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In this article we will review certain material from Article 104 about solar domains as put forth by Dr. Harold Aspden.

It is important to remember the underlying implications of the existence of these geometric patterns that guide the structure, function and order of life, including suns/stars.  That is, the existence of these patterns on all scales points to the reality of an Aether that not only connects and binds all things, but composes all things.  The existence of an Aether presupposes the existence of an unseen metaphysical reality, as well as the well-known seen physical reality we are all aware of.  This is the most important concept of understanding the importance of these geometric patterns we continue to see on all scales.


Everything in reality oscillates back and forth from this unseen reality to the seen reality.  These oscillations are the results of fluctuations of consciousness and they occur at different wavelengths, amplitudes, frequencies, and harmonics.  The nature of the oscillations results in certain interference patterns of Aether.  These interference patterns result in standing waves of geometry.  Electromagnetic units then precipitate upon these Aetheric geometric lines of force to create everything we know of in physical reality.  This applies to the structure and function of subatomic particles and atoms all the way up to the structure and function of galactic clusters.  Here we will examine in more depth the solar scale of the sun/star which involves the geometry of the cube, octahedron and cuboctahedron (vector equilibrium), which is the compound solid of the cube and octahedron.



Galactic Geometry meets Solar System Geometry

Credit: Quadrivium, page 348


The Milky Way is tilted at almost 60° to the ecliptic or plane of our solar system (99.7% accuracy).

The poles of the ecliptic and the poles of the Milky Way galaxy define four points of a hexagon in space around us.

Three-dimensionally – a vector equilibrium (cuboctahedron) is formed by the Earth’s poles, the galaxy’s poles and the ecliptic’s poles.1


Recall a Cuboctahedron has:

  • 14 faces
  • 24 edges
  • 12 vertices

The Dual of the cuboctahedron is the Rhombic Dodecahedron.

Recall, Conrad Ranzan & the DSSU Model describes in detail the cosmic cellular structure on the galactic clustering level.

The large-scale cells are rhombic dodecahedra that tessellate.  Each of the large-scale cells are 350 million light-years in diameter.  The size of the cells is determined by the equilibrium between the rates of expansion and contraction [of Aether].

Furthermore, a star tetrahedron (stellated octahedron) has six equidistant points along the Equator, with six more equidistant points in the interior.

This means you get a total of twelve equidistant points along the equator, within one sphere of energy.

The sphere of energy we are referring to here is the spherical halo around the Sun that encapsulates the solar system – it is the spherical halo of the Sun’s space domain which contains the Platonic Solid geometries within it.


The geometry of these 12 points potentially explains the deeper meaning of the twelve signs and houses of the Zodiac and the different qualities of energy that radiate from the sun as it moves through these geometries and the 12 houses.


Furthermore, the twelve ages of the Zodiac could represent a larger geometry that takes us 25,920 years to move through (The Precession of the Equinoxes).


Researcher David Wilcock points out that our solar system’s up and-down movement through the galactic plane could be the direct result of the gravitational flow around each corner of the geometry.

Hans Jenny, through Cymatics, showed there is a constant, flowing movement in, around and through these geometric vortexes when they appear in a fluid.

As we head toward one corner we’re on an upswing – when we pass that corner we shift into another current and get pulled into a downswing.

We also know that a more complex geometry would be vibrating at a higher frequency, so it seems apparent that the geometries would change during the course of evolutionary movement.


Recall that Sanderson’s icosahedron on earth created ten vortex points that were near the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn – all evenly spaced apart, plus the two vortex points at the North and South poles.



This equals 12 vortex points total in our Sun’s space domain.

The number 12 is of supreme significance in noting how the different geometries can align and change.

There are:

  • 12 edges in a cube = 12 faces in a dodecahedron
  • 12 edges in an octahedron = 12 vertices in a icosahedron
  • 12 edges in an octahedron = 12 faces in a dodecahedron
  • 12 edges in a cube = 12 vertices in an icosahedron
  • 12 edges and vertices in a star tetrahedron



Space Domain (Cosmic Cellular Structure) of the Solar System



Dr. Harold Aspden

We introduced Dr. Harold Aspden (1927-2011) in Articles 92 and 104-105.   Dr. Aspden was a brilliant author, theoretical physicist, electrical engineer, and inventor.  He was the director of the European Patent Operations of IBM from 1963 to 1982.  He was a well-known critic of Einstein’s theory of relativity.  He proposed a new concept of physics and cosmology based on a subtle dynamic fluid crystal structure that permeates all space, that is, the Aether.

His work can be found on his website:

Dr. Harold Aspden


We have discussed Dr. William Tifft’s layered structure of redshift (domain boundaries around galaxies) in Articles 93 and 94 – pictured below.


