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In this article we will continue to discuss the idea of evolution in regards to early humanity on this planet.

Early men and women were considered “Ancient Dreamers” as they were learning how to individualize their own consciousness from unity consciousness.  They were gradually waking from the ‘dream state’ which refers to the unified consciousness before the veil was put up between the conscious and unconscious mind, and they were learning to operate in physical reality.

These concepts are fascinating and may be new to many people, but they explain how humankind evolved in a universe and on a planet where consciousness is the creator of physical reality and not the other way around.

This evolution from the metaphysical to the physical happened gradually.  This concept is related to the fascinating subject of ‘the evolution of consciousnesses’.  In the near future we will devote several articles to this topic alone.  The concepts expressed in this article and the next two are introductions to this field of study of the evolution of consciousness.



The Development of Humankind & Dreaming

“I want to stress that the first basis of physical life was largely subjective, and that the state of dreaming not only helped shape the consciousness of your species, but also in those terms served to provide a steady source of information to man about his physical environment, and served as an inner web of communication among all species.

What you now think of as the dream state was the waking one, for it was still the recognized form of purposeful activity, creativity, and power.

In the beginning, man’s dreams were in certain terms of immediate physical survival.

They gave man information—a kind that of necessity the new physical senses could not contain.

The dream state continues to be a connection between the two realities, and as a species you literally learned to walk by first being sleepwalkers.

You walked in your sleep. You dreamed your languages.

You spoke in your dreams and later wrote down the alphabets—and your knowledge and your intellect have always been fired, sharpened, propelled by the great inner reality from which your minds emerged.

Physical matter by itself could never produce consciousness.”1



Dreams & Ancient Dreamers of Creation

“In a manner of speaking, it is true to say that the universe was created in the same fashion that your own thoughts and dreams happen: spontaneously and yet with a built-in amazing order, and an inner organization.

You think your thoughts and you dream your dreams without any clear knowledge of the incredible processes involved therein, yet those processes are the very ones that are behind the existence of the universe itself.

Also, in a manner of speaking, you are yourselves the ancient dreamers who dreamed your world into being.

You are not passive, fleeting dreamers, lost in some divine mind, but you are the unique creative manifestations of a divine intelligence whose creativity is responsible for all realities, which are themselves endowed with creative abilities of their own, with the potential and desire for fulfillment, inheritors of the divine processes themselves.”2



The Ancient Dream World & Survival

“In your terms of time we will speak of a beginning, and in that beginning it was early man’s dreams that allowed him to cope with physical reality.

As we said, in the beginning, man’s dreams were in certain terms of immediate physical survival.  They gave man information—a kind that of necessity the new physical senses could not contain.

The dream world was his original learning ground.

In times of drought he would dream of the location of water.

In times of famine he would dream of the location of food.

That is, his dreaming allowed him to clairvoyantly view the body of land.

He would not waste time in the trial-and-error procedures that you now take for granted.

In dreams his consciousness operated as a wave.

In those early times all species shared their dreams in a way that is now quite unconscious for your kind, so that in dreams man inquired of the animals also— long before he learned to follow the animal tracks, for example.

Where is there food or water? What is the lay of the land?

Man explored the planet because his dreams told him that the land was there.

People were not nearly as isolated as it now appears, for in their dreams early men communicated their various locations, the symbols of their cultures and understanding, the nature of their arts.

All of the inventions that you often think now happened quite by chance—the discovery of anything from the first tool to the importance of fire, or the coming of the Iron Age or whatever—all of that inventiveness was the result of the inspiration and communication of the dream world.

Man dreamed his world and then created it, and the units of consciousness first dreamed man and all of the other species that you know.”3



Ancient Sleepwalkers

“While you and all of the other species were what I have called sleepwalkers, your bodies by then were physically capable.

In a manner of speaking, you did not know how to use them properly as yet.

Now, from a waking state, you do not understand how your dream bodies can seem to fly through the air, defy space and even time, converse with strangers and so forth.

