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In this article we will delve back into our scientific discussion of the geometry of life and reality on all scales.  We are entering the realm where the molecular world transitions to the mineral.


We will now discuss the geometry of water.  In the next article we will discuss the geometry of ice, then we will go into a three-part series on the geometry of the mineral world.

In each of these realms the importance of the Platonic solids is to be noted.

“Water does not have the characteristics of the living, but without water there is no life.  Water does not have the expressions of life (growth, fertilization, reproduction, metamorphosis, nourishment, metabolism and so on), but these all only become possible through water.   By renouncing every self-quality it becomes the creative substance for the generation of all forms.  By renouncing every life of its own it becomes the primal substance for all life. By renouncing every fixed substance it becomes the carrier of all substance transformation. By renouncing every rhythm of its own it becomes the carrier of each and every rhythm.”1



The Geometry of Water



Water as a Liquid Crystal:

Much of the information about water included in this article comes from the Water Structure and Science (WSS) website.  It is a very balanced look at the properties of water by Martin Chaplin.2


Confucius told us, “Wisdom delights in water.”

Thales of Miletus said, “Water is the source of all life.”


Plato corresponds water to the Platonic solid the icosahedron (pictured below).  “Water, the icosahedron, flows out of one’s hand when picked up, as if it is made of tiny little balls.”3

The work of Martin Chaplin shows us that water forms icosahedral clusters, linking modern science with ancient philosophy.


Henry Cavendish discovered molecular water composition (two parts hydrogen to one part oxygen – H2O) in about 1781.


Water (H2O) is bonded tetrahedrally.

Between freezing point (32° F) and boiling point (212° F) there are 180 degrees.

180 degrees in a triangle make up the tetrahedral composition of H2O.


In its liquid form water has a tendency to create pentagonal geometry:

When water is frozen it goes from constantly shifting pentagonal formation to a hexagonal crystal array:


Chaplin tells us, “The golden ratio occurs in the dimensions of the pentamers of water molecules that are commonly found in liquid water and water icosahedra.

Thus the ratio of the distances between the nearest-neighbor water molecules (a) and between the next to nearest-neighbor water molecules (b) in planar water hydrogen-bonded pentamers (H2O)5 is 2 ˣ sin(108°/2) = φ = (√5+1)/2 = 1.618034…. . Also these diagonals intersect each other in the golden ratio (a/c = φ).”

Credit: Martin Chaplin


“It is upon measure of these purely abstract geometric principles of volume, lines, number and angles occurring at sub-microscopic levels that the sensual, physical and biological characteristics and effects of water are created and predetermined,” Robert Lawlor tells us.



Dan Winter teaches water follows magnetism; magnetism follows symmetry; symmetry follows implosion; implosion follows awareness; awareness follows water.


Symbolically speaking, the molecules of water, because they are so wonderfully balanced between private sharing called covalent bonding vs. public sharing called ionic bonding, always get their balance right between sharing their inner feelings with their outer ones.

This means that water has an exquisite inner braiding geometry which allows it to phase lock or entrain or embed in both long and short wave magnetic lines.

This inner braiding in water is sometimes described scientifically as the sheeting action which occurs in water’s braided laminar coherence.

Vinnie van Rooij writes, “‘Sheeting’ is a particular form of water behavior.  This means that the water glides off the surface like a big “sheet” of water.  When a surface has a different surface energy then the surface tension from the liquid, the molecules in the liquid will pull harder at each other than the surface pulls on it. This causes a very small surface contact area, which prevents the liquid from having enough contact area to stick to the surface. The water isn’t repelled, but it pulls itself towards itself.”

Water sheeting action


Remember, in water and other fluid mechanic substances:

magnetic density = spin density = charge density = harmonic density = information density = density.


These are some ways to measure life force in water:

  • specific gravity (density)
  • surface tension
  • percent seed germination
  • rate of segregation of solid by mass/sedimentation rate
  • light scattering (coherent light is spread more actively by coherent water)
  • charge density (harmonic inclusiveness in the power spectra/harmonic analysis of water’s capacitive field.



Anomalies of Water

Water is the most common molecule in the universe.

Water has many properties quite different from those expected of other liquids.

It is one of the most mysterious substances.

No other material naturally occurs in three different forms: as solid, liquid and gas.

It is a compound formed from two gases, yet it is liquid at normal temperatures and pressures.