In articles 104 and 105 we have seen Dr. Aspden’s model of the Aether with the Aether structure as double spheres rotating within cubes.  The quantum density level of each domain depends on the number N, the number of electrons that can fit inside the quon (the rotating sphere).  As it gets denser, the number goes down and it corresponds directly to Dr. Tifft’s redshift values.

Combined, Aspden and Tifft’s data tells us that these layers in the galaxies are in fact quantum energy zones.

Dr. Aspden writes, “The conclusion one reaches from this remarkable result is that galaxies can, so far as the different space domain origins of their primary radiation sources are concerned, lock into slightly different sets of fundamental physical constants.”

(‘Slightly different sets of fundamental physical constants’ means that the actual laws of physics will change depending on the domain.  For instance the speed of light might differ, or the strength of gravity…etc)


Now we will look at Dr. Aspden’s solar space domains.


Dr. Harold Aspden & Space Domains

Dr. Aspden’s Space Domains are a part of the Cosmic Cellular Structure.

His space domains are on the scale of individual stellar bodies, such as our Sun.  They are also dependent on the expansion and contraction (shrinkage) of space [Aether].

“The origin of matter has been traced to the aether.  The gradual process of formation of matter as the solar aether shrinks in company with the gradual expansion of space is a feature of this new explanation as is the catalytic action of electric discharge phenomena in transforming the radiation source.

The aether is about to reveal its essential role as a source from which matter originates and into which matter dissipates itself.”2



Space Domain Structure

“Potentially each star, or pair of stars if binary, is a candidate for its own space domain.

Space domains permeate all space (tessellate).

Each domain is the seat of creation of a single star or a binary pair of stars in a universe that is not expanding.  [Only local space expands and contracts within the domain boundary.]

Parallel boundaries in all three orthogonal directions would define cubic domain regions.”3


Applying symmetry considerations to the aether we then may expect aether to comprise vast cubic cells of one polarity interposed between identical cells of opposite polarity.

The data [shown by Aspden in Fig. 40, chapter 8 of Physics Unified] suggests that a domain cube size of about 400,000 years at the Earth’s speed though the space system.  At 390 km/s this gives a domain cube size of about 500 light years.

Figure 40 – From Aspden, Physics Unified, Chapter 8.  Commentary on this image is below.


So, we have a 350 million light-year diameter for galactic cells and a 500 light-year diameter for solar cells.

Dr. Aspden writes, “Such domains have bearing on geological events such as geomagnetic field reversals occurring as the solar system transits through boundaries separating adjacent space domains.”



Gravitational Boundaries of Space Domains

Dr. Aspden writes, “What is quite incredible is the fact that cosmologists accept without question the belief that gravitation is a universal force that acts between all particles of matter whatever the distance between them. They do not understand what causes the force of gravity but yet they build their understanding of the universe on the assumption that G, the constant of gravitation, is in no way affected by the distance of separation of stars, however great that distance may be.

Now, to me, what this means is that, if one believes in the reality of an aether containing a charge continuum that somehow governs the force of gravity within a region pervaded by a continuum having the same charge polarity, there will, elsewhere in space, be regions of continuum of opposite charge polarity. So gravitation can only exert its attractive influence within its own continuum region.”4

This means gravity has a limited range of action.  It only operates between matter seated in the same space domain.

This means there are local gravitational cells as taught by Conrad Ranzan!

Credit: Conrad Ranzan


“There is unlikely to be any gravitational action between matter in separate space domains.

Although stars formed in different domains may be de-coupled gravitationally at the time they were formed, they migrate across domain boundaries and they are gravitationally coupled when sharing the same domain.

Today we find stars clustered together in regions, as if the gravitational effects between adjacent stars have brought them in closer proximity than at creation…this runs contrary to the popular idea of the expansion of the universe…”5

Credit: Battaner & Florido.  The geometric gravity domains of galactic clusters.  Stars & galaxies cluster along lines of force – edges and vertices of geometry.



Movement of Stars across Stellar Space Domains

“However, stars acquire motion in their creation and so they can leave their home domain and encounter the gravitational attraction of other stars, whereupon they tend to form galactic clusters which spread over many such space domains and have several stars then occupying each such domain that is located within the bounds of that galaxy.

They can even seem to be attracted to other stars within a galaxy extending over thousands of space domains owing to the proximity of other stars moving in the same direction and their gravitational linkage when in a common domain.”6

[This describes organization within the large-scale cellular structure of the universe as taught by Conrad Ranzan.]


According to Dr. Aspden, what all this amounts to is that the aether must:

  1. contain cubic space domains all of similar size
  2. have a small cosmic temperature
  3. contain an amount of matter per domain that has, when created, an angular momentum determined by the space domain size
  4. contain a sparse but uniform distribution of quasi-matter
  5. create a universe that, apart from occasional fluctuations such as occur when stars traverse a space domain boundary, is essentially in a steady, non-evolving state (dynamic steady-state universe).