In the same way, however, once you had to learn to deal with gravity, to deal with space and time, to manipulate in a world of objects, to simply breathe, to digest your food, and to perform all of the biological manipulations that now you take for granted.

You could not afford to identify too completely with such bodies until you learned how to survive within them, so in the dream state the true processes of life began as these new bodies and earth-tuned consciousnesses saw themselves mentally exercising all portions of the body.

There is no place where consciousness stops and the environment begins, or vice versa.

Each form of life is created along with each other form—environment and organism in those terms creating each other.

After forms were fully physical, however, all species operated as sleepwalkers for many centuries, though on the scale that existed then the passage of time was not considered in the same fashion.

During that period the work of wedding nonphysical consciousness to matter was accomplished.

Effects of gravity, for example, were stabilized.

The seasons took on the rhythms best suited to the creatures in various locations.

The environment and the creatures accommodated each other.

Dream bodies became physical, and through the use of the senses tuned to physical frequencies—frequencies of such power and allure that they would reach all creatures of every kind, from microbe to elephant, holding them together in a cohesive web of space-and-time alignment.”4



The Ancient Dreamers

“For what would seem to you to be eons, according to your time scale, men were in the dreaming state far more than they were in the waking one.

They slept long hours, as did the animals—awakening, so to speak, to exercise their bodies, obtain sustenance, and, later, to mate.

It was indeed a dreamlike world, but a highly charming and vital one, in which dreaming imaginations played rambunctiously with all the probabilities entailed in this new venture.

These ancient dreams were shared to some extent by each consciousness that was embarked upon the earthly venture, so that creatures and environment together formed great environmental realities.

Valleys and mountains, and their inhabitants, together dreamed themselves into being and coexistence.”5




The Ancient Dreamers & Consciousness

“In ways almost impossible to describe, the ground rules were not as yet firmly established.

Gravity itself did not carry its all-pervasive sway, so that the air was more buoyant.

Man was aware of its support in a luxurious, intimate fashion.

He was aware of himself in a different way, so that, for example, his identification with the self did not stop where his skin stopped: He could follow it outward into the space about his form, and feel it merge with the atmosphere with a primal sense experience that you have forgotten.

During this period, incidentally, mental activity of the highest, most original variety was the strongest dream characteristic, and the knowledge [man] gained was imprinted upon the physical brain: what is now completely unconscious activity involving the functions of the body, its relationship with the environment, its balance and temperature, its constant inner alterations.

All of these highly intricate activities were learned and practiced in the dream state as the Consciousness Units (CU’s) translated their inner knowledge through the state of dreaming into the physical form.

Then in your terms man began, with the other species, to waken more fully into the physical world, to develop the exterior senses, to intersect delicately and precisely with space and time.”6



The Ancient Dreamers & Language

“The need for language arose as man became less a dreamer and more immersed in the specifics of space and time, for in the dream state his communications with his fellows and other species was instantaneous.

Language arose to take the place of that inner communication, then.

There is a great underlying unity in all of man’s so-called early cultures — cave drawings and religions — because they were all fed by that common source, as man tried to transpose inner knowledge into physical actuality.

The body learned to maintain its stability, its strength and agility, to achieve a state of balance in complementary response to the weather and elements, to dream computations that the conscious mind alone could not hold.

Humanity is born with an inbuilt propensity for language, and for the communication of symbols through pictures and writing.

He spoke first in an automatic fashion that began in his dreams.

In a fashion, you could almost say that he used language before he consciously understood it.

It is not just that he learned by doing, but that the doing did the teaching.

You might almost say—almost—that he used the language “despite himself.”

Therefore, it possessed an almost magical quality, and the “word” was seen as coming directly from God.”7



The Dream Consciousness Focusing into a Physically Attuned Consciousness

“So far in our discussion, then, we have an inner self, dwelling primarily in a mental or psychic dimension, dreaming itself into physical form, and finally forming a body consciousness.

To that body consciousness the inner self gives “its own body of physical knowledge,” the vast reservoir of physical achievement that it has triumphantly produced.

