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We will now discuss the nonagon and yet more nines.


Nonagon – 1260º

Interior angle = 40º

Each exterior angle = 140º

Sum of angles = 1260º



Area of a Nonagon

A = (9a2)/4 x cot(180º/9)                    where a = side length



Constructing the Nonagon

Like the heptagon, a precise version is impossible to construct with the geometer’s tools.  A version can be approximated.

Reference Construction Lesson #77: Nonagons & Nonagrams



Numbering the 9 points around a circle with 9 at the top and moving clockwise:

Keith Critchlow writes, “We can make a linear path around the nine points by missing ever other point and traveling in the following sequence: 9, 2, 4, 6, 8, 1, 3, 5, 7 and back to 9.  This results in a ‘blunt’ nine-pointed star (in red).  If we miss two points in the sequence we do not get a continuous flow, but rather three intersecting equilateral triangles (in blue).  The fourth version becomes the most interesting because it contains all the other versions with itself (in green).  This star is created by following the sequence: 9, 4, 8, 3, 7, 2, 6, 1, 5, 9.”

Here they are singly:



Nine-fold Division of a Circle

A 2/9 80º rhomb can be used as a template for the ninefold division of a circle.

This is seen in the Bronze Age Bush Barrow gold breastplates uncovered near Stonehenge.

If the rhomb is placed on a circle with the 80º angle at the center if would divide the circle exactly into two ninths.

See Time Stands Still by Keith Critchlow for more details.



Three that are Nine

Using three equally sized interlocking circles arranged along a vertical axis (see pg. 86 Time Stands Still)

Keith Critchlow writes, “It can be seen that the three becomes nine if each realm is described in terms of its relationship to each other:

  • earth relates to itself, mankind and heaven, its source;
  • mankind takes the central role of linking heaven, the source and archetypal world, to both itself and the earth;
  • heaven is self-sufficient but also relates to its two major creations, mankind and earth.

Hence the three are essentially nine by reflection.”




The Vesica Piscis as the ‘Form Generator’ & the Nine Interlocking Circles

Reference Construction Lesson #10: The Vesica & Nine Interlocking Circles.

Four interlocking circles atop five interlocking circles creates a series of Vesica Piscis from which the regular polygons emerge.  Credit: Bruce Lyons


The succession of polygons as they arise out of the scission of unity.

As unity, the circle, self-divides, its center becomes the duality of points A and B.

The line AB unfolds into the equilateral triangle.


“All things being dual by nature are 3 by principle.”


The equilateral triangle unfolds outwards to:

  • define the sides of the square (4)
  • the pentagon (5)
  • the hexagon (6)
  • the octagon (8)
  • the decagon (10)
  • the dodecagon (12)


The vesica represents the seed.

From its germination arises the 7 circles (the root)

and the polygons (the germ, giving rise to branches).

Credit: Bruce Lyons


Lawlor writes, “The 3 contained within the Vesica Piscis is the formative power giving rise to the polygonal ‘world’.”



The Platonic Solids & the Nine Concentric Circles – “The Circles of Form”

See page 107 in Robert Lawlor’s Sacred Geometry: Philosophy & Practice

He writes, “In this demonstration the regular polyhedra are determined by nine concentric circles whose pattern gives all the necessary information for the construction of these forms.  Each volume is in a simple harmonic relationship to the others, and it is the same transcendental function, √2, √φ, and φ that make up these patterns of relationships.  As in the previous drawing, all the volumes emerges simultaneously.  But in this case if one of the concentric circles is removed then the pattern cannot yield the remaining volumes.  This is an image of the great Buddhist idea of the co-dependent origination of the archetypal principles of creation.”


These nine circles can also be seen as the form of nucleus and atom.  Robert Lawlor explains in Homage to Pythagoras: “The two [innermost] circles mark the end of one octave of form-genesis and the beginning of a second.  These two circles being the coinciding of beginning and end become analogous to the nucleus or seed, thereby leaving us with seven circles surrounding a dualized nucleus as is imaged by the structure of the atom.

