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In this article we will continue our discussion of the geometry of galactic clusters.  In the previous articles we studied the work of Conrad Ranzan and the Dynamic Steady State Universe.  In his work we saw that at the largest scales the universe is composed of tessellating geometric cells.  On the galactic cluster level the cells are rhombic dodecahedral and rhombic-trapezoid dodecahedral.

In this article we will discuss other scientists who have also found that the large-scale structure of the universe is geometric in nature.  These scientists see the cosmic cells as octahedral in form.  This does not go against Ranzan’s work, but actually dovetails nicely.


The same five Platonic solid structures show up on all scales, however certain geometry is more common at certain scales rather than others.  We have thoroughly illustrated the geometry found at all scales through the article series on Cosmic Core.


We will now begin this article by reviewing the fractal-holographic nature of reality and how that on the smallest scales (the photon) matches that on the largest scales (galactic clusters).



The Octahedral Universe:  The Photon Fractalizing into the Universe

We discussed the fractal-holographic nature of the universe in Articles 101-102 and 132-137.

We have learned that everything in the physical universe is made of light.  Light and electromagnetic energy travels on photons and photons have a geometric structure.


The photon has been proven to be tetrahedral in nature.

It consists of two tetrahedra back-to-back while a free photon.


When confined the tetrahedra apparently slide together to form a star tetrahedron.


The verified shape of the photon looks like a Maltese cross (below left).  This cross appears to be a star tetrahedron viewed from its cubic angle, or an octahedron viewed from a vertex.


Here is the star tetrahedron and its ‘cubic’ view:


Remember, a star tetrahedron is nothing more than a stellated octahedron.  So these shapes are inextricably combined (as are all Platonic solids.)



The original photon – shaped like a star tetrahedron fractalized out from the origin into the first star, the Primoridal Sun (a spherical torus).

This did not occur all at once – it grew or flowered out of the origin.


Geometric laws determine how fractalization works.  Geometric laws are based on vibration – frequencies and harmonic ratios.

The fractalization occurs due to vibration and the spinning of the original seed (the star tetrahedron) – in every possible direction.

The star tetrahedron instantaneously forms the other four Platonic solids.  This can be illustrated by seeing how they nest perfectly together and how they naturally grow one out of the other.

This is due to the continual vibration/motion/oscillation of the consciousness units of the Aether.

The geometries by their very nature fluctuate and oscillate, fractalizing outwards and inwards, forming new geometries as they go.

Beginning as one geometry (the vector equilibrium, for example) “a differential of any sort (pressure, charge, force, spin) shifts the medium out of equilibrium – duality arises, a difference can be observed, a relationship is born, nothing becomes something, an entity is manifest.”1

A moving electron



Every single photon of light is an image of the original photon – an image of the universe as a whole!


The primordial sun blossomed out (forming other suns that in turn formed planetary systems) to become the original galaxy – a super galaxy.

This did not occur all at once – it grew or flowered out of the original as matter and energy accumulated so it could grow larger.


First of all, of course, light appeared.

At first the process was messy – a good amount of dust formed.

The dust is organized into the pattern of the original geometric shape – a star tetrahedron with an octahedron inside tilted at a 45 degree angle.

The six points of color in the image above (3 red/3 blue) represent the six vertices of an octahedron (seen below) when wrapped onto a sphere.



All the known galaxies are along a central Equator as seen below.



The universe appears to act like a super galaxy with a north to south movement caused by a spherical torus.  There are two forces:  1 going up and 1 going down.  They push against each other and keep the galaxies stuck in the ecliptic plane – the equator.

As the original photon fractalized into a super galaxy, matter got caught in patterns of geometry (seen in Cymatics).  The particles are attracted to the standing waves of geometry and get stuck in the lines of force.

The original super galaxy fractalized into other galaxies.

Suns within the galaxies bud into solar systems of planets – planets become suns – and bud into other solar systems of planets and so on…


All of this physical matter formation and evolution happens within a stable universe of geometry.

