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In this article we will continue our discussion of consciousness.  This article and the next two will focus on scientific experimentation that has been carried out that shows how consciousness affects mater and events.

These effects are evidence of a non-local mind.  That is, that each mind, or consciousness, is connected with all other consciousnesses on a deeper level than we usually recognize.

These effects of the mind are part of living in a fractal-holographic universe composed of an Aether medium that unifies and connects all in reality.

Remember, matter, energy and consciousness are one and all points in space and time and consciousness are connected.

To repeat, all aspects of our reality are fundamentally interconnected.  “The worlds are so composed that each one is a part of each other one, and there is no disconnecting.  There is no place or space, psychological, physical or psychic where those worlds exist apart from each other.”1

We will now discuss the idea of the Non-local mind.  This implies that thoughts are not neurochemical reactions like mainstream science claims.  They are like satellite TV signals that can be tuned into, or tuned out of.




Space and time are normally thought to be discrete quantities.

The problem is that as soon as you try to pin down a position in time, space spreads out and as soon as you try to pin down a place, time spreads out.

Non-locality “refers to the ability of a quantum entity such as an individual electron to influence another quantum particle instantaneously over any distance despite there being no exchange of force or energy.  It suggested that quantum particles once in contact retain a connection even when separated, so that the actions of one will always influence the other, no matter how far they get separated.”2



Quantum Coherence

Quantum coherence means subatomic particles are able to cooperate.

The subatomic waves or particles not only know about each other, but also are highly interlinked by bands of common electromagnetic fields, so they can communicate.

As the waves get in sync, they begin acting like one giant wave and one giant subatomic particle.  It becomes difficult to tell them apart.

Coherence establishes communication.

Now we will explore scientific data that points to all minds being connected and able to communicate with one another on subconscious (or deeper) levels.



The Multiples Effect

The Multiples Effect refers to the fact that many scientific discoveries are made simultaneously, often on opposite sides of the world, unknown by those doing the discovering.

There have been 148 examples cataloged by 1922.

This suggests that there is an information exchange between humans that happens through the mind.


Some of these simultaneous discoveries include:

  • calculus
  • the theory of evolution
  • decimal fractions
  • discovery of oxygen
  • color photography
  • logarithms
  • sunspots
  • conservation of energy
  • discovery of magnetism
  • the crossbow
  • the blast furnace
  • Thermometer (six different claims)
  • Telescope (nine different claims)
  • Typewriter (multiple claims)
  • Steamboat (five different claims)


As Hungarian mathematician Farkas Bolyai wrote, “When the time is ripe for certain things, these things appear in different places in the manner of violets coming to light in early spring.”



Dr. Helmut Schmidt

Helmut Schmidt (1928-2011) was a German-born physicist and parapsychologist who carried out experiments into clairvoyance and precognition.

Dr. Helmut Schmidt testing a subject with the random number generator, circa early 1970’s


“In the early 1970s he pioneered research into the effects of human consciousness on machines called random number generators at the Rhine Research Center Institute for Parapsychology.”3

Joseph Banks Rhine (1895-1980) was an American botanist who founded parapsychology as a branch of psychology.  He founded the parapsychology lab at Duke University, the Journal of Parapsychology, and the Parapsychological Association.  Rhine tested many students at Duke as volunteer subjects in his research project.  Some scored very highly in the tests.  Others, not so much.

Hubert Pearce with the parapsychologist J. B. Rhine experimenting with Zener cards, 1934


Dr. Schmidt wondered how some of Joseph Rhine’s subjects were able to correctly guess cards and dice – implements of random processes, if randomness is supposed to be a basic feature of nature according to Bohr and Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle.

Dr. Schmidt found so-called random binary processes could be predicted and even influenced by humans.

What appeared to put a halt to randomness was a living observer.

One of the fundamental laws of quantum physics says that an event in the subatomic world exists in all possible states until the act of observing or measuring it ‘freezes’ it, or pins it down, to a single state.