The inner circle and intercircle of the innermost form, the octahedron, represent the reappearance of the icosahedron, and thus the overlapping of the beginning and ending of the cycle.  In nature this coincidence of beginning and ending is the seed or nucleus.  The nucleus is the perfect continuance of polarity: the androgyne.  It is root/germ, neutron/proton, etc.  Therefore the Circles of Form are analogous to a nucleus sustaining a seven-fold orbital field of polarized interactivity.  This is the same basic cosmological model as that of the Kabala, both Greek and Hebrew, and it is also found in Hindu and other cultures.  It is also central organizational pattern of light and sound differentiation: the atom and the solar system.  Thus traditional cosmological unifying models can be associated with the generation of volumes.”

Lawlor continues: “The seven circles can be metaphorically linked with the seven colors.  Just as each frequency level of light evokes a new quality (color) so each concentric circle in turn evokes a new quality or genus of form/organization, or a new electron orb evokes a new family of substance in the Periodic Table.  All the circles are co-dependent: the loss of one dissolves the entire encodement.  The inner black circle with the floating white circle represents the continence of the nucleus, yet still having its polarity in potential.

Substance and light are of the same electromagnetic energy; they are fields of force whose movement/form is detectable as wave phenomena.  Substance varies from radiated light in that it has been organized into relatively stable geometric vortices by the three primary principles of organization, the protonic, the neutronic and the electronic: the movement towards centrality, centrality and the movement away from centrality.  The varying proportions of these three powers determine the geometry of the substance.”

The above paragraph explains that the structure of the atom itself is a torus.  It consists of three principles: the movement towards centrality, centrality and the movement away from centrality.  These combined movements form the atom.


Charlie Ziese, founder of the Pyramid Science Foundation has recently (as of 2020) discovered many more amazing properties found within this diagram of Lawlor’s nine “Circles of Form.” See Article 75B for this information.


The Enneagram

The Enneagram in this context was introduced by the mystic, philosopher, and composer Georges Gurdjieff (1860’s?-1949).  He claimed to have learned it in a monastery in Central Asia.

“It is the greatest mistake, to think that man is always one and the same.  A man is never the same for long.  He is continually changing.  He seldom remains the same even for half and hour.” ~ Gurdjieff


It is a way of looking at whole events with hidden inner connections that weaves the principles of the Monad, Triad and Heptad into one diagram.

The Monad represents the cycle of the whole process (the outer circle).

The Triad provides structure and balance (the red triangle).

The Heptad guides the process but is devoid of balanced polarity (the green lines & top point).

The Enneagram binds them together (red & green).

The inner lines can help us to think ahead at any time.

“You can apply the structure of the enneagram to any cyclic whole event in your lie if you can determine its inner Triad and the intervening stages that make the process a cycle.  The Triad and Heptad are complements, each containing what the other is missing and comprehended in the nine-stage whole of the ennead.”1




The Enneagram as a Model of Personality Types2

Type Characteristic Role Ego fixation Holy idea Basic fear Basic desire Temptation Vice/ Passion Virtue
1 Reformer resentment perfection Corruptness


being bad

Goodness, integrity, balance Hypocrisy, hypercriticism anger serenity
2 Helper flattery Freedom, will Being unloved To feel love Deny own needs, manipulation pride humility
3 Achiever vanity Hope, law worthlessness To feel valuable Pushing self to always be ‘the best’ deceit Truthfulness authenticity
4 Individualist melancholy origin Having no identity or significance To be uniquely themselves To overuse imagination in search of self envy Equanimity, emotional balance
5 Investigator stinginess Omniscience