Holographic galactic and stellar evolution occurs within each cosmic cell.

The galaxies cannot go anywhere they want in the universe – they are bound by geometric laws and can only go where the geometric gravitational Aether flow forcefields allow them to go.


Zooming into the Mandelbrot set gives a stunningly beautiful visual interpretation of this fractalized universe and branching tendrils of the fractalized cosmos.



The Tetrahedron forms all Platonic Solids:  The Star Tetrahedron, Cube and Octahedron

A tetrahedron nests within the cube.  See image below.

The tetrahedron side length = √2 x cube edge length.

The tetrahedron = 1/3 the cube’s volume.


Two equal tetrahedra joined at their common centers (star tetrahedron) define the cube.  See image below.


Connecting the centers of the faces of the cube creates the octahedron, as they are duals.


Conversely, there is an octahedron inherently present within a star tetrahedron.  It is tilted to an angle of 45º.

As was noted above, a stellated octahedron and a star tetrahedron are the same thing.


An icosahedron nests within an octahedron.

The 12 edges of the octahedron correspond to the 12 vertices of the icosahedron.


The icosahedron’s vertices cut the octahedron’s edges perfectly in the Golden Section.  The purple triangle in the center below corresponds to a triangular face of the icosahedron nested within the octahedron (seen above).


Once you have the icosahedron, you have the dodecahedron.  Connecting the centers of the faces of an icosahedron creates the dodecahedron, as they are duals.



The above is just one of many ways in which all Platonic solids are present in each single Platonic solid.

We discuss this in detail in Articles 40-51.


Below is another example of how the tetrahedron is the source of all solids.


Credit: Keith Critchlow – Order in Space



Below is yet another example of how the tetrahedron can transform into other solids.


Note – tetrahedra do not appear in nature alone, but always with their dual.  This is due to the law of polarity.  Therefore, star tetrahedra are present, not single tetrahedra.  This applies to all Platonic solids.  However you don’t notice it with the other four solids because the north/south orientation is identical to the south/north orientation, unlike the tetrahedron (seen below).

We will now move back into our discussion of cosmic cellular structure according to Conrad Ranzan.



Large-scale Structure of the Universe

“The DSSU (Dynamic Steady State Universe) is essentially structured as Voronoi cells on a cosmic scale.  Each cell has a vast central region (a void) in which the universal space medium is involved in a process of expansion.  Each cell is enclosed by a shared ‘boundary’ region in which the space medium is involved in a counter process of contraction.

Credit: Conrad Ranzan


These two dynamic regions determine the cell shape…The rhombic dodecahedron maximizes the cell-center separation and has only twelve boundary surfaces.

Credit: Conrad Ranzan


The center of the voids – being, as they are, by far the most undisturbed regions of the universe – are a nursery for the formation of protogalaxies and even full-status galaxies.  Matter precipitates from the aether and forms hydrogen clouds, which in time grow into protogalaxies.

“The cosmic structural cells, because of their dodecahedral shape, have fourteen nodes, which correspond to the fourteen rich galaxy clusters that are predicted to surround each cosmic void.

Credit: Conrad Ranzan


There are two distinctive types of nodes – distinguished by the number of linking arms.  There are major nodes (bottom circle below) and minor nodes (top circle below); six of one and eight of the other.

Credit: Conrad Ranzan


“Clearly with the nodes being the centers of gravity, there are two types of gravitational domains.  The geometry demands there be two differently shaped gravity domains or cells (one for each of the two types of nodes.)

A minor galaxy cluster requires a tetrahedral gravity domain.

A major galaxy cluster requires an octahedral gravity domain.”2

Credit: Conrad Ranzan



Cosmic Gravitation Cells

We will discuss these gravitation cells in more detail now.

The Universe is divided into autonomous cosmic-scale gravitation cells. Although their boundaries are not visible, their centers are most obvious; their centers are the dominant galaxies within rich galaxy clusters. Each and every node of the dodecahedral structural cell marks the center of a cosmic gravitation cell.

