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In this article we will move from our discussion of the geometry of plant and animal life to a discussion of the geometry of human life.  There will be four articles laying out the geometric structure of the human body and associated functions.

Then we will move into a lengthy series on the spiritual and psychological aspects of humanity including the chakras, evolution, human nature, the human life cycle, sleep, dreams, death and the afterlife, reincarnation, health & illness, the medical industry, healing, natural therapy and love and service.

This will take us on a fascinating journey of various scientific and spiritual perspectives of humanity, some commonly held, and some new and different.  Keep in mind we are examining human existence through the lens of the esoteric stream of knowledge which accepts that human beings are more than just one life in one body – they are infinite souls on a cosmic journey of transformation.

These concepts may or may not be strange to some.  Either way, we have stressed throughout Cosmic Core that we are examining humanity, life, the universe and history through the lens of the Perennial Philosophy which unifies spirituality and science, ancient wisdom and modern understanding, and shows the commonalities among all religions.


Let us now move into the beginning of our four-part series on the geometry of human anatomy and physiology.  We will begin with cell division.



Cell Division – Mitosis

The human body grows and replaces cells through the process of mitosis.

Each cell replicates itself and then divides into two identical ‘sister’ cells.

The Monad becomes the Dyad as one becomes two, two becomes four, four becomes eight, sixteen, and so on until the organism is complete: the Many.


This process encapsulates the Geometric Sequence of Doubling: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128…etc.

It is a process of 8 seamless stages (an octave of growth).

The process renews itself upon reaching the 8th step, where 1 becomes 2.

Growth in octaves involves the interesting concept of “halving equals doubling”.  This stems from the rule of musical harmony.  If you take a guitar string – say it is an E note – When you hold the string at its halfway point and pluck either side of the string (now halved by your finger) the resulting notes will be E’s as well, but they will of a higher octave (doubled).  Hence, halving the string equals a doubled octave.


This process is seen in mitosis.  A cell divides in half.  The result is double the cells – that is two cells instead of two halves of one cell.

In an interesting side note:  The birth of the cell has a striking resemblance to the ancient Egyptian mythological time of creation, Zep Tepi.

Credit: Scott Onstott – Taking Measure


“The myth begins with the world arising as a circular mound in an infinite sea.  The sun is shown rising and setting with eight inherent primeval qualities of the water, represented as the 4 male and 4 female principles referred to as the Ogdoad.  The Ogdoad correlates strongly with chromosomes’ appearance in anaphase during cell mitosis.”1



Meiosis – Cell Division for Sexual Reproduction

Meiosis is a specialized type of cell division.

It produces four haploid cells, each genetically distinct from the parent cell.

DNA replication is followed by two rounds of cell division to produce four potential daughter cells, each with half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell.


Below is a chart comparing the process of Meiosis to Mitosis.

Meiosis Mitosis
End Result Normally four cells, each with half the number of chromosomes as the parent Two cells, having the same number of chromosomes as the parent
Function Production of gametes (sex cells) in sexually reproducing eukaryotes Cellular reproduction, growth, repair, asexual reproduction
Where does it happen? Reproductive cells of almost all eukaryotes (animals, plants, fungi, and protists) All proliferating cells in all eukaryotes
Steps Prophase I, Metaphase I, Anaphase I, Telophase I, Prophase II, Metaphase II, Anaphase II, Telophase II Prophase, Prometaphase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase
Genetically same as parent? No Yes
Crossing over happens? Yes, normally occurs between each pair of homologous chromosomes Very rarely
Pairing of homologous chromosomes? Yes No
Cytokinesis Occurs in Telophase I and II Occurs in Telophase
Centromes split Does not occur in Anaphase I, but occurs in Anaphase II Occurs in Anaphase



The Seed of Life Cycle

In Article 179 we discussed the geometry of the plant life cycle and its symbolism with the Flower of Life pattern.

We can also use this same symbolism to describe the growth of a human embryo in vitro.

Keep in mind, in a fractal-holographic universe it is not only the structure of life that is fractal in nature, but it is also the function.