Chaplin writes on his website, “As a gas, water is one of lightest known, as a liquid it is much denser than expected and as a solid it is much lighter than expected when compared with its liquid form. It can be extremely slippery and extremely sticky at the same time; and this ‘stick/slip’ behavior is how we recognize the feel of water.”

He goes on to say, “The underlying slipperiness of ice can be explained by the tetrahedral open structuring of the liquid water surface that aids the formation of a slipping plane on confinement, whereas its ‘stickiness is due to the refreezing of liquid water confined between ice surfaces.”


Water is smaller than almost all other molecules.  It is much lighter and smaller in volume than the four other common atmospheric molecules oxygen, nitrogen, argon and carbon dioxide.

The density of water vapor is 62% of the density of dry air.


The hydrogen atoms are constantly exchanging between water molecules – they do not stay together.  This is due to protonation/deprotonation processes.

The average time for atoms in a water molecule to stay together is about 1 millisecond.



There are 73 anomalous properties listed on the website Water Structure and Science including anomalies of: water phase, water density, water material, water thermodynamic, and water physical.


Some of these include:

  • An unusually high melting point, boiling point, freezing point, and critical point


  • critical point – water as liquid and gas become indistinguishable
    • due to ice having a lower density than liquid water
    • For water this temperature is: 647° K or 374° C


  • triple point – the temperature and pressure at which a substance can exist in all 3 phases (solid, liquid, gas)
    • For water, this temperature is: 0.01° C; 273.16° K; or 32.01° F
    • see page 109 – The Hidden Geometry of Life


  • Solid water exists in a wider variety of stable and metastable crystal and amorphous structures than other materials.


  • Ice floats – the solid state of most things are much denser than the liquid state.
    • Unlike other liquids, water expands when frozen, yet while frozen it weighs around 9% less than water – this is why ice floats.
    • All other liquids shrink (become denser) when freezing.
    • It is extremely unusual for the solid phase of a substance to be less dense than its liquid phase – yet this anomalous effect allows ice to float and fish to survive in winter under the ice.


  • Hot water can freeze faster than cold water
    • This is called the Mpemba effect.It is temperature-dependent.


  • The structure of liquid water changes at high pressure.
  • The density of ice increases on heating.
  • Water shrinks on melting.
  • Pressure reduces ice’s melting point.
  • The surface of water is denser than the bulk.


  • X-ray diffraction shows an unusually detailed structure of liquid water.


  • Under high pressure water molecules move further away from each other with increasing pressure; a density-distance paradox.


  • Specific heat capacity is unusually high – once heated, water takes a long time to cool off, or it takes a lot of heat to make water hot.


  • Water has unusually high viscosity.
  • Water has unusually high surface tension.


  • Hydrogen bonding, although cohesive in nature, holds the water molecules apart – “It is the conflict between these two effects, and how it varies with conditions, which endows water with many of its unusual properties.”
    • “Water retains its integrity as liquid water with the hydrogen bond network connected throughout the entire bulk (percolating) and yet the local hydrogen bonds are known to be fleetingly breaking and forming.”


  • To burn anything, water has to be present in some quantity.
    • Water particles removed from gasoline leads to the gas being unable to burn.


  • Absolute zero: -273.2 C or 0 Kelvin.
  • The triple point of water is 273.16 Kelvin.
  • The moon takes 27.32 days to revolve around the Earth.
  • If you circumscribe a circle within a square and compare the area outside the circle to the area of the circle as a ratio it equals .2732 (4pi)/4 = .2732
  • 32% of the square around the Earth is visible.
  • Gases expand by 1/273.2 of their volume with every degree on the C scale, including water.



Water Clustering

Martin Chaplin writes, “It is clear that life on Earth depends on the unusual structure and anomalous nature of liquid water.  Organisms consist mostly of liquid water.  This water performs many functions and it can never be considered simply as an inert diluent; it transports, lubricates, reacts, stabilizes, signals, structures and partitions. The living world should be thought of as an equal partnership between the biological molecules and water.”

Hexagonal ice – form of all natural snow and ice on earth.

Cubic ice – proposed to form in high clouds.