The nodes of the rhombic dodecahedra mark the centers of tetrahedra and octahedra.  Credit: Conrad Ranzan


In the grand scheme of things, it is the gravitation cells, with their invisible boundaries, that sustain the Universe’s visible cellular structure.

These gravitation cells are tessellating octahedra and tetrahedra!

Contractile gravity and Lambda become unified into autonomous gravitation regions.


Credit: Conrad Ranzan


Ranzan writes, “A cosmic gravity cell is the dynamic region of a galaxy cluster, a region in which all trajectories ultimately terminate at a single dominant nodal galaxy, a region in which all co-moving and free-falling objects/particles ultimately fall into that single galaxy.”

No significantly sized object ever crosses from one cell into another.

Three dimensional gravity cells are centered on major and minor nodes, as was noted above.



Minor-node gravity region – Tetrahedron

  • Minor nodes – meeting point of Four dodecahedral cells
  • takes the shape of a tetrahedron
  • has 10 neutral flow points
  • 4 lobes act to funnel the aether and matter flow towards the regional center of gravity


Major-node gravity region – Octahedron

  • shaped as an octahedron
  • has 18 neutral flow points
  • six lobes – each lobe a participant of a separate dodecahedral cell



The Super-Octahedron:  How the Structural and Gravitational cells fit together

Voids are surrounded by 8 tetrahedral and 6 octahedral cells.

14 gravity cells meet at the void-center.

Credit: Conrad Ranzan


Octahedra meet octahedra edge to edge.

Octahedra meet tetrahedra face to face.

Tetrahedra meet tetrahedra edge to edge.



Tetrahedra and Octahedra can tessellate with one another – there will be no space between them.

The outer surface of such a 14-cell structure has the shape of a super-octahedron with a single void at its very center.

Each structural dodecahedral cell is surrounded by 18 neighbors to create the super-octahedron.



Why don’t the gravitational cells collapse?

They are self-sustaining structures.

New matter is continually forming from aether space.

The continuously forming matter and the continuously forming aether (expansion of aether) feed the inflow and feed the gravity cell.

The more matter that is supplied to the galaxy cluster, the more aether must be supplied to sustain the existence of that same matter.

Matter formation and aether formation represent the supply side.

Primary and secondary gravity processes and the suppression-annihilation of energy and mass represent the consumption side.

As Conrad Ranzan writes, “The suppression-annihilation of matter takes place within the active cores of non-singularity black holes, without violation of thermodynamics law.  The matter, flowing into these termination cores, leaves the universe.”

When he says ‘leaves the universe’ that refers to the matter becoming non-physical and entering time/space from physical space/time.


Geometry of the Cosmos

Conrad Ranzan explains, “The cosmos is an interweaving of three basic structures.  The universe is spatially divided into dodecahedra corresponding to the visible bubble-like structures and into tetrahedral and octahedral gravity cells – with each gravity cell having a single multi-branched galaxy cluster at the center.”



The Universe as One Super-sized Spherical Torus

A study by Borge Nodland & John P Ralston in 1997 published in Physical Review Letters found that the Universe has a “central axis” where particles spin faster.

This means the universe has an orientation.  Previously it was thought that there was no ‘up’ or ‘down’ in the universe – that all space was the same.

Credit: Nodland & Ralston


Nodland and Ralston found that the medium of the universe is not isotropic; it is anisotropic.

Anisotrophy “is the property of being directionally dependent, which implies different properties in different directions, as opposed to isotrophy.”3

They found there is an anisotrophy cone – the medium of the universe is not the same all the way across.

Credit: Nodland & Ralston


Particles are shooting through the air.  They spin as they travel and they usually travel in the same direction.

As they get closer to the center of the cone they spin faster.  This is the center of the spherical torus.