Both plants and animals, despite their great differences, are all on a journey of spiritual transformation and evolution.  Naturally the process of growth and evolution of all life forms will share many similarities.


Recall what we said in Article 179:

In the case of the germ, seed, flower, fruit and tree – this process represents a continuous fractal-holographic growth pattern.  For within the germ of each plant lies the plant in full.  But not only that, each plant that came before it as well lies within the germ, and each plant that will come from the germ also lies within it.  It is a multidimensional structure that contains the whole, and the past, present and future of its unbroken lineage.

Everything in physical reality is built upon a fractal-holographic pattern where the whole is present in each of the parts, no matter how small.

This same structure of unbroken lineage can be seen in human beings.  The seeds are the sperm and ovum.  The germ is the DNA.  Within the DNA of each and every cell of a human being lies the human being in full.  But not only that, each human being that came before it as well lies within the DNA, and each human that will come from the DNA also lies within it.  The human cell and DNA within is a multidimensional structure that contains the whole, and the past, present and future of its unbroken lineage.


We will now look at the Flower of Life pattern in relation to human fertilization and embryonic development.


The geometric steps are as follows:

  • Germ of Life – Genesis Pattern
  • Seed of Life
  • Flower of Life
  • The flower of life has a boundary around it that symbolizes the zona pellucida
  • Fruit of Life
  • Tree of Life




Egg of Life

The Egg of Life is a 3-D Seed of Life shape.

It is the morphogenic structure that created the human body.

All life begins as a sphere – the female ovum surrounded by the zona pellucida.

The zona pellucida is the “thick transparent membrane surrounding a mammalian ovum before implantation.”

Inside the ovum there is a pronucleus containing 22 + 1 chromosomes (for a human).

The ovum represents the sphere – the unmanifest reality with infinite potential that awaits the reaching. (Love)

The sperm represents the direct line of action, of will – that which reaches.  (Light)

Millions of sperm are released during ejaculation.

They undergo the process of capacitation in the female uterus.

This step is a biochemical event.

The uterus secretes certain substances to help with two things:

  • destabilization of the sperm head membrane to allow it to penetrate the outer layer of the egg
  • chemical changes in the sperm tail that allow greater mobility


Hundreds of sperm must saturate the ovum for conception to occur, though only one single sperm is allowed inside.

After binding to the corona radiata the sperm reaches the zona pellucida.

The sperm enters through the zona pellucida with the help of other sperm.  (Note: it is a collaborative process, not a competitive one.)

Some sperm cells consume their acrosome prematurely on the egg surface, facilitating the penetration by other sperm cells.


In a poetic sense the mass of sperm surrounding the egg resembles a mandala.  The mandala symbolizes the infinite potential of cosmic creation.



Recent studies have shown that the egg is not passive during this process.2,3

It is as if the egg, in some way, allows certain sperm to enter and denies access to others.

Within this process the zona pellucida – the membrane around every mammalian egg before fertilization – dissolves so the sperm (representing the line, action, movement) can enter and fertilize the egg (infinite potential) and new life can form or a new direction in life can be taken.

This is symbolic of a human life and of the life of the universe as a whole.

This manifestation of the physical from the infinite potential of the metaphysical occurs at every moment of every day.  In a human life, when consciousness is directed appropriately we are able to see this clearly and are then able to use our consciousness to choose those things that help us each rise to our highest potential for the greatest good.




Sperm are “stripped-down” cells, equipped with a strong flagellum to propel them through an aqueous medium.

They contain no ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum or Golgi apparatus.

Their singular task is to deliver DNA to the egg.

They do contain many mitochondria, strategically placed to power the flagellum.

The sperm consists of a tail and a head (containing a haploid nucleus).

The head contains a secretory acrosomal vesicle – it contains hydolytic enzymes that may help the sperm to penetrate the egg’s outer coat.

Each tail has a central axoneme emanating from a basal body just posterior to the nucleus.

The axoneme consists of two central singlet microtubules surrounded by nine evenly space microtubule doublets.

Some sperm (including mammals) is further surrounded by nine outer dense fibers over the usual 9 + 2 pattern of the axenome.4  This is pictured below.