“The water lattice begins as 4-fold, tetrahedral units of 14 water molecules, aligning into 20 clusters to create the geometry of a 280-molecule, water icosahedron. This structure then assumes a variety of stable, geometric sub-structures, such as its complementary, opposite dodecahedron, that form into even larger “superclusters”. At this mesoscopic scale of water, molecules arrange themselves into a 2-dimensional, connectivity map of a regular, 5-fold pentagon.  When the 5-fold icosahedral geometry of water is then combined with the complementary, dodecahedral geometry of carbon-12, something very interesting occurs – they resonate with one another to produce the characteristic 12 by 5 geometry of life. There is nothing random or arbitrary about this – it is an inevitable outcome of the physics of harmonics acting at the atomic level.”4

Water Icosahedron.  Credit: Martin Chaplin


The icosahedral symmetry of water molecules was first proposed to exist in 1998.  It was first found by x-ray diffraction in 2001.

Martin Chaplin explains, “This structuring accommodates explanation of many of the anomalous properties of water including its temperature-density and pressure-viscosity behavior, the radial distribution pattern, the presence of both cyclic pentamers and hexamers, the change in properties on supercooling and the solvation and hydration properties of ions, hydrophobic molecules, carbohydrates and macromolecules.”

Credit: Martin Chaplin




The Tetrahedral Molecule & Temperature

As stated above, there are 180º of angle between the hydrogen atoms in a molecule of tetrahedrally bonded water.

There are 180º of temperature between the freezing point and boiling point of water in Fahrenheit.5


Freezing point = 32º F

Boiling point = 212º F

212 – 32 = 180


This is a simple yet interesting example of how the geometry (angles) of molecules affects their qualities.



The Geometry of the Water Droplet

The following information is from Les Brown and Joe Dubs.


Water droplet rings expand by the fourth root of pi.

The circumference of any ring is the diameter of four rings out.

The fourth root of pi = 1.33133.


Diameter Circumference
1 3.14159
1.33133 4.18251
1.77245 5.56832
2.35973 7.41331
3.14159 9.86960





Jacques Benveniste

Jacques Benveniste (1935-2004) was a French immunologist considered the ‘Father of Homeopathy’ and known for the ‘Memory of Water’.  We discussed his work in digital biology in Article 136.  We will discuss his work further in this article.

“From 1991, Benveniste demonstrated that you could transfer specific molecular signals simply by using an amplifier and EM coils.  Four years later, he was able to record and replay these signals using a multimedia computer.  Over thousands of experiments Benveniste and Guillonnet recorded the activity of the molecule on a computer and replayed it to a biological system ordinarily sensitive to that substance.  In every instance, the biological system has been fooled into thinking it has been interacting with the substance itself and acted accordingly, initiating the biological chain reaction, just as it would if in the actual presence of the genuine molecule.”6


Benveniste applied acetylcholine and histamine, two known vasodilators, then atropine and mepyramine, both agonists to the others, to a beating guinea pig heart.

As expected the histamine and acteylcholine produced increased blood flow in the coronary arteries while the mepyramine and atropine inhibited it.

The unusual aspect of the experiment was that the agents of change weren’t actually pharmacological chemicals but low-frequency waves of the EM signals of the cells recorded using a purpose-designed transducer and a computer equipped with a sound card.

The signal effectively could take the place of the chemicals.

He was beginning to demonstrate what Fritz-Albert Popp (Article 171) had proposed – that each molecule in the universe had a unique frequency and the language it used to speak to the world was a resonating wave.


Martin Chaplin writes, “[This] subject has drawn a lot of controversy with many ‘scientists’ simply rejecting it outright without studying the evidence.”



The Memory of Water

Jacques Benveniste began experiments in 1985 on the memory of water.  He had not intended to discover what he did.

Benveniste accidentally began experimenting with solutions diluted to the point where very few of the original antigen molecules remained.

He found water contained a ‘memory’ of substances mixed in water even after the substance was diluted out of existence.

This related to the scientific field of homeopathy– a system of medicine where solutions of active substances are diluted to the point where there is virtually none of the original substance left, only its “memory”.

Homeopathy is a controversial topic, surprise surprise, yet Benveniste proved that it cannot be dismissed outright.  More experimentation needs to be carried out to better understand the processes at work.



Benveniste’s Homeopathy Experiments:

Benveniste and his associates isolated basopils, a type of white blood cell which contain antibodies of immunoglobulin E (IgE) type on the surface of human cell.

These cells are responsible for hypersensitivity reactions in people with allergies.

They then stained the basophils so they could be seen.

When IgE cells are exposed to anti-IgE antibodies, it changes their ability to absorb the dye.