“Nodland and Ralston found that the plane of polarization of the light rotates like a corkscrew as the light travels through space, and that the orientation of the universal axis that they’ve discovered is key to the amount of rotation. The rotation of polarization depends on the angle at which the light moves relative to the axis and on the distance the light travels before being measured. The effect is crudely analogous to that of a crystal that twists light depending on the direction light is traveling through the crystal.”4


“Much more speculatively, the work may provide some of the first experimental evidence for physicists who have theorized the existence of other universes. If our universe was asymmetric at creation, and symmetry in the cosmos is maintained as many physicists believe, it raises the possibility of the simultaneous creation of another universe with an opposite twist.”5

Interestingly, this is exactly what physicist Dewey Larson predicted – the material realm (space/time) and non-material realm (time/space).

Astronomer John Ralston says, “The shocking thing about our result is that there seems to be an absolute axis, a kind of cosmological North Star that orients the universe.  We don’t really know yet what this axis represents.”6


In Cosmic Core we theorize that this axis is the central axis of a spherical torus.  That is, the shape of the whole universe is a torus – the fractalized shape of the photon.

Remember, the torus is a fractal and contains nested spheres.

The torus is all the different possible shapes of the spherical geometry created from the fractalized platonic solid geometry – all the different directions they can spin from the edges of the sphere.


Large-scale Structure of the Universe

Astronomer Jaan Einasto had found that the large scale organization of galaxies does have a net- like cellular structure with interconnected strings of galaxies surrounding empty regions.  His research “suggests that there exists a preferred scale of ~ 130 h-1 Megaparsec in the Universe, and possibly also some regularity in the distribution of the supercluster-void network.”7

(Note – there are 3.3 light-years to a parsec.  A megaparsec (Mpc) is one million parsecs.)


Laird Thompson and Stephen Gregory found that galaxies were never isolated but appeared to be joined to larger structures in chains or filaments with empty regions in between.8


Astonomers Eduardo Battaner and Estrella Florido found extensive evidence of geometric structure appearing in the universe in 1997.  This was published as a paper entitled “Large Scale Structure and Magnetic Fields”.9

Battaner and Florido proposed the large-scale structure of the universe is caused by magnetic fields.  We recognize now that it is caused by fluid dynamics.


“Preexisting magnetic fields are able to produce anisotropic density inhomogeneities (not uniform) in the photon fluid and local metric perturbations.  In particular, they are able to produce filamentary structures in the distribution of the energy density.

The filament network, if magnetic in origin, must be subject to some magnetic restrictions. The simplest lattice matching these restrictions is an “egg-carton” network, formed by octahedra joining at their vertexes.  This “egg carton” universe would have larger amounts of matter along the edges of the octahedra, which would be the sites of the superclusters. Outside the filaments there would be large voids, devoid not only of baryons but also of magnetic fields.  Magnetic lines would be concentrated in the filaments, with their directions being coincident with those of the filaments.”10

The ‘egg-carton’ or octahedral structure of the Universe.  This is also called a ‘diamond lattice’ due to diamonds being naturally octahedral.


“These theoretical speculations are compatible with present observations of the large scale structure as delineated by the distribution of superclusters.  It is easy to identify at least four of these giant octahedra in real data, which comprise observational support for the egg-carton universe.  Two of the, those which are closet and therefore most unambiguously identified, are reproduced in Fig. 22.  Nearly all the important superclusters in the catalog by Einasto et al 1997, as well as nearly all the important voids in the catalog by Einasto et al 1994 can be located within the octahedron structure.  This web is slightly distorted by the presence of the very massive Piscis-Cetus supercluster in one of the filaments.”11

The two largest supercluster diamonds closest to the Milky Way.  Credit: Battaner & Florido, 1997


The Supercluster ‘Diamond Lattice’.  Schematic outline showing A and B 3-D octahedra superclusters closest to us, while C and D (bottom octahedra) are farther away.  Credit: Battaner et al.


These geometric shapes are Aetheric force fields or pressure currents that are geometric.  They are invisible.

The universe is made by geometry.

“Space is not a passive vacuum, but has properties that impose powerful constraints on any structure that inhabit it.  These constraints are independent of specific interactive forces, hence geometrical in nature.”12


Cosmic Core presents this unified field theory where Platonic solid geometry ties it all together.