This process is technically known as the collapse of the wave function, where ‘wave function’ means the state of all possibilities.

To Schmidt, this is where the theory fell down.

The moment of observation was included in the mathematics, but not the consciousness doing the observing.  There was no equation for an observer.  It was an incomplete theory, as it did not include all processes of the universe – specifically the effects of consciousness on matter, precognition and clairvoyance.



RNG – Random Number Generator

Dr. Schmidt built a machine using the randomness of radioactive decay – a precision instrument built upon quantum uncertainty.

He got significant results using psychics in correctly guessing which light would flash.

He had a 27% success rate, vs. a 25% success rate (if random).

These are small percentages, yet the effects do occur and mainstream science cannot explain them.



Dr. Robert Jahn

Dr. Robert Jahn (1930-present) is a retired American plasma physicist, Professor of Aerospace Science, and Dean of Engineering at Princeton University.  He worked in cooperation with NASA and the U.S. Air Force and founded the Electric Propulsion and Plasma Dynamics Laboratory at Princeton.  He also founded the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research lab (PEAR), a parapsychology research program that ran from 1979 to 2007.

Dr. Robert Jahn, Princeton University

Dr. Jahn worked hand in hand with Brenda Dunne at PEAR.  He worked with the RNG and he also designed REGs – Random Event Generators.

Their studies turned into the largest database ever assembled of studies into remote intention.

In one 12 year period of nearly 2.5 million trials, it turned out that 52% of all the trials were in the intended direction and nearly 2/3 of the 91 operators had overall success in influencing the machines the way they had intended.

A more recent meta-analysis of the REG data from 1959 to 2000 showed a similar result.

The US National Research Council also concluded that the REG trials could not be explained by chance.

“Skeptics have examined the lab’s instruments, its data-processing software, its protocols.  Environmental, non-consciousness-related influences such as temperature differences, passing traffic, earth tremors, and vibrations from a nearby machine shop have been ruled out as a cause for the anomalies.  Other scientists have, by and large, been able to replicate PEAR’s experiments – just as PEAR’s own work builds on other academically sound research.”4

Dr. Jahn and Brenda Dunne of PEAR

Jahn and Dunne developed another similar study called ArtREG which involved subjects to guess an image, rather than a number.  They found that the images which had produced the most successful outcomes fell into a similar category: the archetypal, the ritualistic or the religiously iconographic – images, by their very design, intended to engage the unconscious.

On the crudest level, Jahn had proved that, at least on the subatomic level, there was such a thing as mind over matter.

On the most profound level, the PEAR studies suggest that reality is created by each of us by our attention and intention.

At the lowest level of mind and matter, each of us creates the world.



Dr. William Braud

Dr. William G. Braud (1942-2012) was an American psychologist and parapsychologist.

In 2003 he wrote the book Distant Mental Influence: Its Contributions to Science, Healing, and Human Interactions which discussed the results from a series of experiments he conducted to test for psychokinetic influences on living systems.

Dr. Braud began studying extrasensory perception with one of his students who practiced hypnosis.

His student, who had been hypnotized and was sitting in a room down the hall from him, unaware of Braud’s doings, seemed to have some empathetic connection with him.

Braud had pricked his hand and placed it over a candle flame and his student experienced pain or heat.

He looked at a picture of a boat and the student remarked about a boat.

He opened the door of his lab into the brilliant Texas sunshine and the student mentioned the sun.

Braud had been able to carry out his end of the experiment anywhere – the other side of the building or many miles away from his student in the sealed room – and get the same results.

Naturally he was intrigued by this phenomenon and began to study it in greater detail.



Braud, Schmidt and the REG machines

Dr. Braud wanted to test the effects of intention on human cells, ideally those of the immune system but chose the red blood cells instead because it was easier to measure changes.