In studies over four years (1985-1989) Benveniste’s team created high dilutions of the anti-IgE by pouring one tenth of the previous solution into the next test tube and filling it up by adding nine parts of a standard solvent, then kept diluting until there was one part of solution to 99 parts solvent and even one part solution to 999 parts solvent.

They discovered that they were recording effects in inhibiting dye absorption by up to 66%, even with dilution watered down to one in 10.


In later experiments, when the dilution were serially diluted a hundred-fold, eventually to one part in 10^120, where there was virtually no possibility that a single molecule of the IgE was left the basophils were still affected.

At the 9th dilution the effect of the highly dilute IgE began increasing at this point and continued to increase the more it was diluted.


Three independent scientific groups in Israel, Italy and Canada replicated Benveniste’s findings in 1988.

“These research teams reported that even if the amount of that antibody was subjected to sequential physical processing and was apparently diluted many billions of times, until there was essentially none left, it still had an observable biological effect different from those apparent using just the water employed for the dilutions.”7


His results were published in the prestigious scientific journal Nature in 1988 with a disclaimer “Editorial reservation: Readers of this article may share the incredulity of the many referees…There is no physical basis for such an activity…Nature has therefore arranged for independent investigators to observe repetitions of the experiments”.


Martin Chaplin writes on his website, “It has not been more generally accepted after the results were reported by Nature as not reproducible by Nature’s self-acknowledged biased observers (the Editor of Nature [John Maddox], a magician(!) [James Randi] and a malpractice investigator, none of whom had any relevant scientific experience)and under oppressive, overly-demanding (with over twice the normal weekly load of tests) and unsympathetic conditions, in a limited and rushed 5-day trial (of 5 years and 5 laboratories work) with negative results from only the one laboratory being cherry-picked from amongst otherwise positive results.”

Chaplin continues, “The original results were, however, confirmed in a blinded study by the statistician Alfred Spira and also in a rather bizarre Nature paper purporting to prove the opposite.  This paper was bizarre as the data it produced that showed a positive effect (therefore actually supporting the ‘memory of water’ conclusions) were dismissed by the Authors out of hand as ‘a source of error for which we cannot account’, so leaving the remaining data (that is, only the data which agreed with their headline disproof). It should be noted that the statistical report on which this paper was based states that ‘One interpretation is that there are, after all, differences between the treatments…’ but this statement does not survive into the final version published by Nature. The Authors have apparently refused to release their raw data for unbiased statistical analysis.Nature also recently published a paper on ‘ultrafast memory loss’ in water that, perhaps ingenuously, appears to misinterpret this ‘memory of water’ concept, as it only concerns the ‘memory’ of single water molecules, not clusters or larger amounts of water molecules. Overall the episode reflects badly on Nature.”


Despite the controversy, Benveniste’s findings were again replicated in 2000 by a consortium of 4 independent research laboratories.

Yet skeptics still attack his findings even though they have been proven correct on numerous occasions.


One of the studies was headed up by Madeleine Ennis.  She stated that she began the research as a skeptic, but concluded that the “results compel me to suspend my disbelief and start searching for rational explanations for our findings.”9

In 2004 an article was published in Inflammation Research that concluded such a dilution effect existed:

“In 3 different types of experiment, it has been shown that high dilutions of histamine may indeed exert an effect on basophil activity. This activity observed by staining basophils with alcian blue was confirmed by flow cytometry. Inhibition by histamine was reversed by anti-H2 and was not observed with histidine these results being in favor of the specificity of this effect. We are however unable to explain our findings and are reporting them to encourage others to investigate this phenomenon.”10

“If water were able to imprint and stare information from molecules, this would have an impact on our understanding of molecules, and how they ‘talk’ to one another in our bodies, as molecules in human cells, of course are surrounded by water.”11



Giuliano Preparata & Emilio Del Giudice

Emilio Del Giudice (1940-2014) was an Italian theoretical physicist who worked closely with Giuliano Preparata (1942-2000) another Italian physicist at the Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics.

Emilio del Giudice and Giuliano Preparata


Preparata and Del Giudice demonstrated mathematically that closely packed atoms and molecules exhibit a collective behavior, forming what they termed ‘coherent domains’.

They were then interested in how it occurs in water.

They demonstrated water molecules create coherent domains much as a laser does.