Battaner and Florido’s work ties in beautifully with Conrad Ranzan’s DSSU Model & Cosmic Cellular Structure as discussed in the previous article, as well as the work of Nassim Haramein, Buckminster Fuller and Walter Russell.

Aether ‘ground state’ structure according to Nassim Haramein & Buckminster Fuller: the cuboctahedron – dual of the rhombic dodecahedron.



A Fractal Octahedral Web – Battaner & Florido

“A fractal nature could be compatible with the octahedron web, in agreement with the identification of fractals by Lindner et al 1996 from the observational point of view.  There could be sub-octahedra within octahedra, at least in a limited range of length scales.  The simplest possibility is reproduced in Fig 23 in which 7 small octahedra contacting at their vertexes have their egg-carton structure within a large octahedron, the ratio of large-small octahedron size being equal to 3.  The fractal dimension becomes quantified, with 1.77 and 2 being the most plausible values.  The scale of the fractal structure would range from 150 Mpc, ie slightly lower than the deepest surveys, down to about 10 Mpc, as shorter scale magnetic fields would have been destroyed by the resistive radiation dominated universe. Whether the fractal egg-carton structure continues indefinitely for larger scales as suggested by Labini et al 1998 and others, remains an open question, but Battner proposed this structure under the adoption of the Homogeneity Cosmological Principle at large enough scales.”13

The octahedral ‘egg-carton’ ‘diamond lattice’ large-scale structure of space.  Tetrahedra fit within each of the empty spaces seen above between the octahedra.


Sub-octahedra within octahedra.  This can continue inwards or outwards, theoretically, to infinity.  The fractal universe proposed by Battaner & Florido aligns with the science we learn in Cosmic Core.



The Cosmic Web – Mysterious Architecture of the Universe

J. Richard Gott, professor of astrophysical sciences at Princeton University says, “In our 2014 conversation, [Jim] Peebles [Albert Einstein Professor Emeritus of Science at Princeton University] said that what originally convinced him that galaxies (not clusters) formed first was that their stellar populations were very old, while he could see clusters continuing to form today by infall.  Einasto said that the low individual velocities of galaxies were what first convinced him that the galaxies must have formed on (around) the large-scale structures we see today.  In the age of the universe, they would not have had time to travel far from their birthplaces relative to the size of the structures they are living on today – so the structures must have already been there.”14


This speaks to further proof that the universe starts out as a tessellating geometric lattice.  The geometry was always there in a dynamic steady state universe.

This also speaks to the point that the original galaxies formed first and budded off each other and expanded from a central point.



The Geometry of the Universe:  Dodecahedral or Octahedral?

We discussed the possibility above of the Universe being shaped like a giant spherical torus.  According to what we know of the torus, the torus contains all Platonic solid geometries.  It would be natural then to be able to discern geometry on this extremely large scale.

In fact, geometry on a universal scale has been found to be both dodecahedral and octahedral.  Also knowing that the torus contains all geometry, it is not improbable to suppose that both geometries are present.

We will take a look at those ideas now.



Dodecahedral Shape of the Universe

In 2003 an article appeared in National Geographic entitled, Universe is Finite, “Soccer Ball” Shaped, Study Hints.15

“A new study of astronomical data [density fluctuations in cosmic background radiation] only recently available hints…that the [physical] universe is finite and bears a rough resemblance to a dodecahedron, a 12-sided volume bounded by pentagons.”16

“Jeffrey Weeks, recipient of a MacArthur Fellowship or so-called ‘genius award,’ arrived at the model with a team of French cosmologists while studying cosmic background radiation observed by NASA’s Wilkinson Microwae Anisotropy Probe (WMAP).”17


Jean-Pierre Luminet, Jeffrey Weeks, Alain Riazuelo, Roland Lehoucq, Jean-Phillip Uzan published a paper in Nature in 2003.