After the sperm enters the cytoplasm of the oocyte, the tail falls off and the sperm becomes a sphere – it becomes the male pronucleus and increases in size to the exact size as the female pronucleus.

The pronuclei interpentrate each other and form a 3D Vesica Piscis.  This mirrors the first motion of the genesis pattern or Seed of Life – this could not happen unless they were the exact same size.

The male and female pronuclei permeate one another to create a single sphere, the human zygote – the first cell of the human body (actually a sphere within a sphere).  This is the principle of the Dyad.

One polar body in the cell migrates north and the other south – a tube then forms running through the center – half the chromosomes line one side of the tube, half on the other.  This forms a torus.  This is the principle of polarity at work – the principle of the Dyad.

Credit: Dan Winter


The first division occurs creating two cells.

Two cells form into four.

Connecting the centers of these 4 close-packed spheres forms a tetrahedron.

From 4 cells to the original 8 cells = the Egg of Life.

Connecting the centers of the 8 celled Egg of Life creates a star tetrahedron or a cube.

From 8 cells to 16 cells, centers connect to form a larger star tetrahedron or cube (A fractal structure.)

At 32 cells they become an icosahedron/dodecahedron.

Eventually (at 512 cells) they form into a torus called a morula.  This looks like an cored apple with a hollow tube through the center.

The hollow space becomes the lungs; the north pole the mouth; the south pole the anus.  Here we have another torus – a larger torus than before.

The first cell divides 8 times (binary sequence: 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64…) until there are 512 cells, getting smaller and smaller.

At the octave point of 512 the average size of the human cell is reached and the tube torus is formed.




Recapitulation Theory of Human Development and Embryology

The Recapitulation theory was popularized by Ernst Haeckel.  He called it the “biogenetic law”.

It includes the theory that animals repeat the adult stages of their remote ancestors during embryonic and post-natal growth.

Each successive stage in the development of an individual represents one of the adult forms that appeared in its evolutionary history.

The human embryo passes through all the preceding evolutionary phases:

The mammal, reptile, fish, vegetal, and single-celled organism.

Also, in the early stages of cellular division, all the regular geometric solids (as shown above).  This represents the mineral stage of human evolutionary development.

This theory was once popular, though is now considered defunct by mainstream science.

The University of California Museum of Paleontology stated:

“Embryos do reflect the course of evolution, but that course is far more intricate and quirky than Haeckel claimed. Different parts of the same embryo can even evolve in different directions. As a result, the Biogenetic Law was abandoned, and its fall freed scientists to appreciate the full range of embryonic changes that evolution can produce—an appreciation that has yielded spectacular results in recent years as scientists have discovered some of the specific genes that control development.”


However, there is still much to be learned from this concept regarding the unity of all life forms and all life processes, as well as the evolutionary development of souls from mineral to plant to animal to human…and beyond.

As R.A. Schwaller de Lubicz writes, “Through the functions that make up Man there is a commingling with the Universe, which is Man.

Thus man is the Cosmos itself.  We are not speaking here of the human individual, but of the Man who, in each person, in all people, forms the human vital principle.

Both male and female exist in each human individual.  Harmony is the scale of the phases of metabolic genesis, the activity of the Verb.  Corporeal man, Nature, is Earth; noncorporeal man is Heaven.  Man and life are One.”5


In this article we have taken a look at the geometric symbolism behind human fertilization and seen how it mirrors the Cosmic creating process exemplified by the Flower of Life pattern and process.

Remember, the flower of life represents not only the creation and evolution of the entire universe, but of each life form within that universe.

In the next three articles we will continue our discussion of the geometry of human anatomy and physiology.



  1. Onstott, Scott, Taking Measure, SIPS Productions Inc., 2012
  2. Wymelenberg, Suzanne, Science and Babies, National Academy Press, page 17
  3. Jones, Richard E and Lopez, Kristin H, Human Reproductive Biology, Third Edition, Elsevier, 2006, page 238
  4. Alberts B, Johnson A, Lewis J, et al, Molecular Biology of the Cell. 4th Edition.
  5. De Lubicz, R.A. Schwaller, The Temple of Man, Inner Traditions, 1998


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