Mastery, understanding Replacing direct experience with concepts avarice non-attachment
6 Loyalist cowardice faith Being without support or guidance To have support and guidance Indecision, doubt, seeking reassurance fear courage
7 Enthusiast planning Wisdom, plan Being trapped in pain and deprivation To be satisfied and content Thinking fulfillment is somewhere else gluttony sobriety
8 Challenger vengeance truth Being harmed, controlled, violated self-protection Thinking they are completely self-sufficient lust innocence
9 Peacemaker indolence Love

Loss, fragmentation


Wholeness, peace of mind Avoiding conflicts, avoiding self-assertion sloth action




Sri Yantra – Nine Interlocking Triangles

A “Yantra” is the process of associating concepts to symmetry, form and number.  These geometries occur in the inter-relationships of cycles of time and carry with them similar meaning and effects as they do in the realm of space.

The Nine Yantras


The Sri Yanta is the most revered of all Tantric diagrams.  It is called the “Mother of All Yantras”.  It is considered the ‘abode’ of Supreme Knowledge.  It is a very ancient symbol with an unknown origin.

It images all the necessary functions active in the universe through its nine interlocked triangles.  It is drawn from nine triangles, four pointed upward and five pointed downward, thus forming 42 (6 x7) triangular fragments around a central triangle.

The Sri Yantra – “Mother of all Yantras”


Robert Lawlor says, “There is probably no other set of triangles which interlock with such integrational perfection.  To immerse oneself in such a geometric diagram is to enter into a kind of philosophic contemplation.”


The yantra represents the primordial sound of AUM.

It can represent a place or process of spiritual pilgrimage.

It can also represent the cosmos – micro and macro.


The nine-interlocking triangles surrounded by two circles of lotus petals encased in the ‘earth citadel’.

The interlocking triangles are in perfect distance from each subsequent set of triangles based on the ratio of 3.14 (pi).


The Elements of the yantra include:

  • Center point (bindu) – unity, the origin, principle of manifestation and release of supreme consciousness
  • Circle – extension of the point – creation of individualized consciousness out of cosmic consciousness
  • Triangle – principle of movement; harmony, balance
  • Square – material needs – stability, solidity and contentment. This contains a line with 36 right angles.
  • Lotus petals – eightfold manifested energy – earth, fire, water, air, ether, mind, intellect, ego
  • Concentric circles – three gunas – satwa – harmony, rajas – action, tamas- inertia


See for more info:


Other Yantra symbolism includes:

The star hexagon – symbolizes the male and female triangular forces is coitus.  The female descends into the spirit of matter, and unites with the male as the ascending matter into spirit.

The inverted triangle within the triangle – when repeated three times symbolizes “andogyne” or the Yantra “that removes all desires”.

The Precarious Triangles – represents the concluding phase of the Yuga system where the cycles of time cease to exist as creative movement and union.

The Upright Single Triangle – represents male-hierarchy.  Robert Lawlor comments, “This contrivance of hierarchical power and governance by an elite over the masses is dependent upon urbanization into cities, nations and empires.  The concept of hierarchical rule was brought to Earth by inter-planetary invaders; hierarchy is antithetical to most indigenous societies.  These invaders genetically modified factions of humans as lineages of surrogate rulers who preside over militarized and enslaved masses.  It is urbanization by the male hierarchy that is the provocateur of the “religions” of mass control, slavery, scientific and technological dictatorship, war, plagues and environmental degradation.”



The Isotropic Vector Matrix (IVM) and the Sri Yantra

If you look at a 3D IVM (pictured below) from the North Pole downwards towards the South Pole you will see the 9 interlocking triangles of the Sri Yantra.

An image of the IVM.  Looking down from the North Pole reveals the triangles of the Sri Yantra.

This beautifully combines an ancient spiritual lineage with a modern scientific one.


Reference Construction Lesson #78: Constructing the Sri Yantra.



  1. Schneider, Michael, A Beginner’s Guide to Constructing the Universe, Harper Perennial, 1994
  3. ibid.

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