.99%)
    • This equals 131,487,120 feet.




  • There are 366 days in a leap year.
  • The Earth is 366.6% the size of the Moon.




  • Divisors: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 16, 18, 24, 27, 36, 48, 54, 72, 108, 144, 216, 432
  • 432,000 miles is the radius of the Sun.
  • 43200 is a preeminent sacred number.
  • 4320 heart beats per hour is the resting average.
  • 4320 breaths is the average taken from sunrise to midday.
  • 432 shows up in yuga cycle.
  • There is the Norse myth of 432,000 fighters.
  • Ancient Chinese traditions consisted of precisely 4320 volumes.
  • The Babylonian historian Berossus ascribed a total reign of 432,000 years to the mythical kings who ruled the land of Sumer before the flood.
  • The Phrygian scale is based on 432 Hz. This is Pythagorean tuning.
  • 432 is based on a “Factor-9” Grid in Pythagorean tuning.
  • 432 is a Solfeggio frequency.
  • 2160/5 = 432
  • The diameter of the Sun = 864,000 (432000 x 2)
    • 864,000 seconds in a day or
      • 432,000 seconds of light (day)
      • 432,000 seconds of darkness (night)
    • 360/12 hours of day or night = 4320
    • 4322 = 186,624 miles/second (speed of light)
      • 432 the only whole number when squared comes into .01% accuracy measuring the speed of light
    • 2160/5 = 432
    • 144000/432 = 333.33333…
    • 13 x 33.3 = 432.9


2160 (related to 432)

  • cube = 2160
  • 432/2 = 216
  • 2160 = 1 Great Month (1 Zodiacal Age) in the 25,920 Great Year (Precession of the Equinoxes)
    • 2160/2 = 1080 = octagon
    • 2160/3 = 720 = hexagon
    • 2160/4 = 540 = pentagon
    • 2160/5 = 432
    • 2160/6 = 360 = square and circle
  • 2160 = diameter of the Moon (half 432)
  • The diameter of the Sun (twice 432) = 864,000 (432000 x 2)




  • 528 is 1 octave up in the major diatonic scale in the key of C.
  • 528 is a Solfeggio frequency.




  • 540 is the sum of the angles of a pentagon.
  • 2160/4 = 540




  • There are 6480 years in 1 Great Season (3 Great Months) of the Precession.
  • 6480 = Sum of the angles in a dodecahedron
  • 648 Hz is a perfect fifth above the fundamental A in Verdi 432 Hz tuning.
  • 64800 feet is the distance between the highest point on Earth (Mt Everest, 29017) and the lowest point on Earth (Challenger Deep in Mariana Trench, 35794 ft.).
  • 72 x 9 = 684




  • 666 is the sum of the numbers from 1 to 36.
  • 666 is the number of the Sun.
  • It represents the principle of reason, will and authority.
  • The earth is speeding at about 66,660 mph in its revolution around the sun once every 365.2425 days.
  • 666 is the infamous ‘mark of the beast’, “the most notorious of all symbolic numbers”.
    • “Though the naked energy [of 666] may be violently destructive, it cannot be described as evil, for it is the beloved mate of nature and the cause of life and beauty on Earth. [sunlight]” John Michell
  • Tropic of Cancer is 66.6º from the North Pole (90-23.4).
  • Tropic of Capricorn is 66.6º from the South Pole.
  • The Arctic and Antarctic circles are 66.6 degrees from the Equator.
  • Earth’s average orbital speed is 66,666 mph (99.9%).
  • New Jerusalem in Revelations is a cube with volume of 12,000 furlongs cubed = 1.728 x 1012.
    • There are exactly 66,666,666.666…Great Years in 1.728 x 1012 years (1728 = 123)
  • 1 Furlong = 660 feet.
  • Summer solstice in Northern hemisphere and winter solstice in Southern hemisphere occur on June 21st, or 21/6 (216 = 6 x 6 x 6).
  • The average rate of precession for the Great Year is 66.66 years per degree (taking into account periapsis and apoapsis).
  • The gravitational constant is G = 6.666 x 10-11 cubic meters/ kg/s
  • Planck’s constant = 6.626 x 10-34 m2 kg/s.


John Michell writes, “666 is the generative power of the male, the call to action, the electric impulse that regulates the molecular field and gives form and order to chaos.  It is the active, inventive, fertilizing current in nature, the material as opposed to the spiritual side of things.

Bearing in mind that symbolic numbers stand apart from human ideas of good and evil and are without moral connotations, 666 represents the principle of authority, irrespective of whether it be exercised by a wise ruler or a cruel tyrant.

There is nothing inherently beastly or evil about the number 666, although, like all symbolic numbers and tendencies they symbolize, it displays extreme and unmanageable qualities if it is not united with its opposite.  Without the mitigating influence of 1080, the power of 666 is that of the sun, which, were it not for the protective atmosphere, would burn up the earth, or of the tyrant who rules for his own glory without consideration for the people, or of the rational principle where it entirely controls the mind and produces arrogance, self-delusion, and madness.  The Beast in Revelation signifies the total dominance of the number 666.