This work was published in Physical Review Letters.  They state, “We find the emergence of collective modes and the appearance of permanent electric polarization around any electrically polarized impurity.”12


“Light is normally composed of photons of many wavelengths, like colors in a rainbow, but photons in a laser have a high degree of coherence, a situation akin to a single coherent wave, like one intense color.  These single wavelengths of water molecules appear to become ‘informed’ in the presence of other molecules – that is, they tend to polarize around any charged molecule – storing and carrying its frequency so that it may be read at a distance.  This would mean that water is like a tape recorder, imprinting and carrying information whether the original molecule is still there or not.  So vital is water to the transmission of energy and information that Benveniste’s own studies actually demonstrate that molecular signals cannot be transmitted in the body unless you do so in the medium of water.”13



Dr. Masaru Emoto

Dr. Masaru Emoto (1943-2014) was a Japanese author and researcher who claimed that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water.

His experiments have been highly criticized for insufficient experimental controls, yet the concept behind his experiments has been shown to be true time and time again – that is, consciousness affects reality.

Dr. Emoto believed water was a ‘blueprint for our reality’ and water is affected by consciousness (individual and collective).

Emotional energies and vibrations could change the physical structure of water, he claimed.

Water can absorb, hold and retransmit human emotions.

Clean water and water exposed to loving words show beautiful geometric patterns in his experiments.

Polluted water and water exposed to negative words show asymmetrical chaotic patterns with dull colors.

He believed we can heal our planet and ourselves by consciously expressing love, goodwill and gratitude.



Dr. Luc Montagnier

We discussed Dr. Luc Montagnier in Article 171, on DNA.  We will review that information here.

Luc Antoine Montagnier (1932-present) is a French virologist and winner of the 2008 Nobel Prize in physiology/ medicine for his discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

In 2011 Dr. Montagnier discovered DNA emits electromagnetic signals.

“An extraordinary paper authored by Nobel prize-winning Luc Montagnier has described memory effects in aqueous DNA solutions that the authors propose depend on interactions with the background electromagnetic field. These effects, if real, require the prior processing and dilution of the solutions and are explained by Montagnier as resonance phenomena with nanostructures derived from the DNA and water.”14


He took two hermetically sealed test tubes of water.

One contained a fragment of DNA, 100 bases long.  The other contained pure water.

He isolated them both in a chamber that muted the earth’s natural EM field.

The test tubes were then electrified with a weak 7-hertz EM field (close to Schumann’s resonance of 7.83)

Approximately 17 hours later the contents were put through polymerase chain reactions to identify any remnants of DNA.

Unexpectedly, DNA was recovered from both tubes!


“Montagnier and his team say this suggests DNA emits its own electromagnetic signals that imprint the DNA’s structure on other molecules (like water).”15

Thus, DNA appears to be a quantum field effect that does not require other life first.

Life arranges spontaneously using the infinitely vast information embedded in the fractal-holographic matrix of Aether.

DNA – as a process, not a thing – is wired into the universe.


Dr. Montagnier presented his quantum DNA fields at the United Nations on September 2014.

UNESCO acknowledged its controversial nature by announcing on its website, “The promoters of this conference are aware of the critical reactions aroused by this work in parts of the scientific community, so they wish to communicate their results with the utmost rigor. The aim is to foster a broad and multidisciplinary discussion.These data seem particularly important because they further enrich the immense achievements of molecular biology.They also suggest the development of new modes of transmission of genetic messages (transmission, transduction, teleportation, etc.).”16

Unfortunately we are unable to find the response and results of that United Nations presentation.  We are still looking.



Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958)

“Viktor Schauberger was born in Austria of a long line of foresters stretching back some four hundred years. He developed a gift for accurate and intuitive observation so great that he was able to perceive the natural energies and other phenomena occurring in Nature, which are still unrecognised by orthodox science. Refusing to attend University at the age of 18, to the fury of his father, Viktor Schauberger left home and spent a long period alone in the high, remote forest, contemplating, pondering and observing any subtle energetic processes taking place in Nature’s laboratory, where they were still undisturbed by human hand.  During this period he developed very profound and radical theories, later to be confirmed practically, concerning water, the energies inherent in it and its desired natural form of motion. These eventually earned him the name of ‘The Water Wizard’.”17

Schauberger commented, “Life is movement and is epitomised by water, which is in a constant state of motion and transformation, both externally and internally.”


Water is thought to be inorganic – that is ‘without life’, “but while apparently having no life itself, can nevertheless miraculously create life in all its forms.”


Schauberger found that minute differences in temperature affect the natural function of water in the earth, plants and rivers.