He enlisted volunteers, placed them in a room, and determined whether, by simple wishing, they could protect these cells from bursting by slowing their rate of hemolysis.  Hemolysis involves adding too much or too little salt to the solution causing the membranes of the blood cells to weaken and burst.

All his studies met with success.

His volunteers were able to change the direction of fish, the speed of gerbils, and protect human red blood cells to a significant extent.



Dr. Braud’s Human Experimentation

Next Dr. Braud studied the effect of being stared at.

He carried out this experiment sixteen times.

Participants were wired up to measure Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) – the conductivity of your skin to an electrical current.

The overall level of stimulus that your nervous system has shows up in how conductive your skin is.

Even if we are not perceptive enough to understand when we are being telepathically influenced, our nervous system does know.

In most cases, those being stared at showed significantly greater electrodermal activity during the staring sessions than would be expected by chance (59 per cent against the expected 50 per cent).

For the second group of participants Braud had them meet each other beforehand and asked them to carry out a series of exercises that involved staring into each other’s eyes and looking intently at each other when they talked.

When this group underwent the trial, they got opposite results from the earlier tests. They were at their calmest precisely when they were being stared at.

There are very interesting implications here.  Our nervous system will react more when there is a possibility of danger or the unknown.  If we are familiar or comfortable with the situation, or person, our nervous system will not react as much.



Other Experiments of Dr. Braud’s

Dr. Braud carried out 323 experiments in which one person attempted to remotely influence another person’s galvanic skin response.

The second person did not know that this was the experiment.

He achieved extremely statistically significant results.


He also conducted 41 experiments where one person attempted to remotely influence movements of a pendulum held by another person.

The second person with the pendulum was unaware of the experiment.

Again, he achieved extremely statistically significant results.


He conducted 19 experiments where one person attempted to remotely influence random muscular tremors of another person.

The second person being studied for tremors was unaware of the experiment.

In this particular case, senders were not able to remotely create tremors in receivers.

This experiment infringes upon free will, and thus does not work.


He conducted 78 experiments where one person stared at another person via closed-circuit television.

The second person attached to the GSR machine was unaware of the experiment.

The subject’s GSR levels skyrocketed at the exact short intervals the other person stared at them.

He once again achieved extremely statistically significant results.


One study showed it was possible to block any influences you didn’t want through using psychological “shielding strategies”.  This involves visualizing a safe or protective shield, barrier or screen around you, preventing penetration of the influence.



Braud and Schlitz’s Meta-analysis

Dr. Braud collaborated with researchers Helmut Schmidt and Marilyn Schlitz.

Braud and Schlitz undertook a meta-analysis on all of the studies they could find investigating the effect of intention on other living things.

Research had shown human intention could affect: bacteria and yeast, plants, ants, chicks, mice and rats, cats and dogs, human cellular preparations and enzyme activity.

Research also shows one set of people could successfully affect the eye or gross motor movements, breathing and brain rhythms of another set.

Overall the studies had a success rate of 37 per cent against the expected result of 5 per cent by chance.



Techniques which tended to More Readily Guarantee Success

Dr. Braud found certain techniques more readily guaranteed success.  These included:

  • some sort of relaxation technique (meditation, biofeedback, etc.)
  • reduced sensory input or physical activity
  • dreams or other internal states and feelings
  • reliance on right-brain functioning
  • the “sheep/goat” effect – the effects work better if you believe they will and less than average if you believe they won’t
  • having an altered world view – one of a continuum of interrelations rather than seeing people and things as isolated and divisible


Dr. Braud “believed that many of the components involved with whole-person learning are based on specific and concrete human experiences, where much of whole-person learning is experiential in nature.