Where due recognition is withheld from the number 1080, the spirit it represents turns stagnant and bitter, retires into the earth, and becomes as a poisonous serpent or dark, malicious elemental.  In the opposite situation, where the spirit symbolized by the number 666 is repressed, its male, authoritative attributes assert themselves in outbursts of violence and cruelty.  On the other hand, if either of these symbolic numbers is excessively emphasized, the effect of the dominance of 1080 is anarchy and dissolution, traditionally known as death by water; and of 666 it is totalitarian rule and the worship of material products, leading to destruction by fire.  To guard against those catastrophes is a function of the human sense of proportion.”




  • 720 is the sum of angles of a hexagon.
  • 720 is the sum of angles of a tetrahedron.
  • 2160/3 = 720


  • 720 x 2 = 1440 = sum of angles in a regular decagon, octahedron, and star tetrahedron
  • 720 x 5 = 3600 = sum of angles in an icosahedron, cuboctahedron, truncated tetrahedron
  • 720 x 6 = 4320 = sum of angles in a tetrakis hexahedron and triakis octahedron
  • 720 x 9 = 6480 = sum of the angles of a dodecahedron; sum of angles of triangle to decagon


  • 720 x 11 = 7920 = Diameter of the Earth in miles
  • 720 x 12 = 8640
    • 8640 x 10 = 86400 = number of seconds in a day
    • 8640 x 100 = 864000 = diameter of the Sun in miles
  • 720 x 14 = 10080 = sum of angles of icosidodecahedron
  • 720 x 15 = 10800 = sum of angles in a pentakis dodecahedron, triakis icosahedron, and rhombic triacontahedron.


  • 720 x 18 = 12960 = sum of angles in a pentagonal icositetrahedron
  • 720 x 20 = 14400 = sum of all five Platonic solids
  • 720 x 23 = 16560 = sum of angles in a truncated cuboctahedron
  • 720 x 29 = 20880 = sum of the angles of 4 individual Archimedian solids: (rhombicosidodecahedron, snub dodecahedron, truncated icosahedron, truncated dodecahedron)


  • 720 x 45 = 32400 = sum of angles in a pentagonal hexecontahedron.
  • 720 x 59 = 42480 = sum of angles in a truncated icosidodecahedron
  • 720 x 210 = 151200 = sum of all 13 Catalan solids
  • 720 x 230 = 165600 = sum of all 13 Archimedian solids




  • 864 contains a strong, solar character. It clearly pertains to a center of radiant energy, the sun in the solar system.
  • “It is a number of foursquare order and firm foundation.” Michell
  • 72 x 12 = 864
  • 8640 miles = diameter of 4 Moons
  • 86,400 miles = 40 moons = diameter of Jupiter
  • 864,000 miles = 400 moons = diameter of the Sun
  • 64 light years = the distance from our Sun to Sirius
  • 8640 parsecs = the distance from Sirius to the center of our galaxy
  • 1 parsec (parallax angle of 1 second arc) = 64800/pi x the mean distance from the Earth to the Sun
  • The earth turns on its axis 24 hours.
    • 24 hours x 60 minutes = 1440 minutes x 60 seconds = 86400 seconds/day
  • 864,000 seconds in a day or
    • 432,000 seconds of light (day)
    • 432,000 seconds of darkness (night)
  • 8,640 million years or one day and one night of Brahma




  • 76 x 10^6 = 12,760,000 meters = diameter of the Earth.
  • 7 x 10^-6 = .00001276 meters = length of a plant cell.
  • A plant cell is exactly 1 trillion times smaller than Earth.




  • The Sothic cycle consists of 1461 ancient Egyptian years of 365 days each.
  • After a period of 1461 years, the date of the heliacal rising of Sirius returns to its original date (summer solstice).
  • There are parallels between the Sothic cycle and ancient Olympic time:
    • 4 years = 4 x365 days plus 1 extra day for leap day = 1461 days
    • The Olympic period (and election cycle) = 1461 days




  • New Jerusalem volume is 1728 x 109 cubic furlongs.
  • 123 = 1728
  • 728 feet = the length of the Egyptian royal cubit




  • 2160 is the length of each age of the Zodiac in years (a great month)
  • 12 x 2160 = 25920: length of a Great Year or full cycle of the Precession of the Equinoxes
  • A cube and rhombic dodecahedron both equal 2160°.
  • 432/2 = 216
  • 2160 = 1 Great Month (1 Zodiacal Age) in the 25,920 Great Year (Precession of the Equinoxes)
    • 2160/2 = 1080 = octagon
    • 2160/3 = 720 = hexagon
    • 2160/4 = 540 = pentagon
    • 2160/5 = 432
    • 2160/6 = 360 = square and circle
  • 2160 = diameter of the Moon in miles
  • Berossus ascribed 2,160,000 years to the period between creation and universal catastrophe.