He also found that water is more buoyant at night.

It also moves faster when it’s colder.

Water travels in a vortex and the center of the vortex is coolest.

The temperature of water is most happy as 4° C or 39.2° F – its anomalous point.


“Movement and temperature are the key criteria for water, and therefore for all life. Still water is passive; it is amorphous and apparently lifeless. As soon as it begins to move, it is filled with surfaces that define little structures, convoluted in form, and with dancing vortical shapes. The nature of water is to move. When it is active it comes alive; in movement it fulfills its potential, which is to bring life.”18


Through Schauberger’s studies of the vortexes in water he was able to develop free energy and antigravity devices from his vortex implosion technology.


“When a moving fluid is forced into a pipe of lesser cross sectional area it has to speed up.  When a fluid is rotated in a vortex inside a pipe, it experiences less friction as it flows through the pipe than a non-rotating fluid.  When a rotating fluid is forced to rotate at a smaller radius, conservation of angular momentum causes the fluid to speed up.  The center of a fluid vortex is cooler and the periphery is hotter.  Electrical charge separation takes place in fluid vortexes.

Schauberger used these fluid principles to design his free energy devices, using spiral pipes with decreasing cross sectional area to rotate the fluids and cause them to increase in velocity, in spiral pinwheel like devices that terminated with tangential nozzles that would cause the rotation of the device.  Then, the exiting water was pumped back to the top entrance to repeat the process.  Centrifugal force would force the fluids through the device as it rotated.

An electric starter motor would rotate the device until it reached its operational RPM.  At that rotational velocity, the device would become self-powering.  Higher RPM would cause a runaway situation where the device would keep speeding up until it destroyed itself.  So a speed regulating device was also incorporated.  Above the operational RPM, the device would also power an electric generator attached to the rotational shaft.   This was the physical principle of Schauberger’s free energy generator.”19

“Viktor Schauberger described how our disdain for Nature’s ways will bring only environmental catastrophe.  His vision – humanity working within Nature’s laws – is the path we must urgently rediscover, if we are to survive.”20


Alick Bartholomew writes in his article Water and Role of Polarities in Nature that water can teach us many things:

  • “The most important lesson is that Nature will not tolerate gross inequalities: Water’s role is to bring down to size, to level, to balance, to stimulate fertility and productivity of the whole, not individuals in isolation.
  • Through water, quantum coherent organisms invariably become entangled with one another. A quantum world is a world of universal mutual entanglement, the prerequisite for universal love and ethics. Because we are all entangled, and each being is implicit in every other, the best way to benefit oneself is to benefit the other.
  • It is the restlessness of water that gives living systems the ability to become ever more complex and to strive towards the perfection they can never reach. As a driver of evolution, water is a model for our own striving, allowing us to evolve through our own mistakes. This is the self-empowerment process of holistic biology.
  • Water raises its dynamic energy through turbulence and chaos which, in the bigger picture, mirrors the turbulence of change in human society.
  • The dynamic way that water creates energy shows up our technology’s way of generating energy as wasteful, dangerous, and harmful to the environment.”21



  1. Wilkens, Andreas, Jacobi, Michael & Schwenk, Wolfram, Understanding Water: Developments from the Work of Thodor Schwenk,Floris Books, 2005
  5. Water: It’s a Mystery,
  6. McTaggart, Lynn, The Field, HarperCollins Publishers, 2001
  7. ibid.
  8. ibid.
  9. Milgrom, Lionel, Thanks for the Memory, Guardian Unlimited, 15 March 2001
  10. Cumps, Belon, Ennis, M, Mannaioni PF, et al, Histamine dilutions modulate basophil activation, Inflammation Research, Birkhauser Basel 53 (5), 21 April 2004
  11. McTaggart, Lynn, The Field, HarperCollins Publishers, 2001
  12. Del Giudice, Preparata, Vitiello, Water as a Free Electric Dipole Laser, Physical Review Letters, 61, 1085, 29 August, 1988,
  13. McTaggart, Lynn, The Field, HarperCollins Publishers, 2001
  14. Chaplin, Martin, Water Structure & Science,
  15. Dillow, Clay, Can our DNA Electromagnetically teleport itself?, Popular Science, 13, January, 2011,
  17. Coats, Callum, The Water Wizard: The Extraordinary Properties of Natural Water, Gill & MacMillan, 1999
  19. Dorsey III, Herbert G., Secret Science and the Secret Space Program, 2015


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