He envisioned a future where transpersonal research:

  • honors the world’s wisdom psychologies
  • invites all these psychologies to help us ‘reinvent’ ourselves as a global community
  • affirms our interdependence on one another and the natural world
  • furthers the well-being of the natural world
  • encourages all people to become perfectly themselves in their own time and place.”5



Dr. Erin Schuman: Theory of Neural Broadcasting

Dr. Erin Schuman (1963-present) is a professor at Caltech and Director of the Department of Synaptic Plasticity at the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research.

“A synapse, the point of contact and communication between neurons, is one of the smallest fundamental circuits available for analysis in the brain.”6


Dr. Schuman found that nearby nerve cells fire off with no direct electrochemical connection.

When any one synapse fires, neighboring synapses are transferring information without any chemicals in the synapse.

This means, you do not need a chemical secretion in the synapse to make it fire.  There is an energetic component in the mind.

Synapses fire due to a ‘broadcasting’ of waves, rather than a chemical secretion.



Dr. Benjamin Libet: Theory of the “Mental Field”

Dr. Benjamin Libet (1916-2007) was a pioneering scientist in the field of human consciousness.

He wrote Mind Time: The temporal factor in consciousness as a result of his research.

He studied Brain-Body interactions in 1983 and found that the brain prepared for bodily movement 350 milliseconds before the conscious mind was aware of any desire to move.

200 milliseconds remained between time of conscious awareness and time of movement.

This gives enough time for the conscious mind to “veto” the movement.  Even though your body starts preparing to move, you still have a window of 200 milliseconds where you can dismiss the movement.  The preparation for the movement has to take place before the movement takes places.

“If it wasn’t for this ability for the body to begin moving before the mind makes its decision we would never work quickly enough to prevent ourselves from being burned, or injured.”7

Dr. Libet hypothesized that we have a mental field outside of space and time, however, he thought the field emerged from the brain and not the other way around.



Dr. Harold E. Puthoff

Dr. Hal Puthoff (1936-present) is an electrical engineer, physicist, inventor and parapsychologist who worked on remote influencing and remote viewing experiments.

He developed the SQUID – superconducting quantum interference device.

He used Ingo Swann and Pat Price – two talented psychics to test the device.

Ingo Swann psychically peered into the machine to discover how to better affect it.

He was able to alter the magnetic field for about 45 seconds – the length of Ingo’s time of concentration.



Remote Viewing

Remote viewing is the practice of seeking impressions about a distant or unseen target using extrasensory perception.

It was started for military purposes – to gain accurate data about a location at a distance.

When you remote view you don’t know what you’re seeing.  The normal thinking deductive mind is not available to you.  You can’t make decisions to where you’re going or what you’re going to do.  The conductor steers the remote viewer, so the remote viewer doesn’t use the analytical mind.

It is similar in technique to Deep Meditation.  This can be thought of as ‘mind awake; body asleep’.

You can probe the paper you are recording details on with your pen over and over.  You get psychic information from the probing that helps determine the texture of what you’re viewing (for example – water, clothing…etc.).

You then write down all fragments of information that come to you. You are not supposed to try to figure it out or think about what it is.

In advanced remote viewing bi-location occurs.  This is when you are able to look around and see the target clearly, as if you were there.  It is a targeted out-of-body experience.

“Remote viewing was popularized in the 1990s upon the declassification of certain documents related to the Stargate Project, a $20 million research program that had started in 1975 and was sponsored by the U.S. government, in an attempt to determine any potential military application of psychic phenomena.”8



Joseph McMoneagle

Joseph McMoneagle (1946-present) is a retired U.S. Army NCO and Chief Warrant Officer.

He is also the most recognized remote viewer from the Stargate program.

The U.S. government admitted 99% success with the best remote viewers.

McMoneagle stated the military remote viewing program was ended partly due to stigma.  He said, “Everybody wanted to use it, but nobody wanted to be caught dead standing next to it.  There’s an automatic ridicule factor.  ‘Oh, yeah, psychics.’  Anybody associated with it could kiss their career goodbye.”9



Dr. Dean Radin

Dr. Dean Radin (1952-present) is a researcher and parapsychologist who conducted research at Princeton University, GTE Laboratories, University of Edinburgh, SRI International, and Interval Research Corporation.