The best analogy I can think of is that up to that time the self was like a psychological rubber band, snapping inward and outward with great force and vitality, but without any kind of rigid-enough psychological framework to maintain a physical stance.

The inner self still related to dream reality, while the body’s orientation and the body consciousness attained, as was intended, a great sense of physical adventure, curiosity, speculation, wonder—and so once again the inner self put a portion of its consciousness in a different parcel, so to speak.

As once it had formed the body consciousness, now it formed a physically attuned consciousness, a self whose desires and intents would be oriented in a way that, alone, the inner self could not be.”8



Dream Bodies

“While men had their dream bodies alone they enjoyed a remarkable freedom, of course, for those bodies did not have to be fed or clothed.

They did not have to operate under the law of gravity.

Men could wander as they wished about the landscape.

They did not yet identify themselves to any great degree as being themselves separate from either the environment or other creatures.

They knew themselves to be themselves, but their identities were not as closely allied with their forms as is now the case.

Man’s dream body is still with him, of course, but the physical body now obscures it.

The dream body does not die.

It exists before and after physical death.


In their dream bodies men had watched the spectacle of animals “killing” other animals, and they saw the animals’ dream bodies emerge unscathed.

[Men] saw that there must be an exchange of physical energy for the world to continue.

They watched the drama of the “hunter” and the “prey,” seeing that each animal contributed so that the physical form of the earth could continue—but the rabbit eaten by the wolf survived in a dream body that men knew was its true form.”9



The Awakening into Physical Reality

“The dream world was bound to waken, however, for that was the course it had set itself upon.

This awakening again, happened spontaneously, and yet with its own order.

In the terms of this discussion the other creatures of the earth actually awakened before man did, and relatively speaking, their dream bodies formed themselves into physical ones before mans’ did.

The animals became physically effective, therefore, while to some degree man still lingered in that dream reality.”10



The Garden of Eden Legend and the Awakening into Physical Reality

“The Garden of Eden legend represents a distorted version of man’s awakening as a physical creature.

He becomes fully operational in his physical body, and while awake can only sense the dream body that had earlier been so real to him.

He now encounters his experience from within a body that must be fed, clothed, protected from the elements—a body that is subject to gravity and to earth’s laws.

On the one hand, man did indeed feel that he had fallen from a high estate, because he remembered that earlier freedom of the dream reality—a reality in which the other creatures were still to some degree immersed.

Man’s mind, incidentally, at that point had all the abilities that you now assign to it: the great capacity for contrast of imagination and intellect, the drive for objectivity and for subjectivity, the full capacity for the development of language—a keen mind that was as brilliant in any caveman, say, as it is in any man on a modern street.

But if man felt suddenly alone and isolated, he was immediately struck by the grand variety of the world and its creatures.

Each creature apart from himself was a new mystery.

He was enchanted also by his own subjective reality, the body in which he found himself, and by the differences between himself and others like him, and the other creatures.

He instantly began to explore, to categorize, to point out and to name the other creatures of the earth as they came to his attention.

In a fashion, it was a great creative and yet cosmic game that consciousness played with itself and it did represent a new kind of awareness, but I want to emphasize that each version of All-That-Is is unique.”11



The Awakening Resulting in Feelings of Separation

“When man “awakened” in his physical body, however, and specialized in the use of its senses, he no longer perceived the released dream body of the slain animal running away, still cavorting on the hillside.

At the time of this awakening man did experience, then, some sense of separation from his dream body, and from his own inner reality—the world of his dreams —but he was still far more aware of that subjective existence than you are now.

The practical nature of his own dreams was also more apparent, for again, his dreams sent him precise visions as to where food might be located, for example, and for some centuries there were human migrations of a kind that now you see the geese make.

He began to think of his inner ego almost as if it were a stranger to himself.

It became his version of the soul, and there seemed to be a duality—a self who acted in the physical universe, and a separate spirit-like soul that acted in an immaterial world.”12



The Awakening Leading to Ideas of Good vs. Evil

“He became more and more aware of his physical senses as he awakened, however: Some things were definitely pleasant and some were not.