They write, “Temperature correlations across the microwave sky match expectations on angular scales narrower than 60° but, contrary to predictions, vanish on scales wider than 60°. Several explanations have been proposed3, 4. One natural approach questions the underlying geometry of space—namely, its curvature5 and topology6. In an infinite flat space, waves from the Big Bang would fill the universe on all length scales. The observed lack of temperature correlations on scales beyond 60° means that the broadest waves are missing, perhaps because space itself is not big enough to support them. Here we present a simple geometrical model of a finite space—the Poincaré dodecahedral space—which accounts for WMAP’s observations with no fine-tuning required. The predicted density is Ω0 ≈ 1.013 > 1, and the model also predicts temperature correlations in matching circles on the sky.”18

Fluctuations of the Cosmic Microwave Background as observed by the WMAP Satellite



The Dodecahedron structure inside the WMAP sky found by F.Roukema et all. Image from: The optimal phase of generalized Poincar’e dodecahedral space hypothesis implied by the spatial cross-correlation function of the WMAP sky maps.  



Please note the link to this article has sadly been removed.  You can find it on the Way Back Machine here:



Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation

We will now review Article 89 where we show that the CMBR lends credence to the idea that the universe is one large geometric shape.  In this case, an octahedron.



What is the CMBR or CMB?

Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation is a nearly uniform flux of microwave radiation of wavelength 0.05 cm to 100 cm coming from all directions of the Cosmos.  It has a temperature of 2.73 Kelvin.  The greatest intensity occurs in the frequency of 160.2 gigahertz, corresponding to a wavelength of 1.9 mm.  It was discovered by Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson in 1978.  Later that year they received the Nobel Prize for the discovery.

“The CMB also contains tiny temperature variations, which signify areas of different densities.”19  These small intensity variations are called patchy anistrophy.

Credit:, 2016



Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation Images

The following image is the detailed all-sky picture of the universe created from nine years of WMAP data.  According the mainstream cosmology, the image shows the 13.77 billion year old temperature fluctuations (shown as color differences) that correspond to the seeds that grew to become the galaxies.  This image shows a temperature range of ± 200 microKelvin.

Credit: NASA / WMAP Science Team WMAP # 121238 Image Caption 9 year WMAP image of background cosmic radiation (2012).20



Upon further reflection, this all-sky map reveals many anomalies that should not exist if the universe was indeed born in a Big Bang 13.8 billion years ago.

“Theoretically, the Big Bang will have caused huge temperatures that should have left a uniform hot zone imprinted across the universe, but the temperature map shows heat variations and patterns that don’t show a uniform singularity…instead [they] reveal a patchwork of hot and cold splotches that would have more likely come from multiple…explosive events.”21






The CMBR & the “Axis of Evil”

The “Axis of Evil” is a mysterious and controversial pattern found in the radiation supposedly left over from the Big Bang.  Temperature variations are neatly separated in the northern and southern sky relative to the geometry of the ecliptic plane of the solar system.

It was discovered by Kate Land and Joao Magueijo at Imperial College London in 2005.


They called it the “axis of evil”.  Why ‘evil’?

“It undermines what we thought we knew about the early universe.  Modern cosmology is built on the assumption that the universe is essentially the same in whichever direction we look.  If the cosmic radiation has a preferred direction, that assumption may have to go – along with our best theories about cosmic history.”22

To put it another way, it is ‘evil’ because of the damage it can do to the current Big Bang and standard cosmology theories.  It should have already destroyed the Big Bang theory, yet here we are, running ourselves in circles for no good reason.


The image below shows dust patterns in the visible universe that are far more concentrated at the Equator of the Universe.  Once again, this should not be in a Big Bang expanding universe.  There should be no Equator.  Yet, there it is.




So What Do These Patterns Mean?

The pattern appears to be a Spherical Octahedron titled at 45° once it is wrapped onto a sphere.

Remember, a perfect octahedron – tilted at 45º – fits inside a star tetrahedron.



The Octahedral Dust Patterns: The Universe as an Octahedral Super-Galaxy

We have clearly seen how the galaxies are constricted by geometric patterns.  There is a galactic disc.  All the galaxies are found in the Equator.  There is a high concentration of dust in the Equator.