In 1997 Dr. Radin wired up volunteers to physiological monitors to record changes in skin conductance, heart rate and blood pressure.

A computer displayed random images of tranquil scenes or shocking and arousing scenes.

The study showing a distinct and strong peak in the emotional response several seconds before the stimulating, randomly selected image is shown.

Radin discovered that his subjects were anticipating what they were about to see, registering physiological responses before they’d seen the photo.

Radin discovered a far higher foreboding with the erotic than with the violent.

Three seconds before the image is shown, a definite pre-cognitive response occurs.  The body is wired this way, so the body can be ready for “fight or flight”.

“Fight or flight” does not occur in linear time.  If something shocking will occur, the body responds before it happens, allowing the body to prepare itself to react appropriately.

Dr. Radin had some of the first laboratory proof that our bodies unconsciously anticipate and act out our own future emotional states.

It has been repeatedly shown that we have pre-cognitive responses to our environment.

It also suggested that the ‘nervous system is not just “reacting” to a future shock, but is also working out the emotional meaning of it’.



Hal Puthoff’s Theory about Dr. Radin’s Results

The following is sourced from Lynn McTaggart’s book The Field.


Option 1: A vision of a deterministic universe, where everything that was ever going to happen had already occurred.


Option 2: Precognition through the: Wheeler-Feynman Absorber Theory.

This theory says that a wave can travel backward in time from the future to arrive at its source.


What happens between two electrons is this:

When one electron jiggles a bit, it sends out radiating waves into both the past and the future.

The future wave, say, would hit a future particle, which would also wiggle, while sending out its own advanced and retarded waves.

The two sets of waves from these two electrons cancel out, except in the region between them.

The end result of a wave from the first traveling backward and the wave from the second traveling forward is an instantaneous connection.

Radin speculated, it could be that, on a quantum level, we are sending out waves to meet our own future.


Option 3: Everything in the future already exists at some bottom-rung level in the realm of pure potential.

In this case, seeing into the future or past helps shape it and bring it into being.

Information transfer via subatomic waves doesn’t exist in time or space, but is spread out and ever-present.

Past and present are blurred into one vast ‘here and now’.  Your brain picks up signals from past or future.

Our future already exists in some nebulous state that we may begin to actualize in the present.


Option 3 most closely resembles what we discuss in Cosmic Core, although Option 2 plays a role on the quantum level.



Global Consciousness Project – Dr. Dean Radin

For the Global Consciousness Project 37 computers around the world were constantly generating random numbers.  This depends on how smoothly electricity flows through a computer chip.

“Randomness” of numbers can be accurately measured.  There are patterns that appear in random number generation.  The computer cannot ever be 100% random.  If a predictable fluctuation in the electrical current starts occurring, the pulsation will establish a non-randomness in the numbers.

What can pause subtle fluctuations in an electrical current? Dr. Radin found it to be Global consciousness!

When major events happen in the world that cause many people’s attention to become focused, there is a spontaneous decrease in the randomness of the numbers generated.

Less randomness = more organization = patterns of an organized structure (coherence).



Human Group-Mind effects on computer circuits – Dr. Dean Radin

For this experiment a group of people gathered in a room and focused their attention on one thing.

A computer in the room continually generated random numbers.

A substantial decrease in randomness occurred as the focus of the group increased.

We are accustomed to believe we do not have an effect on our environment.

The focus creates coherence – it creates an energy field – a torsion field of Aether.  Torsion means the spin of gravity.  The coherence affects EM energy and begins to create patterns.

The O.J. Simpson experiment:  When many minds are focused on the same thing, in this case the OJ Simpson trial, random number generators were affected and began behaving unusually.  Their so-called “random” independent outputs behaved as if they were coupled together.  The graph showed the odds against such behavior occurring naturally.  It became most unusual at times of peak interest.