  • 3168 is the perimeter of the New Jerusalem.
  • It is a superabundant number – the number is exceeded by the sum of its factors.
  • The sum of all the numbers that divide into 3168 is 6660.
  • The value 1008 is the diameter of a circle with circumference 3168.
  • A circle with circumference 31680 and radius 5040 consists of two semicircles each with an area equal to 11!
  • A square containing the circle of the earth, average diameter 7920 miles, has a perimeter of 31680 miles.
  • If the moon, diameter 2160 miles is drawn tangent to the earth, a circle struck from the center of the earth circle to pass through the center of the moon has a circumference of 31680 miles.
  • 3168 represents the spirit which passes through and encircles the universe or Plato’s world soul.




  • The year 2013 AD is the Jewish year 5773 AM.
  • The Great Pyramid is 5773 inches tall.
    • 1 feet = 5773 inches.
  • There are 2013 minutes in 33º33′
  • √33.33 approximates 5.773




John Michell writes, “The earth’s mean diameter is 7920 miles, and the diameter of the moon is 2160 miles.  The combined radii of the two bodies are equal to 3960 + 1080 = 5040 miles, and a circle with radius 5040 has a circumference (if π = 22/7) of 31680 miles.  That length, 31680 or 4 x 7920 miles, is equal to the perimeter of the square containing the circle of the earth.  It is also the measure of the squared circle in the New Jerusalem.”



Below are the number charts for the regular polygons through ten, the five Platonic solids, the 13 Archimedean solids and the 13 Catalan solids.

Throughout you will notice factors of 12 and 72.

Visit Article 4 for more information about the Sacred Number Canon.


Regular Polygons


Shape Sides Sum of Interior Angles Each Angle
Triangle 3 180 60
Square 4 360 90
Pentagon 5 540 108
Hexagon 6 720 120
Heptagon 7 900 128.57…
Octagon 8 1080 135
Nonagon 9 1260 140
Decagon 10 1440 144
Sum of All 6480
Sum of All w/ Circle 6840 (6480+360)


Platonic Solids


Volume Shape of Face # of Faces # of Edges # of Corners Sum of Degrees
Dodecahedron Pentagon 12 30 20 6480
Icosahedron Triangle 20 30 12 3600
Octahedron Triangle 8 12 6 1440
Cube Square 6 12 8 2160
Tetrahedron Triangle 4 6 4 720
Sum of All 14400
Star Tetrahedron 1440


Archimedean Solids

Volume # of Faces # of Edges # of Corners Sum of Degrees
Icosidodecahedron 32 60 30 10080
Truncated Cuboctahedron 26 72 48 16560
Truncated Icosidodecahedron 62 180 120 42480
Cuboctahedron 14 24 12 3600
Rhombicuboctahedron 26 48 24 7920
Snub Cube 38 60 24 7920
Rhombicosadodecahedron 62 120 60 20880
Snub Dodecahedron 92 150 60 20880
Truncated Tetrahedron 8 18 12 3600
Truncated Octahedron 14 36 24 7920
Truncated Cube 14 36 24 7920
Truncated Icosahedron 32 90 60 20880
Truncated Dodecahedron 32 90 60 20880
Sum of All 165,600



Catalan Solids

Catalan Solid Archimedean Dual Faces Edges Vertices Sum of Angles
Triakis Tetrahedron Truncated Tetrahedron 12 18 8 2160
Tetrakis Hexahedron Truncated Octahedron 24 36 14 4320
Triakis Octahedron Truncated Cube 24 36 14 4320
Pentakis Dodecahedron Truncated Icosahedron 60 90 32 10800
Triakis Icosahedron Truncated Dodecahedron 60 90 32 10800
Rhombic Dodecahedron Cuboctahedron 12 24 14 2160
Trapezoidal Icositetrahedron Rhombicuboctahedron 24 48 26 8640
Disdyakis Dodecahedron (Truncated cuboctahedron) Great Rhombicuboctahedron 48 72 26 8640
Rhombic Triacontahedron Icosidodecahedron 30 60 32 10800
Trapezoidal Hexecontahedron Rhomb-icosidodecahedron 60 120 62 21600
Disdyakis Triacontahedron Great Rhomb-icosidodecahedron 120 180 62 21600
Pentagonal Icositetrahedron Snub Cube 24 60 38 12960
Pentagonal Hexecontahedron Snub Dodecahedron 60 150 92 32400
Sum of All 151,200



“Unity is at once the simplest concept of all mathematics yet the most embracing, and like zero the most mysterious and elusive.  It seems that there is a ladder for our awareness to climb which starts from one thing or one object as one part of our environment and can lead us both down into multiplicity or up towards unity as an integral understanding.

We can take a step up when we realize that this singularity is common to the experience of those around us; they also see or feel the same one thing, albeit from slightly different personal viewpoints.

This becomes a further rung to the ladder when we find that a whole culture (even many centuries old) takes the same view of this oneness – remembering that however large a number may be it still only sums to one number.” – Keith Critchlow, The Hidden Geometry of Flowers

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