There is also a spherical galactic halo.

This could mean the universe is a super-galaxy with a north-south movement caused by a spherical torus.  There are two forces – one going up and one going down.  They push against each other and keep the galaxies in the ecliptic plane (the Equator).

When the original dust emerged, it adhered into the shape of an octahedron at a 45° angle.  This 45° tilt is the exact angle of an octahedron within a star tetrahedron.

The octahedral dust patterns can be seen as temperature fluctuations at the points of the octahedron, shown as the red and blue areas in the “axis of evil”.  There are six points on an octahedron and six major areas on the “axis of evil”:  one at the North Pole, one at the South Pole and four equidistant points along the Equator.

Certain sides are cold (blue areas) and certain sides are hot (red areas).  These cold and hot areas alternate.  This could represent the inflow and outflow areas of the torus.

These concepts often bring up more questions than they answer.  But that is the point of science – to discover new things and change existing theories to more appropriately reflect the truth.




Throughout Cosmic Core we have seen abundant observational evidence that supports our theory that the universe and all that is in it is built upon an invisible geometric framework.  The geometry is not solid; they are composed of invisible Aetheric force fields resulting from interference patterns that create these standing waves of geometry.

As was noted in previous articles, an Aetheric dimension, often referred to as time/space in Cosmic Core, is absolutely necessary to account for the apparent oneness in the great multitude of different inorganic and organic physical forms and for similarity of structure (geometric patterns) in the different scales of physical reality from the subquantum up to the galactic cluster and every scale in between.

Without this background Aether or Source reality it would be impossible for this similarity of structure to continue to show up in such varied things as the structure of subatomic particle interactions, atoms, molecules, minerals, crystals, plants and plant parts, insects, animals, human bodies, planets, suns and galaxies.


We have taken the tour of the universe from the smallest scales to the largest and seen how the five Platonic solids show up in every single case, without exception.


These could be coincidences after coincidences, or it could mean that the Universe has an underlying unity, harmony and intelligence that creates, forms and sustains all things.

We have provided the evidence throughout these 262 articles.  You may draw your own conclusions.


At this point in Cosmic Core, from here on out, we will present an extensive and interesting series of articles that show how the esoteric viewpoint, the Perennial Philosophy and/or Sacred Geometry is expressed by various art forms, artists, musicians, architecture, philosophers, literary artists, poets, religious & mystical viewpoints, and history as well as through the fascinating topic of the history of consciousness.


The journey continues!


  1. Lefferts, Marshall, Three Primary Components,
  2. Ranzan, Conrad, Ellipticity, Its Origin and Progression in Comoving Galaxies, American Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 23 April 2015, doi: 11648/j.ajaa.201503302.11
  4. University of Rochester, All Space is Not Equal: Physicists Find Axis that Gives the Universe Orientation, 17 April 1997,
  5. ibid.
  6. ibid.
  7. Einasto, Jann, Large Scale Structure, 17 November 2000,
  8. Thompson, Laird A and Stephen A Gregory, An Historical View: the Discovery of Voids in the Galaxy Distribution, 6 September 2011,
  9. Battaner, E. and E. Florido, Large Scale Structure and Magnetic Fields, 1997,
  10. ibid.
  11. ibid.
  12. Loeb, Arthur, Space Structures, Birkhouser Boston, 2012
  13. Battaner, E. and E. Florido, Large Scale Structure and Magnetic Fields, 1997,
  14. Gott, J Richard, The Cosmic Web: Mysterious Architecture of the Universe, Princeton University Press, 2016
  15. Markey, Sean, Universe is Finite, “Soccer Ball Shaped”, Study Hints, National Geographic, 8 October 2003,
  16. ibid.
  17. ibid.
  18. Luminet JP et al. Dodecahedral space topology as an explanation for weak wide-angle temperature correlations in the cosmic microwave background, Nature 425, 9 October 2003,

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