Dr. Dean Radin – 9/11

The last experiment we will discuss in this article was Dr. Radin’s experiment involving 9/11.

Two days after the graph starts uptrending the attacks occur.

Before the uptrend it was downtrending – randomness smoothed out since people were at peace and feeling calm.  They were not interfering with the EM currents.  When the attacks occurred, this changed.

After the 2nd collapse (about 30 min after), a huge uptick occurred as people began to freak out at the implications or as more people tuned in on TV to what was happening.

Computers closer to New York had more of an effect.  This can be scientifically measured on the graph.

On September 14, a TV spectacular with celebrities and a silent prayer for peace for three minutes occurred.  Everyone’s minds went into coherence, and it showed on the graph.

These effects work for the negative and positive equally well.




We have explored many scientific studies that seek to prove that human consciousness has some kind of an effect on its environment.

As is to be expected, skeptics of psychic phenomena, precognition, and clairvoyance have sought to discredit these experiments and their methods.  It is easy enough to find their arguments and dismissals of certain experiments online if desired.


It is perfectly reasonable to believe that some psychic experiments had flawed methodology, but it is totally unreasonable to dismiss all psychic phenomena out of hand just because it isn’t fully understood.

There have been too many instances (throughout all of history) of precognition, psychic communication, out-of-body experiences and the like to pretend they don’t exist or to ridicule anyone trying to understand them more fully.

The problem is that by its very nature consciousness is extremely hard to measure and experiment upon in a strictly closed-system scientific fashion.

Nevertheless, we must try.


The point is that human consciousness has a profound effect on its environment, on matter and on events.  The more people are focused on the same thing, the more powerful the effect is.  The tricky aspect is how important belief is in this discussion.

It is our thoughts, expectations and beliefs that create our reality.  If we do not believe psychic phenomena is possible, we are unlikely to perceive evidence of it.  If, on the other hand, we do believe it, we are far more likely to experience and understand it.

Of course, whether or not we believe it, these experiences do happen.  So how are they to be explained with science?  Cosmic Core addresses these exact questions throughout its series of articles.


Consciousness is a tricky subject, as it is so nebulous and difficult to pin down.  This means the scientific community should be doing more experimentation to understand it, not less.  These are valid effects and they do not need to be ridiculed just because they are misunderstood.  That is a foolish and immature stance for any human to take, on any important topic, especially one as vastly important as consciousness and the Mind itself.


Let us end with a quote from John Michell, from The Dimensions of Paradise, which first appeared in Article 80:

“A cosmology in the present sense is an overall view of the world as formed by individuals and by societies as a whole.  Everyone has a personal cosmology, compiled from his or her experiences, prejudices, conclusions, beliefs, and wishes, certain features of which are held more or less in common by people of the same culture.  The common features in the cosmologies of individuals constitute, and also reflect, the accepted worldview of their societies…

“Because it shapes the reality he is accustomed to, a person’s cosmology becomes his most precious and jealously guarded possession.  It is a commonplace of psychoanalysis, confirmed by everyday experience, that people tend to ignore or angrily reject unfamiliar ideas that have no place in their mental cosmologies.  Similarly with societies, unorthodox views and observations that run counter to the established cosmology are not gladly received and may well be suppressed…For a cosmology to be successful and lasting, it needs to be inclusive, capable of reflecting every possible type of human experience, physical, mental, and those that lie in between.”


  1. Roberts, Jane, The Magical Approach (A Seth Book), Amber-Allen Publishing, 1995
  2. McTaggart, Lynn, The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe, Harper Perennial, 2008
  4. Mind Over Matter, Wired, 1 April 1995,
  5. Schlitz, Marilyn and Nomi Shmerling, William Braud,
  7. Roberts, Jane, Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, Amber-Allen Publishing, 1972


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