Some stimuli were to be sought out, and others avoided, and so over a period of time he translated the pleasant and the unpleasant into rough versions of good and evil.

Basically, what made him feel good was good.

He was gifted with strong clear instincts that were meant to lead him toward his own greatest development, to his own greatest fulfillment, in such a way that he also helped to bring about the highest potentials of all of the other species of consciousness.”13



Early Awakening Humanity & Snakes

“This early man (and early woman) regarded the snake as the most sacred and basic, most secretive and most knowledgeable of all creatures.

In that early experience it seemed, surely, that the snake was a living portion of the earth, rising from the bowels of the earth, rising from the hidden source of all earth gods.

Men watched snakes emerge from their holes with wonder.

The snake was then—in your terms, now—both a feminine and masculine symbol.

It seemed to come from the womb of the earth, and to possess the earth’s secret wisdom.

Yet also, in its extended form particularly, it was the symbol of the penis.

It was important also in that it shed its skin, as man innately knew he shed his own bodies.”14



The Birth of the Ego from the Inner Self

It is the self that looks outward.

It is the self that you call egotistically aware.

The inner self became what I refer to as the inner ego.  (See Article 148)

It looks into that inner reality, that psychic dimension of awareness from which both your own consciousness and your body consciousness emerged.

The inner self represents your prime identity, the self you really are.”15



The Attraction to Physical Life from the Inner Reality

“The fact is, you are physical creatures because you do like to live on earth, you do like the conditions, you do enjoy overall the particular kind of challenge and the particular kind of perception, knowledge and understanding that the earthly environment provides.

The life of the body provides you, among all things, with a life of sensation, of feeling, a spectrum that must include the experience of all possible sensations within its overall range.

Those attracted to physical life are first and foremost tasters of sensation.

The body maintains its equilibrium by reacting against gravity, by coming in contact with other bodies, by changing its own sensations, by glorifying in the balance between balance and off-balance.

The body consciousness is therefore given a superb sense of its own reality, a sureness of identity, a sense of innate safety and security, that allows it to not only function but to grow in the physical world.

It is endowed with a sense of boldness, daring, and a sense of natural power.

It is perfectly formed to fit into its environment —and the environment is perfectly formed to have such creatures.”16




In this article we are beginning to explore a very different view of the beginning of humanity than what either Darwin or the mainstream translations of the Bible tell.  These are the beginnings of a humanity birthed from consciousness – from the ‘Dream World’ of unified consciousness.  They evolved perfectly alongside their environment and each other species.  They were originally aware of their connection to all in life, and this awareness – as they woke up in physical reality – gradually faded, even though the connection remained.

This Dream World source also explains how so many common elements have been found

among widely distributed early cultures – such as art, religion and language.

In the next article we will continue our discussion of early humanity.  Early humans were not the dense, stupid caveman types we often stereotype them to be.  They had just as brilliant minds as modern man does today, even if they differed in their perceptions and experiences.

The next article will specifically speak to gender stereotyping of early man that has tainted our perception of men and women up to this very day.  The genders were not specialized as many often like to think.  They shared in all activates except actual childbirth.  This includes hunting, food gathering, caring for children, building shelters, making clothes and so forth.

The deeply ingrained gender stereotypes of early humanity and modern humanity are nothing more than harmful and false theories.  When we learn to expand our understanding of early humanity we will be able to expand our understanding of modern humanity as well and we will see there are no false divisions and therefore no need for ignorant and arrogant stereotyping of genders.


  1. Roberts, Jane, Dreams, Evolution and Value Fulfillment, Amber-Allen Publishing, 1986
  2. ibid.
  3. ibid.
  4. ibid.
  5. ibid.
  6. ibid.
  7. ibid.
  8. ibid.
  9. ibid.
  10. ibid.
  11. ibid.
  12. ibid.
  13. ibid.
  14. ibid.
  15. ibid.
  16. ibid.

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