Dr. Aspden’s Magnetic Pole Shifts

“Owing to the charge polarity reversals of the aether as each new space domain is entered there then needs to be a reversal of the Earth’s magnetic moment at each domain boundary crossing.

Our expectation then has to be that our space domain theory is open to test by our search for the geological fingerprints left by these reversals.

I conclude from this that the Earth’s magnetic field is generated by aether spin and that the aether sphere is spinning with body Earth albeit with its spin axis tilted with respect to that of the Earth and there being precession causing the geomagnetic poles to move around the Earth’s geographic poles… (Precession is the result of our path through the Aether – at the end of these cycles, we hit one of these domain boundaries.)7


Credit: NASA



Cubic Pattern in Space

“The ‘Eureka’ cry is warranted because, not only does the historical pattern of geomagnetic field reversals tell us that there is a cubic pattern in space dividing domain region of interchanged charge polarities as between electrons and protons and aether continuum and quons, but the cubic pattern also gives a measure of the dimensions of those energetic domains, and the latter matches what we have deduced from the dynamics of the sun’s creation.”8




“There is another circumstance that can result in a reversal that would be sensed.

This applies if, in moving from one space domain to the next, the quons and gravitons in keeping to the precise rhythm of their dynamic balance, happen to orbit clockwise in one domain and anti-clockwise in the adjacent domain.

(Recall in Aspden’s model the Aether structure consists of spheres spinning in cubes.  They can suddenly start spinning the opposite direction when crossing a domain boundary.)


This has the merit of explaining how, on a universal scale, the angular momentum overall can be in balance, as seems likely given that the domain structure condenses from a chaotic state that would have no overall rotary motion.

On this latter basis, the key factor governing geomagnetic field reversal is the sustained direction of spin of the Earth and its entrapped aether, regardless of domain boundary transit.  Then, since charge polarity induced by aether spin reverses with the charge direction of Ω, we would surely have a geomagnetic field reversal at each domain boundary crossing.

Although it is convenient to assume that the space domains all have the same size so as to fit together well in a cubic pattern, this may not be the case but we will make the assumption nevertheless.

If each domain gives birth at Creation to a single star or a binary star pair, then the size of stars ought really to be more uniform than appears. However, much depends upon the energy in surplus in each domain and so available to create matter, those protons and electrons that form hydrogen. More critical, so far as uniformity of domain size is concerned, is the resulting angular momentum acquired by a star at birth.

Since the majority of stars are similar to the Sun, we can, therefore, expect a reasonably-representative pattern of geomagnetic field reversals to emerge from the choice of a simple cubic structured simple domain system.  As the reader can see, those who theorize about stars and their creation, the cosmologists, have plenty of scope for research without imagining the Big Bang scenario, but they do need to get a better grasp of the physics which underlies the phenomena we observe here on Earth and within our solar system.

Deciphering the secrets which determine the numerical parameters that physicists measure, often with incredible precision, is a pursuit which surely cannot be ignored, given that it can lead us along paths such as we are exploring here in relation to geomagnetic field reversals.”9



Cubical Domain Walls

“If the Sun was created within a cubic space domain, one would expect its cube dimension to be of the order of 760 light years on this basis, (760 light year length of the cube) then, at its cosmic speed of the order of 390 km/s (uncertainty of 60 km/s), our Earth would cross a domain boundary every 600,000 years or so if moving parallel with a cube side.”10


Please remember “Reversals are the rule, not the exception. Earth has settled in the last 20 million years into a pattern of a pole reversal about every 200,000 to 300,000 years, although it has been more than twice that long since the last reversal.”11

“The rate of reversals in the Earth’s magnetic field has varied widely over time. 72 million years ago (Ma), the field reversed 5 times in a million years. In a 4-million-year period centered on 54 Ma, there were 10 reversals; at around 42 Ma, 17 reversals took place in the span of 3 million years. In a period of 3 million years centering on 24 Ma, 13 reversals occurred. No fewer than 51 reversals occurred in a 12-million-year period, centering on 15 million years ago. Two reversals occurred during a span of 50,000 years. These eras of frequent reversals have been counterbalanced by a few “superchrons” – long periods when no reversals took place.”12



Cubical Domain Walls

A reversal period of the order of 700,000 years is consistent with the Sun’s data.


“In [the figure below] the hypothetical pattern of reversals due to motion through cubic domain space is shown in a time scale measured in millions of years before the present time.

The solar system is imagined to move in a straight line through the domain space over this period of time, though it does move in a slight arc owing to its galactic motion.”13  The movement of the solar system is shown below as the diagonal arrow moving through time from bottom right to upper left.

On the far right you have hatched lines and white lines.  The hatched lines show the magnetic poles in one direction.  The white shows the opposite polarity of magnetic poles.


Largest Pole Reversals:

  • Stockholm reversal (12,000 years)* – the smaller grid and larger grid line up (two reversals in quick succession)
  • Jaramillo* – largest, hitting the domain head on
  • Gilsa – crosses on vertical
  • Olduval* – hits domain head on
  • Kaena – crosses on vertical
  • Mammoth* – hits domain head on
  • Cochiti – crosses on vertical
  • Nunivak* – hits domain head on


The “sequence of domain boundary crossing in third dimension” shows the larger grid of cubes where you hit it head-on (parallel).  There is also a smaller set of grids in the center and the path of the Earth shooting through the galaxy at a specific angle.  Each time the diagonal line crosses one of the places where the cubes intersect, you have a magnetic pole reversal.

“On a longer time scale it is interesting to consider the circuital motion of the solar system in its galactic cycle and contemplate the fact that the Earth would cross the domain boundaries at different angles of incidence with a four-fold periodicity per galactic cycle. If, as my theory indicates, the gravitational field between matter in the Earth is disturbed when the domain boundaries are traversed, the faster the crossing, the less this disturbance. The crossing will be most rapid when the Earth approaches the boundary in the normal direction.  If it approaches a boundary at a low angle it will take much longer to traverse it.”14

“The inclination of the line with the domain cube axes is chosen deliberately to give results which resemble the observed reversal sequence, and the time scale has been macerated accordingly.

(By cohering the way he maps out the cubes with the empirical data he backs up his theoretical model of cubes.  He designs it so the angle of the Earth’s passage through the matrix creates these results – and it works.)
The interesting result, however, is that such an erratic pattern of events lends itself to decoding in this way (that the galaxy has an energetic cubic structure).

I believe that this is affirmative support for the domain theory suggested, especially as the size of the domains derived from the empirical data fit is in close accord with that calculated for the Sun.”15



Mass Species Change

“A textbook showing the Earth’s magnetic field reversal pattern over the past four million years is one by D.H. Tarling and M.P. Tarling [Continental Drift, Bell, London, pp 52 and 66, 1971].

They also comment on the rather perplexing evidence which shows that fossil species have disappeared at times of reversal and new species have appeared shortly thereafter.

This implies that the geomagnetic field reversal was accompanied by a rather more traumatic event.

Reporting on documentary evidence gleaned from the deep-sea floor of the Indian Ocean, the Science Correspondent of the U.K. Newspaper ‘The Times’ wrote in 1972:

“Tiny metallic and glass beads that originated from outer space were fragments from some great cosmic catastrophe that caused molten particles to splash into the upper atmosphere 700,000 years ago.  The shower of debris coincided with the last reversal of the Earth’s magnetic field.”16

The next article will discuss these extinction cycles and mass species change in greater detail.


Dr. Aspden predicted this stunning discovery many years in advance:

  • That we would find a cubical energetic structure on a galactic scale.
  • This creates four equidistant corners for one galactic rotation.
  • The geometry is stationary – the stars move through it.
  • There is DNA reprogramming (new species introduced) and stellar bursts when the corners are moved through.
  • The geometry is part of a conscious web of cosmic consciousness. It contains massive amounts of holographic information.  It is a living conscious being that inherently orchestrates planetary, solar and galactic evolution.




In this article we have reviewed and expanded on Articles 104 and 105.  We have seen the likelihood of there being an energetic geometric matrix on the solar level in the universe.  Through Dr. Harold Aspden’s extensive work (all published for free on his website) we have seen the data that backs up the concept of a geometric Aether that exists on all scales.  The geometric solar scale, as we see here, is responsible for the commonly-known magnetic pole reversals seen on Earth and the accompanying consequences such as mass extinctions, new species showing up, increased volcanic, earthquake and cyclone action, and supernovas (the sun giving off a solar ejection from its entire circumference and not just a single flare).

This information scientifically validates many esoteric traditions that speak of evolution through cosmic cycles, consciousness shifts and graduation across ‘densities’.


In the next article we will discuss these extinction cycles in greater detail.  Then we will discuss the Precession of the Equinoxes, cyclic history and yugas, and the zodiac before we move into the geometry of galaxies and galactic clusters.



  1. Wooden Books, Quadrivium: The Four Classical Liberal Arts of Number, Geometry, Music & Cosmology, Bloomsbury, 2010
  2. Aspden, Harold, Modern Aether Science, Sabberton Publications, 1972
  3. Aspden, Harold, Physics Unified, Sabberton Publications, 1980
  4. Aspden, Harold, Creation: The Physical Truth, Sabberton Publications, 2006
  5. ibid.
  6. ibid.
  7. Aspden, Harold, The Physics of Creation, Sabberton Publications, 2003
  8. ibid.
  9. ibid.
  10. ibid.
  13. Aspden, Harold, The Physics of Creation, Sabberton Publications, 2003
  14. ibid.
  15. ibid.

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